1 * Joe_CoT has changed the topic to: IRC meeting NOW. If you're not here, you get 2 demerits
2 <RickHahn13> if it werent for the occasional accident i doubt most of us wouldnt be here
3 <Joe_CoT> /anyway/....
4 <RickHahn13> sorry
5 <Joe_CoT> okay, so i think this is most of the people that were at the regional meetings. hi
6 <joincamp> hi
7 <gQuig1> hello
8 <undertherift> hi
9 * Joe_CoT pokes Grarg
10 <Joe_CoT> ok, things that went on at the meetings: people talked about how annoying Xorg configuration was, we thought a linux LAN party was a good idea, and TCF is April 28th-29th
11 <Joe_CoT> TCF + linux lan = 2 events. we need to think of another good one
12 <FrostyColdDrink> helpdesk?
13 <gQuig1> elaborate...
14 <FrostyColdDrink> workshop, apple genius bar style
15 <Joe_CoT> we can do a installfest/helpfest, but it needs to be promoted, heavily
16 <undertherift> How about a presentation at a library or elementary school?
17 <joincamp> and we fix people's xp problems?
18 <gQuig1> by installing ubuntu
19 <joincamp> there it is
20 <FrostyColdDrink> heh there we go :)
21 <Joe_CoT> it's not as simple as that, and that's the problem. Feisty will help with that
22 <undertherift> A helpdesk is nice - but people have to have it to get help... if they don't have ubuntu, why would they need help?
23 <FrostyColdDrink> well thats why its not going to be the first thing to do :)
24 <Joe_CoT> we wouldn't just have a helpdesk. it'd be an installfest. I think having a helpdesk/installfest every month or so would be a really good idea
25 <undertherift> so as a follow up to an installfest?
26 <FrostyColdDrink> apple is getting a lot of peopel to swich partially becasue they can stop in and get help, one on one and in workshops
27 <FrostyColdDrink> it woudl be nice to offer than after some other events
28 <joincamp> lets do it
29 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah!
30 <undertherift> I think once a month is pretty ambitious, especially initially.
31 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah, quarterly may be good
32 <Joe_CoT> I'd like to get the first 3 done quickly.
33 <Joe_CoT> So we wouldn't have an event before tcf, but we should be planning and getting prepared for ones
34 <gQuig1> I wouldn't, I want them to be done well
35 <joincamp> i doubt people would be showing up in droves, so it wouldnt be all that bad to do a few
36 <FrostyColdDrink> well a couple weeks after the install fest we could workshop, then set up quartlerly after that if we think its good
37 <gQuig1> I think we might want to start out with a presentation, before an installfest, to gather support for it
38 <gQuig1> install fests might get more people out for the loco team, they generally don't get the average joe out to em
39 <Joe_CoT> qQuig1: I'm talking weeks, not days. in my mind, the order would go: tcf, installfest, lan. tcf and the installfest won't talk a whole lot of planning. the installfest needs promoting, and the lan needs a lot of preparing
40 <FrostyColdDrink> i dont think it needs to be said but cordinatign any event, particuarly an install fest with LUGs would be a nice bon, so long as its an ubuntu events :)
41 <Joe_CoT> gQuig1: what do you think would get the average Joe out?
42 <FrostyColdDrink> "What your computer to just work? Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings"
43 <undertherift> Joe: Maybe a 'don't want to spend $400 on vista?' Check this out
44 <RickHahn13> what if we set up a table in a best buy somewhere and showed off fiesty?
45 <FrostyColdDrink> they would never allow that
46 <Joe_CoT> i don't think setting up in a store would be good for anything but getting arrested
47 <undertherift> ok lets do it
48 <RickHahn13> well i'm just talking concept here
49 <joincamp> haha
50 <RickHahn13> somewhere where people can get face time with it
51 <RickHahn13> a college campus maybe
52 <joincamp> i work at a lab in drexel, maybe i could set up some of the lab pc's for a night
53 <undertherift> bookstore?
54 <FrostyColdDrink> campus areas, libraries, coffee joints, merchants association meetings, ...
55 <joincamp> invite people in to see what its about?
56 <Joe_CoT> is there anything that we could do, where it wouldn't be so much people going to it, but people happening upon it? those seem to work the best
57 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah, just being ther efor drive bys is cool to
58 <RickHahn13> we could distribute live cds
59 <undertherift> joe: 'happening upon it'?
