This is the 2nd meeting of the NewYorkTeam, starting at 6:08 PM EST and finishing at 7:26 EST with 30 Minutes of informal discussion after the meeting.

When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.


The meeting will start off with an Introduction of Members where we will welcome people to the meeting. The following Topics will then be discussed.

  • Announcements
  • Review status of current projects
  • Project suggestions & Assignments

  • Wrap up and goals for next meeting

The meeting will be followed by 30 minutes of informal discussion where you will be able to ask the team coordinators questions or chat with them in general.



[18:08:44] <ausimage> it is recording the meeting now :D
[18:08:44] <salvatore_c> lets take about 45mins and dicus some of the projects
[18:09:13] <salvatore_c> if we work together we can get eveything done
[18:09:45] <salvatore_c> if you would like to create a new project, you can by going to http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com
[18:09:45] <iloadmin> Lets do this
[18:09:55] <yharrow> sal...i sent you an im
[18:09:58] <GNu_Joe> what's the project roll up page again?
[18:10:06] <salvatore_c> most peoples login is their IRC nick. everyones password is ubuntuny
[18:10:06] <salvatore_c> if their IRC nick does not work, then they can use ubuntuy as a login as well
[18:10:14] <yharrow> nm
[18:10:35] <salvatore_c> first letr talk about the situation with the cd distrobution
[18:10:40] <salvatore_c> i order some cds
[18:10:44] <yharrow> iloadmin, your login is knight1 btw
[18:10:54] <salvatore_c> and we are going to split them and all try and hand a few out
[18:11:06] <iloadmin> thanks
[18:11:09] <salvatore_c> i order 300 ubuntu i386
[18:11:13] <yharrow> yw
[18:11:16] <salvatore_c> 100 x64
[18:11:22] <salvatore_c> and 100 ppc
[18:11:26] <knight> cool
[18:11:27] <salvatore_c> all gnome/ubuntu
[18:11:44] <salvatore_c> if things gfo well with this , ill order more and some other direvatives
[18:11:45] <GNu_Joe> hope they are not Edgy
[18:11:51] <yharrow> welcome to the meeting RawSewage
[18:11:54] <salvatore_c> now
[18:12:06] <salvatore_c> id like to talk about community outreach
[18:12:34] <GNu_Joe> ok
[18:12:38] <salvatore_c> i think once we have r first RL meetup afterwords we should start to think about going into the community and talking up ubuntu
[18:12:43] <salvatore_c> what dose everyonme thin k/
[18:13:05] <atoponce> salvatore_c: what are your thoughts on reaching out to the community?
[18:13:10] <yharrow> I think that it is important that we reach out to the community
[18:13:12] <ausimage> salvatore_c: I think RL are cool are we going to make them easy to get to??
[18:13:13] <GNu_Joe> err which community?
[18:13:19] <yharrow> however we need to have a game plan
[18:13:21] <salvatore_c> installfests, demonstrational gatherings, passing out CDs in High Trafic public places - some examples would be "train stations" and "coffee shops"
[18:13:31] <knight> YEah
[18:13:36] <salvatore_c> all over the city and upstate
[18:13:36] <knight> trains stations
[18:13:44] <salvatore_c> yes
[18:13:53] <salvatore_c> go into the train stations and give out cdss
[18:13:57] <salvatore_c> cds
[18:13:57] <GNu_Joe> don't think that's managable
[18:14:01] <iloadmin> I agree with salvatore_c and installfest is optimum
[18:14:02] <salvatore_c> why not
[18:14:11] <salvatore_c> no
[18:14:14] <ausimage> cool salvatore_c if you come my way I may be able to help with a discounted hotel
[18:14:21] <salvatore_c> cool
[18:14:24] <GNu_Joe> got to be where people would be open to Linux
[18:14:34] * ausimage has to talk with the wife about that
[18:14:37] <salvatore_c> eventualy we will have to think about going upstate to recrute
[18:14:45] <knight> in undeserved communities
[18:14:49] <salvatore_c> yes gfnu your right
[18:14:52] <salvatore_c> gnu
[18:14:55] <salvatore_c> sorry
[18:15:05] <ausimage> salvatore we we have albany covered thanks to isacklow_afk
[18:15:08] <GNu_Joe> Well we sould pull in all the LUG's help them communicate
[18:15:18] <salvatore_c> so where r some places u guys would like to go and do outreach ?
[18:15:35] <salvatore_c> your rightgnu
[18:15:37] <salvatore_c> gnu
[18:15:40] <iloadmin> Does location need to be in the Bronx?
[18:15:44] <salvatore_c> no
[18:15:50] <salvatore_c> we are talking all of nyc
[18:15:52] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, I think that it is possible to distribute linux everywhere and the only time we should be worried about what people think is if there is a chance that we aer doing something against the law or creating a bad name for ubuntu
[18:15:54] <yharrow> however
[18:15:55] <salvatore_c> and upstate
[18:15:59] <salvatore_c> all of ny state
[18:16:00] <knight> OK
[18:16:10] <knight> where do we start
[18:16:11] <salvatore_c> we want maximum exposure
[18:16:12] <yharrow> i agree that we should concentrate our efforts around areas who are most open
[18:16:18] <salvatore_c> yes
[18:16:21] <salvatore_c> makes sence
[18:16:26] <knight> and available to most of use
[18:16:29] <knight> us*
[18:16:31] <ausimage> colleges
[18:16:33] <salvatore_c> yup
[18:16:44] <GNu_Joe> then we will have the intel we need a good example is that last friday some of us went on the LUG IRC channels and found out about ICON
[18:16:47] <yharrow> I think we should have divisions for outreach
[18:16:48] <salvatore_c> yes nyu and the others would be good places to go
[18:17:00] <iloadmin> What is the time frame for this to happen?
