
Differences between revisions 68 and 69
Revision 68 as of 2007-09-21 14:48:00
Size: 1855
Editor: services
Revision 69 as of 2007-09-21 15:03:54
Size: 2112
Editor: services
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The wiki is under going some work so some of the links are not working but they will be by September 22, 2007 - David Thomas
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This is the Ubuntu New Mexico Team - US. Many of us are in Albuquerque, however, many of us are not. We are statewide. We reach out to everyone in New Mexico. This is the Ubuntu New Mexico Team USA. Many of us are in Albuquerque, however, many of us are not. We are statewide and want to reach out to everyone in New Mexico. We have members from Santa Fe to Los Crusis. Our goal is to promote Ubuntu, Open Source Software, and the ideal behind Ubuntu "Humanity to everyone".
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We have all types of ways to join the team or get more information about the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo. New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone. Please join and start contributing and learning today!
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 {*} [ Launchpad] New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone. Please join!  {*} [ Launchpad]

= Next Meeting =

News =

= Progr
ess =
== Goals ==
== Ac
complishments ==

Hey, man, don't you know we're LoCo?


This is the Ubuntu New Mexico Team USA. Many of us are in Albuquerque, however, many of us are not. We are statewide and want to reach out to everyone in New Mexico. We have members from Santa Fe to Los Crusis. Our goal is to promote Ubuntu, Open Source Software, and the ideal behind Ubuntu "Humanity to everyone".

Join The Team

We have all types of ways to join the team or get more information about the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo. New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone. Please join and start contributing and learning today!

Next Meeting

= News =





We have the official IRC channel #ubuntu-newmexico in Please join us Smile :)

New Mexico Team Ubuntu Forums is [ here].

The contact for the Ubuntu New Mexico Team is Ubuntu Member [:MichaelRimbert: Michael Rimbert] and Ubuntu User [:dthomasdigital: David Thomas].

How to Contribute

Come to our meetings in #ubuntu-newmexico ! Help us grow.. Currently, we are scheduling an IRC meeting weekly.


CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams

NewMexicoTeam (last edited 2012-12-05 14:25:33 by dthomasdigital)