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Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)



If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

8 people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:00 by kenneth_

Topics Discussed

--- Log opened Tue Apr 27 20:01:44 2010
20:01 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-04-27.txt opened
20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Good evening
20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Hi kenneth_
20:02 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with NickServ
20:02 <deinerson1> identify turkey1
20:02 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- You are now identified for deinerson1.
20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> hi there
20:03 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> the disk have come in
20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> For some reason I can't reach my server tonight.
20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Yeah!  Saw the email.
20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Sorry.  I can't stay on this evening.
20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> are you going to be at the booth this weekend?
20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Have a good night.  No, sorry -- it's my daughter's birthday, and I've been on travel so much lately.
20:11 -!- tritium [~AndChat@12-187-214-162.att-inc.com] has left #ubuntu-us-nm ["Leaving"]
20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Are we going to start this meeting?
20:17 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010
20:19 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> I s anybody else going to be at the booth for the Gun show this weekend?
20:19 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm]
20:19 [@ChanServ    ] [ kenneth_ ] [ nick125    ] [ ubot3 ] 
20:19 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4] [ protonchris] [ woowoo] 
20:19 [ deinerson1  ] [ mneptok  ] [ smooge     ] 
20:19 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]
20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Hello
20:23 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> hello kenneth_, kinda quiet tonight
20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I can make it this weekend - it's at the fairgrounds, which is just a hop from here
20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> ok
20:26 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> setup is on Friday 1200-1900
20:27 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Event is Saturday 0900-1700 and Sunday 1000-1600.
20:27 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> I could get Saturday off from work , but I have both Friday and Sunday Off
20:28 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> when would you like to setup Friday, assuming it doesn't take 5 hours :)
20:28 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> right at noon would be good for me
20:28 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> that was what I was thinking
20:29 -!- strobedream [~tdgonzale@c-68-35-75-177.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Will be a lot better prepard this time
20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> Noon it is
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> http://www.exponm.com/ns/calendar/ViewEvent.asp?EventId=116
20:39 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> I'll send out an email about the setup time and update the event page
20:39 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> so how involved are you guys around UNM?
20:40 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> not much
20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> One of the nm loco founder tried to have a Linux confrence at UNM till that fell through..
20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> have updated the trade show page with Expo link and map: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010
20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> thank you
20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> can I invite a friend and does he have to be pre-approved? he'll likely want to decide to come at the last minute
20:45 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> you'd like him, a good guy
20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> what i did was to specifiy 5 exhibitors
20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> ah, I take that'd be okay. I'll ask him - hopefully he'll be able to commit for a little while at least
20:47 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> yes, and thank you
20:47 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> thanks :)
20:47 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'll email you as soon as I hear from him about it
20:49 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> ok
20:51 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> My dad is printing out more of the Tux paper Models for the event
20:51 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I have a few printed here, too that i'll bring - not many, may 20 tops
20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> hi strobedream
20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> my dad's print 30
20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> printing
20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> that'd be 50 for the kids
20:54 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> sorry, had to state the obvious there :)
20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> ah yeah I tried to get the UNM ACM chapter going again and it was almost impossible to get any student support
20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> and go through that on the first day ;)
20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> probably last business: kenneth_ my email is deinerson1@gmail.com
20:56 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> no problem
20:56 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> ACM?
20:58 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> Association of computational machinery or something like that it has been a while.
20:58 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Association for Computing Machinery  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_for_Computing_Machinery
20:58 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> yeah
20:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> ahh
21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> Students didn't want to spend all day programming for class to go to a club that does the same thing.
21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> clearly not inspired programmers (kidding)
21:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> Lol or there is a demotivational factor.
21:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> just conjecture, but when I started PC's were so new it was easy to be inspired...perhaps nowadays it tend's to be just a job to some
21:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> sometimes you just want to shoot the computer ;)
21:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I have a friend learning javascript at CNM and while his teacher is not great (and not bad), he has been pretty excited about it overall
21:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> he too get's confused, though. It seems they are not teaching the "axioms" of software dev like I learned
21:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> when you have had to program something that some prof dreamed up in the shower and decided that putting stupid restrictions on it would make it interesting for the 15th time you start to hate it.
21:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> yep, agreed
21:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> like programming a linked list without structs...
21:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> or a genetic algo that actually simulates chromosome mixing...
21:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> or simulated paging...
21:09 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> and the whole time you have to use a library that some professor wrote at 3 am, keeps changing, and isn't close to any standard...
21:09 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> hmm, extensive component dev that doesn't see product closure can get to one, let the screaming begin :)
21:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> yeah.
21:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> now watch one of my profs is in here and pissed.
21:14 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> maybe this'll help him: http://smobley.home.mindspring.com/Axioms.htm
21:14 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I gotta go, good night all. See you Friday at Noon Kenneth_
21:16 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> night
21:16 #ubuntu-us-nm: < strobedream> night
21:17 -!- deinerson1 [~deinerson@c-76-18-65-160.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-us-nm []
--- Log closed Tue Apr 27 21:17:43 2010

NewMexicoTeam/April_27_2010 (last edited 2010-04-28 03:21:03 by c-76-18-65-160)