[18:17:01] <yharrow> one group for schools
[18:17:03] <atoponce> the #1 thing you can do, for outreach though, is hitting the local lug mailing lists
[18:17:05] <salvatore_c> once we have an RL meetup we will divise the team
[18:17:19] <iloadmin> Time frame?
[18:17:22] <salvatore_c> sounds good
[18:17:27] <yharrow> iloadmin, we wold like to have this going asap
[18:17:36] <yharrow> iloadmin hopefully within a few weeks
[18:17:39] <salvatore_c> so we can work on getting the teams together to handle sertan areas
[18:17:53] <GNu_Joe> http://www.iconsf.org/ is an even where we may want a table along with LUGSB
[18:17:54] <salvatore_c> also about the forums
[18:18:03] <knight> ok we need the shirts to identify ourselves
[18:18:03] <yharrow> iloadmin, the CDs were already ordered
[18:18:11] <iloadmin> okay
[18:18:13] <salvatore_c> for now me and yharrow will be the mods there
[18:18:31] <RawSewage> !link
[18:18:31] <salvatore_c> once things become more active we will need full time mods and then we wqill recrute
[18:18:49] <salvatore_c> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=a0874fa4bc27b11685d49f5bf49cba2d&f=212
[18:18:52] <iloadmin> Were we not talking about a colabo with google in nyc last week?
[18:19:08] <salvatore_c> huh?
[18:19:08] <GNu_Joe> all I'm saying is to pick the places wisely like ICON
[18:19:13] <salvatore_c> yes
[18:19:16] <salvatore_c> gnu your right
[18:19:20] <salvatore_c> pick wise
[18:19:39] <yharrow> iloadmin, we were going to attend a meeting with nylug which takes places at google
[18:19:40] <ausimage> salvatore_c: did yharrow tell you about isacklow_afk
[18:19:40] <GNu_Joe> so we need to pick up when and who is haveing an event
[18:19:44] <salvatore_c> how about we talk now about meeting upo in rl on thursday
[18:19:57] <yharrow> ausimage, I didnt gwet a chance too no
[18:19:57] <salvatore_c> no whats isacklow_afk
[18:20:13] <ausimage> he is the guy from albany lug
[18:20:17] <salvatore_c> cool
[18:20:19] <GNu_Joe> afk=away from keyboard
[18:20:21] <salvatore_c> welcome along then
[18:20:21] <ausimage> almost totally ubuntu
[18:20:24] <salvatore_c> good
[18:20:28] <yharrow> thanks GNu_Joe lol
[18:20:32] <knight> Where will this meeting take place
[18:20:47] <iloadmin> The rl you all keep writing about
[18:20:57] * ausimage was using tab complete :S
[18:21:07] <salvatore_c> http://www.delugeny.org
[18:21:24] <salvatore_c> on thursday
[18:21:30] <salvatore_c> the 8th
[18:21:35] <salvatore_c> new yorker hotel
[18:21:51] <salvatore_c> we can meet there for the meeting and hang out afterwards
[18:22:05] <salvatore_c> New Yorker Hotel
[18:22:05] <salvatore_c> 481 Eighth Avenue
[18:22:05] <salvatore_c> New York, NY 10001
[18:22:05] <salvatore_c> (212) 971-0101
[18:22:07] <salvatore_c> (Room 550 - on 8th Avenue Between 34th & 35th Streets)
[18:22:21] * GNu_Joe rases his hand
[18:22:24] <iloadmin> Thanks
[18:22:25] <salvatore_c> casual meetup 30-45 minutes before deluge
[18:22:28] <yharrow> go ahead GNU
[18:22:33] <knight> Cool
[18:22:37] <GNu_Joe> got to go at 6:30
[18:22:47] <GNu_Joe> how big can the projects be?
[18:22:57] <GNu_Joe> I have an idea for a BIG project
[18:23:02] <salvatore_c> such as ?
[18:23:04] <yharrow> GNu_Joe ok make sure to check for new meetings when you get a chance
[18:23:23] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, there are no limits as far as I can tell.
[18:23:46] <GNu_Joe> Well there are lot's of places in upstate where people can't get to a LUG meeting
[18:24:21] <GNu_Joe> so I was thinging if we could setup a Asteris VoIP server we could have vurtual meetings for people
[18:24:39] <knight> Using UBUNTU?
[18:24:42] <knight> lol
[18:24:54] <ausimage> GNu_Joe: maybe network several together to allow for local calling??
[18:24:55] <GNu_Joe> IRC is nice but would be better by voice
[18:25:05] <salvatore_c> gnu is right
[18:25:12] <GNu_Joe> anyway not sure if that's too big
[18:25:13] <salvatore_c> maybe we should test his thoughts
[18:25:17] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, I think that this is a good idea and is certainly possible to complete. what need to do is prioritize it and create a plan of action
[18:25:27] <salvatore_c> and set up an voice meeting at some point soon
[18:25:32] <GNu_Joe> need server and bandwith
[18:25:37] <salvatore_c> yup
[18:26:07] * ausimage would love to learn about asterix
[18:26:08] <iloadmin> and card
[18:26:10] <GNu_Joe> setting up a server with "slides" as our "projector" is a snap with Open Office
[18:26:17] <iloadmin> cool
[18:26:28] <yharrow> wanna backtrack a little here. as far as cds go. is everyone here willing to commit to distribute at least 10?
