
Revision 82 as of 2007-09-21 17:48:21

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Hey, man, don't you know we're LoCo?


This is the Ubuntu New Mexico Team USA. Many of us are in Albuquerque, however, many of us are not. We are statewide and want to reach out to everyone in New Mexico. We have members from Santa Fe to Los Crusis. Our goal is to promote Ubuntu, Open Source Software, and the ideal behind Ubuntu "Humanity to everyone".

Join The Team

We have all types of ways to join the team or get more information about the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo. New Mexico Team membership is open to everyone. Please join and start contributing and learning today!

Next Meeting

[,_27_2007 Thursday, September 27th, 2007 8:00pm (20:00) MST]


9/21/07 BR Added event pictures pictures to the [,_2007 Software freedom Day Project]

9/21/07 BR Gusty Gibbon Release Party Coming October, 18, 2007 stay tuned for more information.

9/15/07 BR [,_2007 Software freedom Day]BR The New Mexico Ubuntu Loco Hosted Software Freedom day. Click on the link above to see What it was all about.

8/30/07BR [ Flying Star Meet and Greet]BR The New Mexico Ubuntu Loco held it's first meet and greet. Click the link above to see the fun.



  • Promote, educate, and advocate Ubuntu in the state of New Mexico and world wide.
  • Have regular IRC weekly meetings.
  • Have regular face to face monthly meetings.
  • Coordinate a yearly Linux Expo in the sate of New Mexico.
  • Set up a support structure for Ubuntu in the state of New Mexico.
  • Have numerous community based projects based on the idea and spirit of Ubuntu.
  • Grow the membership of the New Mexico Team.
  • Work with the New Mexico LUG's


  • Have established an IRC channel, team forum, launchpad, mailing list, and team wiki.
  • Coordinated and hosted the 2007 Software Freedom Day Team in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
  • Established a weekly IRC meeting.
  • Established a monthly face to face meeting.
  • Grown the membership from 2 to 13 in 4 months.


CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams