Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!


Members Present


Meeting started by protonchris - a big thanks to doomcat for taking the meeting notes.

Topics Discussed

<protonchris> Does everyone know what the ubuntu code of conduct is?
<jay4rest9> Yes
<jimrz> +1
<beanie77> no
<protonchris> link:
<protonchris> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
<nick125> Darn it protonchris, I was about to post the same link ;)
<jimrz> ya gotta be quick
<tritium> As an officially sponsored Ubuntu channel, we need to abide by the code of conduct.
<protonchris> I encourage everyone to read and sign it.
<tritium> We've not seen any violations yet.  WE've been doing well.
<jimrz> agree
<protonchris> It boils down to "don't be a jerk"
<tritium> If you sign it, you become an "Ubuntero."  It's one step toward full ubuntu membership.
<nick125> Yep...and it'd be good to keep it that way.
<jimrz> agreed, again
<protonchris> I find our channel to be well-mannered and supportive.  Let's keep it that way ;)
<protonchris> Anything to add before we move on?
<protonchris> Item #2:  Ubuntu NM Loco Membership
<protonchris> The wiki agenda has links to our launchpad page and mailing list.  The mailing list is pretty low volume.
<protonchris> Any questions?
<protonchris> <dramatic pause....>
<nick125> I think that maybe we should add a "New Member" page that includes information on the code of conduct, how to get on the mailing list and how to get listed on the Launchpad team.
<jimrz> sounds good
<nick125> The "Join the Team" section seems a little....vague on what to do.
<protonchris> nick125: That sounds like a great idea.
<nick125> Maybe the page should be listed in the top bar under the "Team Involvement" heading
<nick125> Members, Contacts, New Member
<protonchris> Who is interested in making the changes?
<tritium> nick125: good suggestion
* jay4rest5 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
* kenneth_ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<protonchris> Hmm.  Ok, well lets put it on the agenda for next week.
<tritium> A link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamJoining might be useful.
<jimrz> hi kenneth
<nick125> I can do the change, if nobody else wants to.
<protonchris> nick125: thanks.
<kenneth_> sorry , i was buying a new laptop bag
<protonchris> Final item:  The nm loco webpage:  http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/
<protonchris> It is currently a blank drupal canvas for us to do anything we want.
<protonchris> Launchpad/openid integration allows people with launchpad accounts to leave comments.
<jimrz> "login" button works fine
<protonchris> Admin is currently restricted to a certain launchpad group, but if anyone has interest in posting content or changing the site can get in touch with anyone on the nm loco council.
<protonchris> It looks like I need to do a small update to the drupal code (security fix), but it should be ready to go.
<protonchris> Any questions/suggestions?
<beanie77> what is launchpad?
<tritium> !launchpad
<ubot3> Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/
<protonchris> beanie77: Here is our team page:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-newmexico
<protonchris> That is all of the agenda items.  I now open the floor to anyone.
<kenneth_> my olpc xo has now been retired
<protonchris> Questions/suggestions?
<protonchris> kenneth_: What happened?
<kenneth_> needed some thing with a lot more horsepower to a trip
<doomcat>  good night all
<jimrz> good night doomcat
<beanie77> good night all
* beanie77 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<kenneth_> System76 Pangolin Performance http://system76.com/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=86
<protonchris> kenneth_: What do you think of it?
<kenneth_> kicks ass
<tritium> kenneth_: you already ordered it?
<jimrz> nice
<kenneth_> i'am using it right now
<tritium> Cool.
<tritium> Sweet, HDMI.
<kenneth_> the pictures don't do it justice
<kenneth_> the screen is like a glossy photo in motion
<protonchris> kenneth_: please bring it to the next face-2-face.
<protonchris> I'd love to see it.
<jimrz> +1
<kenneth_> I'll bring it along with my new camera/camcorder
* jay4rest (n=jay4rest@c-76-113-52-31.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
* jay4rest9 has quit ("Java user signed off")
<kenneth_> VPC-CG10 http://sanyo.com/xacti/english/products/vpc_cg10/index.html
<kenneth_> this is a test video that i up loaded to youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji6MfvgO7IU
<protonchris> Nice
<kenneth_> that just raw video, no editing or conversion
<kenneth_> at 720p@30fps
* jimrz has quit ("Leaving.")
<protonchris> Well, everyone, I am going to call it a night.  Have a good one.
<tritium> Good night, protonchris.
<kenneth_> night
<jay4rest> Good night, protonchris.
<tritium> Good night, kenneth_.
<tritium> Feel free to stay in the channel.  Many of us idle here 24/7.  No need to /part.
<jay4rest> Any further news on NM Linuxfest?
<genfool> Hey guys,   sorry I am late
<tritium> Hi genfool.
<tritium> jay4rest: not specifically.  We're trying to get more people in #newmexicolinuxfest.  Please /join.
<genfool> I am going through the logs, up to date
<jay4rest> I have already joined
<jay4rest> If you need any help let me know
<tritium> jay4rest: I'm referring to the IRC channel here on freenode
<jay4rest> Got it
<genfool> seems fgleich and genfools new toy... that we want to use at the linux fest,   we had a Little spat... all good now :)
<tritium> Congratulations, genfool.

NewMexicoTeam/June_16_2009 (last edited 2009-06-17 03:38:08 by c-76-113-52-31)