[18:26:29] <GNu_Joe> but it's the voice interaction that counts in a meeting
[18:26:30] <salvatore_c> so now, another thing we need to talk about is documentation
[18:26:43] <salvatore_c> The creation of Documentation (HOWTO's) for the wiki
[18:26:43] <salvatore_c> -pages that tell people how to do things such as : become a member, create an account on launchpad, become active on the ubuntu NY forums, etc., etc.)
[18:26:43] <salvatore_c> -These pages should be created under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Documentation
[18:26:47] <iloadmin> Count me in
[18:26:48] * ausimage does not have many connections here
[18:26:52] <knight> I ordered my own
[18:27:04] <knight> and I distribute it on my computer center
[18:27:13] <yharrow> anyone willing to distribute at least 10 say aye
[18:27:17] <iloadmin> aye
[18:27:22] <yharrow> aye
[18:27:29] <salvatore_c> yae
[18:27:32] <knight> aye
[18:27:50] <yharrow> anyone else?
[18:27:58] <GNu_Joe> here'S an easy idea, put 10 or more in the local Libary
[18:27:58] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, you there?
[18:28:09] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, hmm
[18:28:13] <yharrow> that might work
[18:28:32] <GNu_Joe> Libary's and coffee shops are get my vote
[18:28:36] <salvatore_c> yes
[18:28:39] <salvatore_c> !
[18:28:43] <ausimage> should have more info with that though
[18:28:55] <salvatore_c> we can make documentation
[18:28:55] <yharrow> GNu_Joe, if you dont know anyone who you can distribute to then that works too
[18:29:01] <salvatore_c> top go along with the dics
[18:29:02] <yharrow> I think ideally we should do both
[18:29:16] <salvatore_c> ok
[18:29:23] <ausimage> I think there needs something to explain what this Ubuntu is if it is just going to sit in a place
[18:29:27] <GNu_Joe> we should have a plan to work with local schools
[18:29:31] <salvatore_c> so we should create pamphlets to go with the cdsa right ?
[18:29:44] <yharrow> atoponce, what do you think of just placing stuff in libraries and cafes?
[18:29:52] <ausimage> I would think so... that way they know what it is
[18:29:54] <GNu_Joe> aka how to approach them, what to say, what we can do for them, etc.
[18:30:02] <knight> yeah
[18:30:27] <atoponce> yharrow: get with the property management before hand, and make sure it's okay
[18:30:30] <salvatore_c> we could enable support for them as well
[18:30:36] <GNu_Joe> Lib + coffee shops ( aka anyplace with WiFi ) as a start
[18:30:36] <knight> cool
[18:30:46] <atoponce> yharrow: you don't want to put a bad image about ubuntu with the owners of the establishment
[18:30:48] <yharrow> atoponce thats a great point, thanks for bringing it up
[18:30:54] <GNu_Joe> I for one am not going to hand out CD's at a train station
[18:31:03] <salvatore_c> i am
[18:31:05] <salvatore_c> hahahaha
[18:31:08] <n8k99> that's scary
[18:31:15] <knight> lol
[18:31:19] <knight> I am doing it
[18:31:20] <salvatore_c> im a crasy new yorker
[18:31:25] <yharrow> ok guys we need to ask permission from the owners of the cafes and the libraries before we give out cds there
[18:31:27] <ausimage> I think we need to do it professionally
[18:31:28] <knight> make that two
[18:31:34] <salvatore_c> you go on the train and start handing people csds
[18:31:39] <yharrow> atoponce , what about just leaving it there
[18:31:42] <ausimage> or it will reflect on ubuntu
[18:31:45] <davebgimp> Heya fellow city-rats!
[18:31:47] <iloadmin> If you go to nycwireless you can get a list of all available hotspots
[18:31:49] <yharrow> welcome tot he meeting davebgimp
[18:32:06] <salvatore_c> were getting big now yharrow :)
[18:32:06] <GNu_Joe> got to go have fun! l8r
[18:32:07] <iloadmin> Here is a excellent op to hand out cds
[18:32:18] <yharrow> salvatore_c, yeah
[18:32:21] <RawSewage> dress up in African ceremonial robe
[18:32:22] <salvatore_c> :)
[18:32:27] <n8k99> seeya
[18:32:36] <yharrow> lol RawSewage
[18:32:41] <atoponce> yharrow: again, get with management. i don't know ny, but in slc, if you leave something on a counter, most managers don't like it, and get upset
[18:32:56] <atoponce> and end up throwing it away, which defeats the purpose of leaving it there to begin with
[18:33:08] <salvatore_c> but thats there choice
[18:33:15] <salvatore_c> and thats what ubuntu is about
[18:33:15] <yharrow> atoponce, yeah that makes sense,
[18:33:17] <salvatore_c> choice
[18:33:31] <salvatore_c> were not trying to foce people to use it just get them to try it :)
[18:33:33] <ausimage> but salvatore_c if you make bad impressions
[18:33:34] <n8k99> if you ask, then it'll stick around
[18:33:40] <atoponce> yharrow: so, i guess, just be careful, and use discretion
[18:33:44] <iloadmin> I say you walk up to folks chat with them and give it to them. You will be surprised how responsive folks are
[18:33:46] <salvatore_c> how is handing cds out a bad impression ?