60 <FrostyColdDrink> thats why we ste up on campus and libraries and such :) People will come by, probably have a few minutes to spare
61 <Joe_CoT> does a library really get that much foot traffic? (i wouldn't know, i haven't been to one for years except for chlug)
62 <undertherift> yeah definitely
63 <FrostyColdDrink> the cherry hill llibrary seems to have a good bit during meeting time
64 <joincamp> people could set up a table outside my lab and promote it, and then send them inside to see more
65 <FrostyColdDrink> we have to catch the groups going out of the computer labs for schedueld events too, you know, for extra boost
66 <FrostyColdDrink> to timing is key
67 * gQuigs (n=bryan@c-24-0-105-148.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nj
68 <Joe_CoT> how about an installfest /at/ a college campus?
69 <Joe_CoT> we can promote it with demos in public areas, and then have the installfest later.
70 <joincamp> sounds good
71 <Joe_CoT> only problem is that there's only about a month left of this school year :-/
72 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah thats cool
73 <FrostyColdDrink> youd better hurry then :)
74 <joincamp> drexel is year round ;)
75 * gQuig1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
76 <undertherift> I think that would do better in the fall
77 <Joe_CoT> most places are, but are empty in the summer.
78 <undertherift> get those young, impressionable freshmen
79 <joincamp> yeah but drexel is really year round
80 <joincamp> and not empty
81 <gQuigs> yea I know, but half of us aren't there at any given time ....
82 <Joe_CoT> yeah, but drexel's in philadelphia ;) Let's not steal all of the PA team's thunder just yet.
83 <joincamp> haha
84 <Joe_CoT> ok, how many people would be interested/able to be at tcf?
85 <gQuigs> ./
86 * FrostyColdDrink will be in LA
87 <joincamp> i think im good for it
88 <gQuigs> you giving a talk / demo there?
89 <Joe_CoT> i have to email the guy. If i haven't done so by the end of this week, come to my house and slap me
90 <FrostyColdDrink> just do it now
91 <Joe_CoT> i'm at work
92 <FrostyColdDrink> we'll wait
93 <FrostyColdDrink> you can't send e-mails?
94 <gQuigs> but you can hold an IRC meeting
95 <FrostyColdDrink> something isn't adding up here
96 <Joe_CoT> i'll email them tonight, ok?
97 <gQuigs> ok
98 <FrostyColdDrink> sure
99 <joincamp> uh huh
100 <Joe_CoT> ok. like i said, only 2 badges, but it looks like that doesn't matter past set up. I need one other badge person who can be there to set up / take down. Doesn't need to be the same person both days
101 <gQuigs> I can be there at least one day
102 <gQuigs> what's a badge
103 <gQuigs> ?
104 <Joe_CoT> "vendor" badge
105 <Joe_CoT> ie you're allowed to be at the table. during the show, doesn't matter, but it probably matters when vendors are setting up
106 <joincamp> i think i would be able to be there one day
107 <Joe_CoT> okay, i stand corrected:
108 <Joe_CoT> http://www.tcf-nj.org/web/Purchase-Advance-Tickets.html
109 <Joe_CoT> it's apparently cheaper to get a vendor badge than to get admission o.O
110 <FrostyColdDrink> it makes sense
111 <Joe_CoT> which is a bummer, so we'll need to talk about that when people know when they can come
112 <Joe_CoT> ok, so what's the first thing you guys want to do after tcf?
113 <FrostyColdDrink> installfest
114 <FrostyColdDrink> so they can participate in the lan party :)
115 <joincamp> yah
116 * gQuig1 (n=bryan@c-24-0-105-148.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nj
117 <Joe_CoT> haha. they can participate in the lan party either way. linux games are like that
118 <FrostyColdDrink> hmm but the lan party is a good dry run to get people to want to install :)
119 <Joe_CoT> if we want to do the lan party first, we need to start working on it pronto
120 * gQuigs has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
121 <FrostyColdDrink> no install fest first is better :)
122 <FrostyColdDrink> do we have a specific date for fiesty release yet?
123 <gQuig1> "When it's Done"
124 <Joe_CoT> it's supposed to be April 19th. It'll definately be before tcf, so we'll be giving it out then
125 <FrostyColdDrink> well we'd want to do the fest as soon after fiesty release as possible.
126 <FrostyColdDrink> right?
127 <FrostyColdDrink> But I won't be here :)
128 <Joe_CoT> yeah, but we wouldn't want to plan it close enough to the 19th to chance it not being out yet
129 <FrostyColdDrink> how about cinco de mayo?
