Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!


Members Present


Meeting started at 8:05pn by tritium

Topics Discussed

gclerc and sonicsounds have stepped up to be the offical microbloggers for the loco, but any LoCo member can just Contact David Thomas dthomas@ubuntu.com for account details.

Moved to next weeks agenda

Anyone that can make it will try and be there

A vote was put forth to start a New Mexico governing council. All that where nominated where voted in. This council will help with the guidance and direction of the New Mexico LoCo as well as deal with any offical business or outside organizations.

All council members should make themselves familiar with the Debian Voting System

We have decided to take mneptok up on his request and will be using birdhouse as our website host. Protonchris will be the official contact.

Some info on Drupal was discussed.

Doomcat is now the official game developer for the New Mexico LoCo. He is working on a Demo animation in scratch.

We voted to change the reply-to to go to the mailing list and no the person sending the mail

Just an info item to make people in the meeting aware the global Bug Jam is going on this weekend.

genfool brought another project to our attention, he and gcleric will be the main contact and we will have more information next week.

NewMexicoTeam/February_17_2009 (last edited 2009-02-18 04:42:03 by 67-61-60-11)