[18:33:58] <yharrow> atoponce, i think we should make a list of guidelines for the team
[18:34:03] <knight> especially with the FREE part
[18:34:06] <salvatore_c> u just have to know where to do it thats all it is
[18:34:11] <ausimage> salvatore_c: I am saying just leaving it there without permission
[18:34:12] <iloadmin> absolumente
[18:34:12] <salvatore_c> thats the magick of it :)
[18:34:15] <atoponce> yharrow: what sort of guidelines?
[18:34:18] <yharrow> iloadmin, i think thats a good idea
[18:34:41] <salvatore_c> ausi no i wont leave cds without asking first thats true
[18:34:50] <salvatore_c> but im talking about handing them to people
[18:34:51] <iloadmin> Do you know how many working parents want to be hip with their kids and talk about linux
[18:34:57] <yharrow> atoponce, sort of like. if someone says no walk away. dont distribute in establishments without permision
[18:35:26] <atoponce> yharrow: yeah. just ask for management, and if it's okay if you leave them on the counter or whatnot
[18:35:38] <iloadmin> I distributed many in front of Jacob Javits Center here in NYC and I was out of cds in less than 20 minutes
[18:35:40] <atoponce> yharrow: consider taking the time to explain what it is too
[18:35:45] <salvatore_c> u walk into a coffee shop and say to the workers "is it ok if i leave these ubuntu discs here "
[18:35:57] <salvatore_c> and they will want to know what it is
[18:35:58] <atoponce> yharrow: they aren't going to be too friendly towards it if they don't know what it is
[18:36:02] <yharrow> atoponce, yeah. we should have also a process for introducing linux to ppl
[18:36:05] <salvatore_c> and then they will say ok sure no problems
[18:36:06] <ausimage> yharrow perhaps having our contact info with them??
[18:36:10] <atoponce> yharrow: exactly
[18:36:17] <knight> talk to people what it can do for them
[18:36:21] <knight> For Free
[18:36:22] <RawSewage> I think handing out Kubuntu discs would be better
[18:36:25] <salvatore_c> exaclty
[18:36:25] <yharrow> iloadmin, wow
[18:36:29] <yharrow> now thats progress
[18:36:44] <salvatore_c> we copuld hand out both raw
[18:37:03] <iloadmin> Yeah in 20 minutes but I also had the Mandela Video on my laptop as well for those who inquired
[18:37:22] <knight> say something like
[18:37:33] <atoponce> just curious: what are the cd totals that you guys will be handing out?
[18:37:39] <salvatore_c> 500
[18:37:44] <atoponce> nice
[18:37:48] <salvatore_c> and then we will order more
[18:37:49] <davebgimp> I work in magazine production. I've made my boss, a hardcore OSX addict interested in ubuntu and actually got him running his personal server with it. Our near-future plan is to set up a few PCs with Ubuntu and some guinea pigs to see the feasibility of replacing Windows for certain depts and out ability to support it
[18:38:02] <knight> it is able to broswe the internet, share files, print documents
[18:38:03] <salvatore_c> my goal is to hand out 1K of each direvative
[18:38:10] <yharrow> davebgimp, now that. is awesome :)
[18:38:15] <ausimage> wow davebgimp
[18:38:27] <salvatore_c> hello dave
[18:38:29] <salvatore_c> :)
[18:38:30] <atoponce> salvatore_c: you can do it quite easily, actually
[18:38:31] <salvatore_c> welcome
[18:38:38] * atoponce is approaching 2,000
[18:38:39] <salvatore_c> i know atop
[18:38:42] <atoponce> :)
[18:38:45] <salvatore_c> so
[18:38:48] <yharrow> atoponce, way to go!
[18:38:53] <salvatore_c> with that lets move on to launchpad
[18:38:57] <davebgimp> yeah, honestly.... as in love as I am with Ubuntu, i have doubts, but we have a lot of freedom to explore, so i figure, why not?
[18:39:06] <atoponce> computer labs in schools are by far the best way, imho
[18:39:19] <salvatore_c> if you dont already have an account on launchpad you should create one and become a memeber on our list
[18:39:35] <yharrow> so all in all i think that if 10 of us can distribute a total of 10 cds each in 1 or 2 weeks well have already given out 100 cds!
[18:39:42] <salvatore_c> go to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ny and add themselves as members (so that we can keep better track of who is part of team)
[18:40:08] <iloadmin> Mr. Charlie Gonzalez (Knight) installed a ltsp using ubuntu for a church's technology center so it is doable
[18:40:26] <salvatore_c> so dose evereyone her havelaunchpad accounts
[18:40:36] <yharrow> I do
[18:40:40] <salvatore_c> i do
[18:40:45] <atoponce> yessir
[18:40:47] * ausimage of course :)
[18:40:54] * n8k99 me too
[18:41:03] <salvatore_c> so r u all linked to the ny team on LP?
