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Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)

Hey, man, don't you know we're LoCo?

Due to the Holidays are next meeting will be January 6th 200 IRC Meeting


This is the US Ubuntu New Mexico LoCo Team. Many of us are in Albuquerque. However, we are a statewide team, and membership is open to everyone. Our goal is to promote Ubuntu, Open Source Software, and the ideal behind Ubuntu -- "Humanity to others."

New Mexico Ubuntu Loco proud supporting sponsor of the New Mexico Linux Fest.

Join The Team

There are many ways to join the team, or get more information about the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo. New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone. Please join and start contributing and learning today!

Next Meetings

Next New Mexico Ubuntu IRC Meetings

January 6th 2009 IRC Meeting

Where: Freenode channel #ubuntu-nm-us
When: 8:00pm MST

Newest Projects

New Mexico Team Web Page

Now that the New Mexico Team has achieved official status, Canonical will host a webpage for us. This wiki page will serve as a place to brainstorm ideas for the webpage. Feel free to contribute. For more information regarding LoCo webpages, check out the LoCoCreatingWebsite page.

Go to the webpage project page and add your thoughts!



New Mexico Ubuntu Loco creates an Education Committee.

Tritium will be committee chair, members include deinerson1, and source3(limited involvement). The committee was formed to help with putting together a formal curriculum and scheduling for the EPC computer Lab. With a goal to expand Linux education to other organizations in the future.

New Mexico Ubuntu News Archive



  • Promote, educate, and advocate Ubuntu in the state of New Mexico and world wide.
  • Coordinate a yearly Linux Expo in the state of New Mexico.
  • Set up a support structure for Ubuntu in the state of New Mexico.
  • Have numerous community-based projects based on the idea and spirit of Ubuntu.
  • Hold quarterly InstallFest


  • Had a successful Intrepid Ibex Release Party on 11/08/2008
  • Coordinated and hosted the 2008 Software Freedom Day Team in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Had a successful Hardy Heron Release Party on 04/25/2008
  • Have established an IRC channel, team forum, launchpad, mailing list, and team wiki.
  • Coordinated and hosted the 2007 Software Freedom Day Team in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
  • Established a weekly IRC meeting.
  • Established a monthly face to face meeting.
  • Membership as of 10/08/2008 is at 41
  • Have Started working with New Mexico LUG's all organizations benefiting.
  • Had a successful Gutsy Gibbon Release Party on 10/19/2007
  • Obtained Official LoCo Status 11/2007

Official Ubuntu Loco The New Mexico Team

In November of 2007 the New Mexico LoCo achieved official status. Go here to find out more about LoCo Teams.

Below is a link to our approval application for those that are interested in seeing what we did.


New Mexico Linux User Group Resources

We at the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo just love Ubuntu, but we think Linux in all it's shapes and forms is just fantastic, so if you need any information about other Linux distributions, or just Linux in general, check out these other Linux users' groups:

Mesilla Valley Linux Users Group (MVLUG)


These guys have a meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm MST at NMSU Science Hall (SH) 124, so go check them out.
Join the MVLUG mailing list

New Mexico Linux Users Group (NMLUG)

Join the mailing list NMLUG mailing list

New Mexico Gnu & Linux Users Group (NMGLUG)

Join the mailing NMGLUG mailing list

NMGLUG is a user group in the Santa Fe area of New Mexico that is dedicated to the use of the GNU/Linux Operating System and other Free Software. Meetings are held every other Thursday.

New Mexico Commercial Linux Resources

Belen Computers and Design

Belen Computers and Design

Los Alamos Computers

Los Alamos Computers

If you know of any more New Mexico Linux resources, please let us know, and we will add them to this wiki.

New Mexico Team Archives

2008 Merchandise Order.


CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams