Let's Get Ready to Rumble
- The Syracuse Area Ubuntu community is getting started and wants you to become involved. A group of Ubuntu enthusiasts are meeting together at the Liverpool Public Library to discus the state of the Syracuse Ubuntu community and discuss ideas for future events and activities in the Syracuse area.
More Detail:
Being one of the first meetings of the local Ubuntu community this meeting will be an initial face to face introduction and and open discussion of ideas of how the group might best interface with the community.
The current suggested itinerary
- Meet and Greet
Review LoCo published directives
- Discuss and brainstorm meeting, events, activities etc.
- Tech discussion of personal (computer) issues
- Review Action items for everybody and adjourn
- Publish meeting notes
Liverpool Public Library
310 Tulip Street
Liverpool, New York 13088 USA
date: February 7th, 2009
time: 2pm until 4pm
room: TBD
amenities: free wireless
Members Present slick666, cprofit, marnold, and non-registered members
The meeting progressed with the assistance of cprofit from the Rochester area. The meeting started on the state of NY LoCo and how each up us may participate. From these discussion a number of ideas and decisions about the Central NY Chapter were made.
- Currently the group is too small to have regular meetings outside the local LUG meetings
- There group brainstormed a number of events that the group could possible pursue
- Add Ubuntu demonstrations as part of LUG install fest
- Public handouts of disks and possibly using ondisc.com to supply disks
- Ubuntu sponsored events highlighting open source but not necessarily the linux operating system (i.e. Open Office)
- Avenues for advertising public events such as fliers, newspaper sources and any possible radio sources similar to the computer show in Rochester.
- Possible sites for future possible meetings
- Reserved Library Rooms
- Barnes and Noble
Actions moving forward
- There were no group actions to move forward at this time. There were some individual actions assigned to be worked on to help bring the group together. slick666:
- To move forward with registration and set up gpg key
- To help non-registered member(s) get signed into the forums and up to speed
NewYorkTeam/Events/20090207 (last edited 2009-02-08 05:39:34 by cpe-74-71-160-12)