[18:41:22] * ausimage is
[18:41:33] <n8k99> yes
[18:41:45] <salvatore_c> ill tell u what , i had a coffee a few hours ago thats making me feal like im about to launch into outerspace man hahaha
[18:41:46] <atoponce> first one on thi list
[18:41:56] <salvatore_c> cool atop :)
[18:42:22] <salvatore_c> so ifyou dont already have a launchpad account let us know at the end and well help u get one
[18:42:33] <salvatore_c> now on to the RL MEeting
[18:42:56] <salvatore_c> New Yorker Hotel
[18:42:56] <salvatore_c> 481 Eighth Avenue
[18:42:56] <salvatore_c> New York, NY 10001
[18:42:56] <salvatore_c> (212) 971-0101
[18:42:56] <salvatore_c> (Room 550 - on 8th Avenue Between 34th & 35th Streets)
[18:43:11] <yharrow> sal what about documentation?
[18:43:12] <salvatore_c> what do all the nyers think should we meet thursday ?
[18:43:19] <salvatore_c> we discused that already
[18:43:23] <yharrow> ok
[18:43:24] <yharrow> cool
[18:43:49] <salvatore_c> what do people think about a meeting on thursday at the deluge ?
[18:44:04] <salvatore_c> http://www.delugeny.org/ 6:30pm Thursday
[18:44:35] * n8k99 has a committment on thursday nights
[18:44:43] <salvatore_c> thats fine n8 :)
[18:44:49] <salvatore_c> anyone els ?
[18:44:51] * atoponce won't be able to make it... :)
[18:45:04] <salvatore_c> ok
[18:45:06] <yharrow> atoponce, dont you live inutah?
[18:45:12] <atoponce> yharrow: yeah
[18:45:32] <knight> Yeah I am there
[18:45:33] * ausimage can't it is too far
[18:45:40] <yharrow> oh ok, thats fine then. I dont expect you to come out then
[18:45:46] <salvatore_c> so im going to be going along with ayharrow
[18:45:48] <atoponce> although, i plan in visiting this year, maybe
[18:45:49] <salvatore_c> yharrow
[18:45:52] <yharrow> yeah
[18:46:00] <salvatore_c> your going right ?
[18:46:11] <yharrow> yes i plan on it
[18:46:18] <salvatore_c> good so ill see you there
[18:46:19] <yharrow> anyone else able to attend?
[18:46:24] <salvatore_c> come on guys
[18:46:29] <iloadmin> i am there
[18:46:33] <salvatore_c> cool
[18:46:45] <yharrow> ok so so far we have 4 people
[18:46:50] <salvatore_c> ill be wearing my ghetto nazi boots hahaha
[18:46:54] <knight> Well I will be heading out soon if anything will there be a copy of this meeting
[18:46:55] <yharrow> lol
[18:47:03] <knight> or can I catchup on thursday
[18:47:11] <ausimage> yes knight
[18:47:18] <yharrow> knight this meeting is logged yes
[18:47:21] <atoponce> question: do you have a mailing list?
[18:47:25] <salvatore_c> yes
[18:47:28] <ausimage> yeah atoponce
[18:47:37] <yharrow> salvatore_c, whats the link to sign up again
[18:47:43] <atoponce> ok. fire an email across the list for reminding
[18:47:50] <salvatore_c> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ny
[18:47:53] <knight> Good night
[18:47:54] <atoponce> s/reminding/informing/
[18:47:59] <atoponce> salvatore_c: cool
[18:48:13] <salvatore_c> To post to this list, send an email to: ubuntu-us-ny@lists.ubuntu.com
[18:48:25] <ausimage> the page matches our site ;)
[18:48:31] <samiam010203> yup
[18:48:33] <iloadmin> gentlemen thursday it is
[18:48:34] <yharrow> thanks to ausimage for that
[18:48:39] <samiam010203> ok
[18:48:40] <atoponce> do you have it on the wiki? i don't see it
[18:48:48] <yharrow> in addition to the thursday meeting
[18:48:50] <samiam010203> so what do people think about future goals ?
[18:48:53] <ausimage> it is under contact
[18:49:00] <yharrow> we will have a meeting next week
[18:49:05] <samiam010203> yes
[18:49:07] <yharrow> On IRC
[18:49:18] <atoponce> ahh. maybe i should be looking at the right page. :)
[18:49:22] <samiam010203> same bat channel; same bat time
[18:49:45] <yharrow> :)
[18:49:49] <samiam010203> hahaha
[18:49:58] <yharrow> that would be tuesday march 13
[18:50:02] <samiam010203> yup
[18:50:02] <yharrow> at 6:30 pm
[18:50:03] <yharrow> EST
[18:50:05] <samiam010203> yup
[18:50:22] <ausimage> 5:30 if you do not set your clocks ;)
[18:50:25] <yharrow> lol
[18:50:26] <samiam010203> hahaha
[18:50:51] * ausimage wonders if that was even funny :S
[18:50:58] <samiam010203> so now dose anyone need help signing up foir LP?
