Time to stress the Ubuntu Code of Conduct As more and more people start to be a part of the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo, it's time to introduce those that might not be aware of the Code of Conduct to the standard at which we govern. - Posted by dthomasdigital
Become an official member of the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo sign up for the mailing list and create your launch pad membership, then you too can post on this great wiki. - posted by dthomasdigital
Updates on New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo website - Posted by dthomasdigital, but I bet protonchris knows more about it.
If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!
Members Present
- doomcat
- protonchris
- jimrz
- tritium
- nick125
- beanie77
- jay4rest
- kenneth
- genfool
Meeting started by protonchris - a big thanks to doomcat for taking the meeting notes.
Topics Discussed
<protonchris> Does everyone know what the ubuntu code of conduct is? <jay4rest9> Yes <jimrz> +1 <beanie77> no <protonchris> link: <protonchris> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct <nick125> Darn it protonchris, I was about to post the same link ;) <jimrz> ya gotta be quick <tritium> As an officially sponsored Ubuntu channel, we need to abide by the code of conduct. <protonchris> I encourage everyone to read and sign it. <tritium> We've not seen any violations yet. WE've been doing well. <jimrz> agree <protonchris> It boils down to "don't be a jerk" <tritium> If you sign it, you become an "Ubuntero." It's one step toward full ubuntu membership. <nick125> Yep...and it'd be good to keep it that way. <jimrz> agreed, again <protonchris> I find our channel to be well-mannered and supportive. Let's keep it that way ;) <protonchris> Anything to add before we move on? <protonchris> Item #2: Ubuntu NM Loco Membership <protonchris> The wiki agenda has links to our launchpad page and mailing list. The mailing list is pretty low volume. <protonchris> Any questions? <protonchris> <dramatic pause....> <nick125> I think that maybe we should add a "New Member" page that includes information on the code of conduct, how to get on the mailing list and how to get listed on the Launchpad team. <jimrz> sounds good <nick125> The "Join the Team" section seems a little....vague on what to do. <protonchris> nick125: That sounds like a great idea. <nick125> Maybe the page should be listed in the top bar under the "Team Involvement" heading <nick125> Members, Contacts, New Member <protonchris> Who is interested in making the changes? <tritium> nick125: good suggestion * jay4rest5 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) * kenneth_ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm <protonchris> Hmm. Ok, well lets put it on the agenda for next week. <tritium> A link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamJoining might be useful. <jimrz> hi kenneth <nick125> I can do the change, if nobody else wants to. <protonchris> nick125: thanks. <kenneth_> sorry , i was buying a new laptop bag <protonchris> Final item: The nm loco webpage: http://nm.ubuntu-us.org/ <protonchris> It is currently a blank drupal canvas for us to do anything we want. <protonchris> Launchpad/openid integration allows people with launchpad accounts to leave comments. <jimrz> "login" button works fine <protonchris> Admin is currently restricted to a certain launchpad group, but if anyone has interest in posting content or changing the site can get in touch with anyone on the nm loco council. <protonchris> It looks like I need to do a small update to the drupal code (security fix), but it should be ready to go. <protonchris> Any questions/suggestions? <beanie77> what is launchpad? <tritium> !launchpad <ubot3> Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ <protonchris> beanie77: Here is our team page: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-newmexico <protonchris> That is all of the agenda items. I now open the floor to anyone. <kenneth_> my olpc xo has now been retired <protonchris> Questions/suggestions? <protonchris> kenneth_: What happened? <kenneth_> needed some thing with a lot more horsepower to a trip <doomcat> good night all <jimrz> good night doomcat <beanie77> good night all * beanie77 has quit (Remote closed the connection) <kenneth_> System76 Pangolin Performance http://system76.com/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=86 <protonchris> kenneth_: What do you think of it? <kenneth_> kicks ass <tritium> kenneth_: you already ordered it? <jimrz> nice <kenneth_> i'am using it right now <tritium> Cool. <tritium> Sweet, HDMI. <kenneth_> the pictures don't do it justice <kenneth_> the screen is like a glossy photo in motion <protonchris> kenneth_: please bring it to the next face-2-face. <protonchris> I'd love to see it. <jimrz> +1 <kenneth_> I'll bring it along with my new camera/camcorder * jay4rest (n=jay4rest@c-76-113-52-31.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm * jay4rest9 has quit ("Java user signed off") <kenneth_> VPC-CG10 http://sanyo.com/xacti/english/products/vpc_cg10/index.html <kenneth_> this is a test video that i up loaded to youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji6MfvgO7IU <protonchris> Nice <kenneth_> that just raw video, no editing or conversion <kenneth_> at 720p@30fps * jimrz has quit ("Leaving.") <protonchris> Well, everyone, I am going to call it a night. Have a good one. <tritium> Good night, protonchris. <kenneth_> night <jay4rest> Good night, protonchris. <tritium> Good night, kenneth_. <tritium> Feel free to stay in the channel. Many of us idle here 24/7. No need to /part. <jay4rest> Any further news on NM Linuxfest? <genfool> Hey guys, sorry I am late <tritium> Hi genfool. <tritium> jay4rest: not specifically. We're trying to get more people in #newmexicolinuxfest. Please /join. <genfool> I am going through the logs, up to date <jay4rest> I have already joined <jay4rest> If you need any help let me know <tritium> jay4rest: I'm referring to the IRC channel here on freenode <jay4rest> Got it <genfool> seems fgleich and genfools new toy... that we want to use at the linux fest, we had a Little spat... all good now :) <tritium> Congratulations, genfool.
NewMexicoTeam/June_16_2009 (last edited 2009-06-17 03:38:08 by c-76-113-52-31)