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The wiki is under going some work so some of the links are not working but they will be by September 22, 2007 - David Thomas |
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The wiki is under going some work so some of the links are not working but they will be by September 22, 2007 - David Thomas
Hey, man, don't you know we're LoCo?
This is the Ubuntu New Mexico Team - US. Many of us are in Albuquerque, however, many of us are not. We are statewide. We reach out to everyone in New Mexico.
We have the official IRC channel #ubuntu-newmexico in Please join us
We also have an [ Ubuntu New Mexico Team mailing list] for help & discussion. [ Online archives] are also available.
New Mexico Team Ubuntu Forums is [ here].
The contact for the Ubuntu New Mexico Team is Ubuntu Member [:MichaelRimbert: Michael Rimbert] and Ubuntu User [:dthomasdigital: David Thomas].
How to Contribute
Come to our meetings in #ubuntu-newmexico ! Help us grow.. Currently, we are scheduling an IRC meeting weekly.
Software Freedom Day: September 15, 2007
Sept 15, 2007 Software Freedom Day Stay tuned for official times and locations or contact [:dthomasdigital: David Thomas] for more information or to volunteer
We have a location and time now
Rio Rancho, New Mexico Main Library [ Map to the library]
Time Sept 15th from 11:00am till 3:00pm
We are working very hard to make sure we incorporate One Laptop Per Child even my cat wanted one.
We made some really cool table stands
This is what staff will be wearing - we had to make our own - must sign up earlier next year to get official t-shirts
This is what we will be handing out at the event
- Each packet (dvd case) contains
- One Open CD disk
- One Ubuntu 7.04 disk
- Instructions on how to install the OpenCD and Ubuntu disk (printed on both sides)
- Tri-fold Open Source brochure
- Ubuntu and Software Freedom Day Stickers
Ubuntu New Mexico LoCo Information card
Keep track of our progress on SFD at
Gutsy Gibbon Release Party: October 18th, 2007
Check out the info on GutsyReleaseParties We will be adding more information as we get it.
Launchpad Membership Policy
New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone on the [ Launchpad] site. Please join !
We have the official IRC channel #ubuntu-newmexico in at 8:00PM MST every Thursday
Pictures of our last meeting ["Flying Star Meet and Greet"] - August, 30 2007
Meeting Minutes
["August, 16 2007"] IRC meeting
["August, 23 2007"] IRC meeting
["August, 30 2007"] Face-to-Face and IRC meeting
["September, 6 2007"] IRC meeting
["September, 13 2007"] IRC meeting
["September, 20 2007"] IRC meeting
Sub Pages
[ Archive]
[ Members]
[ Meetings]
[ Projects]
[ Contacts]
NewMexicoTeam (last edited 2012-12-05 14:25:33 by dthomasdigital)