[18:51:00] <yharrow> we will have to post all meetings in 3 places
[18:51:01] <yharrow> forum
[18:51:03] <yharrow> wiki
[18:51:05] <yharrow> and list
[18:51:14] <samiam010203> and website:)
[18:51:18] * ausimage claims wiki
[18:51:26] <n8k99> blog and calendar
[18:51:31] <samiam010203> yup
[18:51:35] <yharrow> thanks n8
[18:51:37] <yharrow> yeah
[18:51:42] <samiam010203> and on the grassy knowl hahaha
[18:51:58] <yharrow> that brings it up to6
[18:52:02] <n8k99> with a silver bullet
[18:52:06] <samiam010203> hahaha
[18:52:07] <yharrow> plus grassy knoll
[18:52:12] <yharrow> does that even count
[18:52:14] <yharrow> ;)
[18:52:37] <yharrow> ok so IRC meeting is set
[18:52:39] <ausimage> did some forget the train stations
[18:52:45] <samiam010203> no
[18:52:53] <yharrow> Id like to know what you guys think of our new project site
[18:52:54] <samiam010203> what do u need to know about the train staions
[18:53:14] <yharrow> http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com
[18:53:15] <ausimage> let them know about the meeting ;)
[18:53:17] <samiam010203> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Projects
[18:53:46] * ausimage thinks it rocks
[18:53:51] <samiam010203> cool\
[18:53:57] <samiam010203> that meens al ot ausi :)
[18:54:03] <yharrow> is it better to keep it simple with the wiki
[18:54:03] <atoponce> very nice
[18:54:08] <n8k99> i understand that there is some interest in adding the project tasks to our google.calendar
[18:54:12] <yharrow> or is it better to use the projects site?
[18:54:16] <atoponce> clear, straight-forward and clean
[18:54:16] <yharrow> yes n8 there is
[18:54:21] <atoponce> and very detailed
[18:54:22] <samiam010203> we should use the projects site
[18:54:28] <samiam010203> more control
[18:54:30] <ausimage> prject sire
[18:54:34] <ausimage> *site
[18:54:37] <yharrow> anyone else?
[18:54:39] <atoponce> are you sure you need me for a mentor? you guys are rocking already
[18:54:42] <ausimage> less fuss with coding
[18:54:52] <yharrow> lol atoponce. your being humble :)
[18:55:01] <yharrow> atoponce, of course we need you
[18:55:07] <samiam010203> is everyone having a good time tonight ?
[18:55:25] <ausimage> yeha
[18:55:29] <n8k99> if we use http://rememberthemilk.com then the todos can be added as part of the google calendar
[18:55:45] <atoponce> yharrow: i dunno. by the looks of the current progress, all you need is time, and you'll be a solid team with plenty of members
[18:55:48] <samiam010203> http://ubuntuny.com/switchlinux.swf
[18:55:51] <atoponce> you have everything in place
[18:55:54] <ausimage> another site to keep track of
[18:55:55] <samiam010203> http://ubuntuny.com/switchlinux.swf
[18:56:47] <yharrow> atoponce, well there are things that only an experienced person would know like that we need to ask owners before we distribute cds
[18:57:00] <atoponce> meh
[18:57:03] <samiam010203> makes sence
[18:57:04] <atoponce> :)
[18:57:04] <yharrow> atoponce, That is going to save us a big headache
[18:57:14] <yharrow> down the road
[18:57:28] <yharrow> atoponce, if you are busy though i dont want to take up your time
[18:57:35] <atoponce> i'm fine
[18:57:36] <atoponce> :)
[18:57:49] <atoponce> there's *always* time for oss projects
[18:57:54] <yharrow> yay!
[18:57:55] <samiam010203> cool
[18:58:01] <yharrow> I feel the same way
[18:58:02] * ausimage says died-hard ubuntu members relish giving back
[18:58:06] <samiam010203> so what els is there now to discus
[18:58:11] <samiam010203> ?
[18:58:13] <yharrow> new projects
[18:58:15] <samiam010203> anyone have ideas
[18:58:20] <samiam010203> yes
[18:58:27] <yharrow> and porting existing ones to our new site
[18:58:28] <yharrow> we should start that asap
[18:58:39] <samiam010203> ausi is handling that right ?
[18:58:46] <yharrow> I dunno
[18:58:50] <samiam010203> i think so
[18:59:01] <yharrow> I suppose I could do it in conjuction with ausimage,
[18:59:02] <yharrow> however
[18:59:05] <ausimage> yeah I am as long as I know what still needs to be done
[18:59:16] <samiam010203> also, im going to try and write an howto : how to join the NYULT
[18:59:21] <yharrow> we need as many ppl as possible to help with things
[18:59:23] <n8k99> make a list ;-)
[18:59:27] <samiam010203> yup
[18:59:36] <yharrow> who here is not working on a goal for the team?
[19:00:02] <yharrow> better yet who is? and what are the goals you are workign
[19:00:03] * ausimage is thinking a of way to a have a make just the project summary available without logging in
[19:00:06] <samiam010203> i think all the main memebr s are working on things but ther eare still projects to go around
[19:00:18] <n8k99> after submitting the blog to ubuntu weblogs i have nothing until we port it over to a new site
[19:00:27] <yharrow> ausimage, wer aer going to make an autologin feature
[19:00:42] <n8k99> how are we going to do that?
[19:00:48] <yharrow> n8k99, do you think you can help with porting?
[19:00:55] <n8k99> can we make it openid?
[19:01:02] <ausimage> yharrow I am thinking of a read-only view of the projects
[19:01:11] <salvatore_c> openid would work well inthis situation
[19:01:15] <yharrow> n8k99, we need to manually copy from wiki to site
[19:01:26] <n8k99> porting project to the new project managemenet site
[19:01:51] <yharrow> n8k99, what do you mean by that?
