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Silver Spur Gun Show
The New Mexico LoCo team will be hosting a table at the Silver Spur Trade Show. The first show was held at the Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, NM. The May show is at Expo New Mexico in Lujan A and B. Here's a map to the entrance, too.
Date and Time
The next event is the weekend of May 1-2, 2010 at the state fair grounds.
The first event was the weekend of February 13-14, 2010.
Dealer Setup: Friday 1200-1900 and Saturday 0800-0900
Hours: Saturday 0900-1700 and Sunday 1000-1600.
- The Disks Have Come In
- 100 Ubuntu 9.10 that I bought.
- 75 Ubuntu 9.10 + 50 Kubuntu 9.10 + 1 disk holder from Shipit
- About 40 Disks left over from the from the first Gun show
- I will be puting Ubuntu Loco Labels on all the disks
- Who is Going to be exhibitors
- Kenneth - I have both Friday and Sunday Off, Try to get Saturday Off
- Dave
Please either update the event page, during the IRC chat meeting on Tuesday April 27, or email me at on what days you will be there
Our Table
The table is 8 feet long.
Up to 5 people may tend the table. Please let Kenneth know you're going.
Items Needed
- Tablecloth for a 8ft table (Provided by Kenneth Elmshaeuser)
CD's - to give out (provided by KurtvonFinck)
- Sign(s) - Who we are and what we are about.
Pamphlets about Linux, Ubuntu, and or Open Source (provided by KurtvonFinck)
- Computers or laptop to show off Linux?
Paper Penguin Cutouts printed
Feel free to add items to the above list.
Attendees - 1st Show
Please be sure to note when you will be at the show.
KurtvonFinck - Friday 1700-1900 (setup) / Saturday 1200-1700 and Sunday 1200-1600
Kenneth Elmshaeuser Friday 1700-1900 (setup)/ Work Saturday / Sunday 1000-1600
MichaelRimbert - Saturday 0900 - 1300
Gratuitous Imagery - 2nd Show - May 2, 2010
Gratuitous Imagery - 2nd Show - May 1, 2010
Gratuitous Imagery - 1st Show
NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010 (last edited 2010-05-03 22:49:29 by c-76-18-65-160)