130 <Joe_CoT> and there might be issues that need resolving. Edgy broke everyone's wireless cards when it first came out
131 <FrostyColdDrink> thats roughly 2 weeks
132 <undertherift> If you're gonna do it at a college, may is around finals time
133 <Joe_CoT> that could work, but is a week after tcf. i can do it, i don't know who else would, esp because of finals
134 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah no one will car the week or two before finals, through the end
135 <FrostyColdDrink> wussie college students
136 <Joe_CoT> i could do it the 12th. that's right after finals. on the 19th i'll be at pacs
137 <FrostyColdDrink> so it seems unless we do soemthing before the tcf we aren't going to get the college boon, am i right?
138 <FrostyColdDrink> yes people will be around after finals, but i know a lot of students take the summers off
139 <Joe_CoT> right, and before tcf we risk Feisty badness. I think the college thing is a good thing to remember for the fall
140 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah, so noted
141 <FrostyColdDrink> so tenetive install fest mat 12?
142 <Joe_CoT> so we'd need to think of somewhere else to have it if we wanted it in mid-may, and we'd need to find a way to get the word out
143 <FrostyColdDrink> i do have a coffee shop I can try and scam :)
144 <Joe_CoT> that's pretty far south though. that's the other problem. people won't come far and wide for an installfest
145 <joincamp> what if we put out a ad saying something to the effect of "you got the slick new computer, but lets put some life back in that old one"
146 <FrostyColdDrink> jersey sucks. Cali peeps would do it
147 <FrostyColdDrink> how much do you really want to coordinate state-wide though? I mean, you cant even get north jersey to come out :)
148 <joincamp> i know lots of people with old p3's that they dont know what to do with
149 <FrostyColdDrink> if you pick central jersey, that w ould be least pain for all, but who would come from the far north?
150 <Joe_CoT> who would come from the south?
151 <gQuig1> lol
152 <FrostyColdDrink> i would
153 <joincamp> farmers dont use computers ;)\
154 <gQuig1> we could carpool, but we aren't going to attract any other people from the south
155 <Joe_CoT> yeah. i think we'd be better picking a region for the install fest and promoting it there
156 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah, so it may be a good idea to do sattilite events, as much as that sucks ass
157 <Joe_CoT> we could have 2, a couple weeks apart
158 <Joe_CoT> but i'm only hearing 2 ppl for cherry hill talk right now, so i don't know how well that would pan out
159 <Joe_CoT> *from
160 <FrostyColdDrink> and i have to travel to get up to cherry hill too
161 <FrostyColdDrink> well your the loco team leader so its on you to work it out :)
162 <Joe_CoT> well thanks ;P
163 <gQuig1> I still like the invade a school idea :)
164 <Joe_CoT> gQuig1: me too, but i think it'll probably have to wait til the fall
165 <gQuig1> err. . I mean not the college thing, the edubuntu lab at local school thingy
166 <gQuig1> its sortof easier than an installfest
167 <FrostyColdDrink> so burlington is as far north as I'm willign to travel on my own, and it ould have to be a long affair.
168 <undertherift> I think attacking a public library is a good option too
169 <undertherift> lots of different age groups, and a lot of people loitering
170 <FrostyColdDrink> and people receptive to education, hopefully :)
171 <undertherift> right
172 <joincamp> haha
173 <undertherift> and then we 'demo' to the staff that it works
174 <Joe_CoT> well, i could definitely car pool you guys up, it's definitely easy enough for gQuig, and you're willing to drive to cherry hill as it is. but i don't think a split installfest would be that bad either. We've got some people in the south, and enough people in the north when combined with ruslug for it to work
175 <undertherift> perhaps try and get a promo session with them
176 <Joe_CoT> gQuig1: how'd things go with haddonfield/cherry hill?
177 <undertherift> I gotta jet for now, enjoy yourselves.
178 <gQuig1> cya
179 <joincamp> bye
180 <Joe_CoT> later
181 <gQuig1> yea... procrastination got me too
182 <FrostyColdDrink> later
183 <Joe_CoT> haha. it's not so much procrastination as work, school, everything
184 <Joe_CoT> okay, so it mostly looks like it's just gQuig1, FrostyColdDrink, joincamp, and I at this point. anyone else alive still?
185 <FrostyColdDrink> ping?
186 <gQuig1> pong!
187 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah but we alreadt knew you were there
188 <Joe_CoT> okay. I think that's about it for the "meeting" then. we can keep talking about stuff, but realize there's no one from north jersey on at all.