[19:02:00] <yharrow> making it openid
[19:02:09] <ausimage> yharrow: I would allow just anyone to edit or change the site
[19:02:11] <n8k99> just trying to clarify what porting you are talking about
[19:02:31] <ausimage> * err not
[19:02:54] <yharrow> n8k99, i mean i would like to take all the projects on the projects wiki
[19:03:05] <yharrow> and move it to the projects site
[19:03:14] <n8k99> yes that's what i thought
[19:03:20] <salvatore_c> brb
[19:03:23] <n8k99> i can help with that
[19:03:33] <yharrow> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Projects
[19:03:35] <yharrow> to
[19:03:37] <ausimage> cool more help with project site
[19:03:47] <yharrow> http://www.projects.newyork-ubuntu.com
[19:04:23] <yharrow> n8k99, thats great
[19:04:27] <salvatore_c> ok back now :)
[19:04:31] <yharrow> so we have 3 people working on that
[19:04:40] <ausimage> nice :D
[19:04:45] <yharrow> once the projects are ported
[19:04:51] <salvatore_c> what els is there to wokron other than the migration ?
[19:04:56] <yharrow> we need to assign
[19:05:12] <yharrow> salvatore_c, we need to make ubuntuny redirect to our new site
[19:05:13] * ausimage will maintain the wiki and site
[19:05:16] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:05:17] <n8k99> set up the logo poll
[19:05:22] <salvatore_c> i think i can handle that :)
[19:05:44] <yharrow> n8k99, the poll is not ready to be activated yet
[19:05:57] <yharrow> we need to have enough logo submissions
[19:05:59] <n8k99> ok
[19:06:06] <yharrow> but mebbe we can do it right away
[19:06:11] <ausimage> yharrow email the list and ask
[19:06:18] <yharrow> ok
[19:06:18] <salvatore_c> we should set up a sticky on the forums about the logo poll :)
[19:06:33] <salvatore_c> ill take care of it as soon as the opoll is upo
[19:06:34] <yharrow> you mean we can use the forums for polls
[19:06:37] <yharrow> I like that idea
[19:06:48] <salvatore_c> no we use the forums to tell poeple to go to the poll
[19:06:52] <salvatore_c> and vote
[19:06:59] <salvatore_c> a lot of poepl hang on thefurms
[19:07:16] <yharrow> ok ive never actually seen an LP poll btw
[19:07:19] <ausimage> the poll on lp is for team members only I think
[19:07:23] <yharrow> only a forum poll
[19:07:36] <salvatore_c> tyhen maybe we should do an forums poll as well
[19:07:41] <yharrow> ausimage, in that case mebbe it is better to do a forum poll
[19:07:51] <ausimage> which ever you want
[19:07:54] <RawSewage> maybe do a podcast at the meeting
[19:08:04] <salvatore_c> ubuntuos baby
[19:08:05] <salvatore_c> !
[19:08:15] <salvatore_c> we r going to interview yharrow
[19:08:18] <yharrow> RawSewage, of which meeting?
[19:08:25] <RawSewage> NY
[19:08:50] <salvatore_c> raw u listen to the show ?
[19:08:53] <RawSewage> yeah
[19:08:59] <salvatore_c> how do we do ?
[19:09:04] <RawSewage> good
[19:09:06] <salvatore_c> thankls
[19:09:10] <yharrow> Raw you mean a podcast of the thursday meeting?
[19:09:12] <yharrow> btw I think we should all wish ausimage a happy birthday
[19:09:16] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:09:24] <salvatore_c> happy birthday to u
[19:09:28] <salvatore_c> ausi
[19:09:32] <n8k99> ausimage: happy birthday
[19:09:37] <RawSewage> I dont know anyone
[19:09:55] <ausimage> oh boy... now everyone one geek toy from each of you ;-P
[19:10:01] <yharrow> happy birthday to you... happy birthsday to you.
[19:10:03] <ausimage> sent to me
[19:10:08] <salvatore_c> hahaha
[19:10:22] <salvatore_c> ill send you my old star trek replicatore
[19:10:28] <yharrow> **ausimag, I baked you a cake...
[19:10:28] <salvatore_c> hahaha
[19:10:38] * ausimage says a geek can dream ??
[19:10:45] <yharrow> **but you cant eat it, its ahologram
[19:11:10] <ausimage> then just fill my email with e-cards :D
[19:11:10] <salvatore_c> you can use the force hahaha
[19:11:19] <yharrow> lol, ok
[19:11:25] <yharrow> ausimage, well do what we can
[19:11:30] <ausimage> cool
[19:11:50] <yharrow> we need a place to meet before or after the meeting on thursday
[19:11:51] <ausimage> I got my present from the ubunutu community already ;)
[19:11:55] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:11:57] <salvatore_c> thats true
[19:12:07] <yharrow> hands ausimage a stack of ubuntu ultimate cds
[19:12:15] <ausimage> hmmm
[19:12:16] <yharrow> happy birthday!
[19:12:18] <salvatore_c> i say we meet about half hour before hand at the hotel and then walk around and find a place to hang
[19:12:21] <RawSewage> maybe you should wait
[19:12:27] <RawSewage> Feisty is in a few weeks
[19:12:39] <yharrow> oh yeah
[19:12:42] <yharrow> forgot to say
[19:12:45] <salvatore_c> when feisty hits we should do a release partty
[19:12:48] <RawSewage> is Feisty a major release
[19:12:52] <yharrow> we want to have a realease party
[19:12:58] <salvatore_c> yup
[19:13:07] <salvatore_c> invite people to it
[19:13:18] <salvatore_c> were could we have the party at
[19:13:20] <yharrow> we should probably start planning now
[19:13:25] <n8k99> oh sweet idea!
[19:13:35] <salvatore_c> we should put it on the agenda for next meting
[19:13:58] <yharrow> yeah lets start making the new agenda
[19:14:02] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:14:06] <salvatore_c> start tonight
[19:14:26] <salvatore_c> the release part y is numoro uno
[19:15:35] <salvatore_c> also if anyone needs anyof the official ubuntu ebooks i have the whole collection so far :)
[19:16:05] <yharrow> salvatore_c, you should post the links to them in or info about them in NewYorkTeam/Resources
[19:16:11] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:16:16] <salvatore_c> makes scence
[19:16:23] <yharrow> also shipit should be there
[19:16:33] <salvatore_c> ill gzip them and upload them and then we could post the linkl
[19:16:59] <yharrow> thats cool although if there are alot we might want to sort them
[19:17:14] <yharrow> and post several gzips
[19:17:15] <salvatore_c> yharrow ill give u a call on thursday to schedual were to meet and what time we should meet up ok?>
[19:17:33] <yharrow> well we need everyone who is attending to know
[19:17:38] <salvatore_c> ground control to major tom.....
[19:17:45] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:17:52] <salvatore_c> send out amailing to everyone
[19:17:59] <yharrow> so I think we should make a decision at least a day before
[19:18:04] <salvatore_c> thats what the mailing list is for :)
[19:18:11] <yharrow> that means by tomorrow night
[19:18:14] * ausimage wonders how much longer
[19:18:23] <salvatore_c> tomorrow we will put our heads together and find a place :)
[19:18:23] <yharrow> we should have at least some idea of where we are going
[19:18:36] <yharrow> ok
[19:18:51] <yharrow> so far looks like there are 2 others besides for us
[19:18:55] <salvatore_c> cool
[19:19:01] <yharrow> knight and iloinfosystems
[19:19:13] <salvatore_c> cool
[19:19:28] <salvatore_c> we have to find a place that has wifi i think though
[19:19:49] <yharrow> we should but this meeting is unformal so its not neccessarily a must
[19:19:56] <salvatore_c> true
[19:19:59] <salvatore_c> makes scne
[19:20:01] <salvatore_c> scnece
[19:20:05] <salvatore_c> balkw
[19:20:17] <salvatore_c> why dont we work on it tomoorw
[19:20:19] <yharrow> it more of a social thing I think so we can feel more comfortable working together
[19:20:24] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:20:29] <salvatore_c> your right yharrow
[19:20:30] <yharrow> and
[19:20:37] <yharrow> the highlight of the evening
[19:20:43] <salvatore_c> will be deluge
[19:20:45] <yharrow> will be speaking with deluge members
[19:20:46] <yharrow> yes
[19:20:49] <salvatore_c> col
[19:20:51] <salvatore_c> cool
[19:20:57] <atoponce> coool
[19:20:59] <salvatore_c> and they will probly have wifi anywayu
[19:21:08] <yharrow> yeah
[19:21:13] <yharrow> not a given
[19:21:15] <yharrow> but yeah
[19:21:22] <salvatore_c> makes a lot of scence
[19:21:30] <salvatore_c> anything els we need to discuse
[19:21:39] <yharrow> also, some people may not have eaten supper by the time we go and may want to go eat something
[19:21:50] <salvatore_c> thats why we will fidn a place
[19:22:12] <yharrow> so I think it should be casual but at least offer a light meal
[19:22:16] <salvatore_c> yesa
[19:22:18] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:22:31] <salvatore_c> therees a few dinners around there
[19:22:32] <yharrow> we'll see
[19:22:44] <salvatore_c> we will work it out tomorrow night
[19:22:50] <yharrow> ok then
[19:22:54] <salvatore_c> whne our minds are fresh :)
[19:23:00] <yharrow> its been a pleasure everyone
[19:23:09] <salvatore_c> so we have come to the end now
[19:23:32] <salvatore_c> and we will nbe around for anouther 30mins or so and everyone is welcome otchatter a bit :)
[19:23:50] <salvatore_c> id ilike to thank everyone for comign tonight
[19:23:51] <yharrow> um sal
[19:23:53] <salvatore_c> yes
[19:24:02] <atoponce> ty
[19:24:04] <yharrow> were 10 minutes into the chatter ;)
[19:24:05] <atoponce> good meet
[19:24:09] <atoponce> very productive
[19:24:13] <yharrow> thanks atoponce
[19:24:26] <RawSewage> wasnt there a podcast this week
[19:24:28] <yharrow> I really appreciate you taking your time to show up
[19:24:35] <salvatore_c> yes yharrow i know thats why im doing the closer
[19:24:40] <yharrow> lol
[19:24:41] <yharrow> ok
[19:24:42] <yharrow> cool
[19:24:43] <salvatore_c> hahaha
[19:24:48] <yharrow> i was kiddin with you
[19:24:51] <atoponce> yharrow: np
[19:24:54] <salvatore_c> so now lets have afree for all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[19:25:11] <salvatore_c> so what up for tinghts evening meal
[19:25:13] <yharrow> hits pinata
[19:25:24] <salvatore_c> im having chines again :)
[19:25:54] <RawSewage> burnt popcorn
[19:26:03] <yharrow> hehe
[19:26:10] <yharrow> RawSewage, with or w/o butter?
[19:26:17] <RawSewage> I hate butter
[19:26:20] <yharrow> lol
[19:26:35] <yharrow> eww. dry burnt popcorn
[19:26:45] <RawSewage> you know how you burn microwave popcorn, and it gets a black nuclear core


NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20070306 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:18 by localhost)