189 <FrostyColdDrink> heh. seems like you are just going to have to call some shots, and hope you can bus in eough people to make it work
190 <Joe_CoT> gQuig1: getting back to something you said earlier, i do want this stuff done right, but I'm anxious to get the 3 planned. Getting approved means canonical stops treating us like lepers
191 <Joe_CoT> FrostyColdDrink: yeah, i know. but i did that for the north jersey meeting location, and only 1 person that was outside new brunswick came.
192 <RickHahn13> i'm here... just eating
193 <FrostyColdDrink> if living in NJ has tought me anything, its that people who drive in NJ either pass through, or don't go far
194 <Joe_CoT> i think we could get people to go far for the linux lan, but that one's the most important to me as far as planning it very well
195 <gQuig1> agreed, but I know ppl that would travel pretty far for LAN party
196 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah, network capacity is easy, but power reqiirements are tough
197 <Joe_CoT> ruslug guaranteed me a location. they're friends with a gaming league in new brunswick. that's space + power + parking
198 <gQuig1> sweet
199 <Joe_CoT> yeah
200 <RickHahn13> i'm in
201 <Joe_CoT> the lan needs a lot of planning, though. i'm anxious to plan the event that's going to come after tcf, so we can start planning the lan
202 <gQuig1> How should I address the Haddonfield guy? I now have a team willing to help your school get a lab set up running edubuntu.... Do I ?
203 <FrostyColdDrink> well we can note the wiki as we have ideas, yhen sit downto plan, sowe dont forget
204 <joincamp> yeah
205 <Joe_CoT> gQuig1: if they say yes, we'll have people to do it. tell them you can demo Ubuntu to them. I can come with if you want.
206 <gQuig1> I've already demoed it :/
207 <joincamp> what'd they say?
208 <Joe_CoT> oh, ok. do they seem interested?
209 <gQuig1> the superintendent loved it thought it was the future
210 <gQuig1> the IT Admin likes vista
211 <joincamp> thats good
212 <joincamp> thats not
213 <FrostyColdDrink> ha
214 <gQuig1> the IT Administrator has reviewed openoffice and found compatibility problems....
215 <Joe_CoT> strange, france didn't
216 <FrostyColdDrink> of course...
217 <gQuig1> ah.. IT Admin /= to IT Adminstrator,
218 <gQuig1> 2 people
219 <gQuig1> IT Admin = Sysadmin
220 <Joe_CoT> what i'd suggest is telling them we could do it on only a few PCs initially, so they can try it out and see how well it works for them.
221 <gQuig1> I think fiesty is worth another demo though
222 <Joe_CoT> besides them, what about schools that don't bleed money? their IT departments might be a bit more willing
223 <FrostyColdDrink> politics is the problem. youve got to be insidious and gurilla like
224 <gQuig1> Cherry hill, but they won't return my emails
225 <gQuig1> I'm gonna start writing the email
226 <FrostyColdDrink> write them and fax them
227 <FrostyColdDrink> it will get more attention
228 <Joe_CoT> gQuig: we might want to just consider making an appointment with someone high up at west or east to demo
229 <Joe_CoT> phone works a lot better than email. I can put west/east on the list of people i need to call this week
230 <gQuig1> that would prolli work much better
231 <gQuig1> thanks
232 <Joe_CoT> ok, i'll give them a call tuesday sometime to see if they're interested. I can meet with them as early as friday. when are you around?
233 <gQuig1> i start working fulltime monday morning :/
234 <Joe_CoT> ah, lol
235 <joincamp> co-op?
236 <gQuig1> yup
237 <joincamp> where?
238 <gQuig1> PJM Interconnection
239 <Joe_CoT> yeah, i'm completely off on fridays, so I'll see what I can arrange with them
240 <joincamp> cool
241 <Joe_CoT> okay, i think i'm gonna get back to work :) I'll post meeting notes raw now, and summarize it later. It'll probably be more productive to move installfest/tcf/lan discussion to the mailing list
242 <FrostyColdDrink> yeah probably :)
243 <RickHahn13> yeah i need my beauty sleep
244 <FrostyColdDrink> make sure you get everyone to briainstorm on teh wiki though :)
245 <RickHahn13> sorry i havnt had much to contribute i am just a n00b
246 <joincamp> night
247 <gQuig1> night
248 <FrostyColdDrink> night
249 <RickHahn13> g'nite all
250 <Joe_CoT> i'm going to post a signup list for tcf on the wiki. if you know you can make it, put your name on the list on that day, and then i'll get vendor badges when i have numbers
NewJerseyTeam/MeetingLogs/2007-04-01 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:20:04 by localhost)