This is the 11th IRC meeting of the NewYorkTeam, starting at 6:00 PM EST and finishing at 7:45 EST When adding new agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ (without the escape - marks) after each of your items. If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.


The meeting will start off with an Introduction of Members where we will welcome people to the meeting. The following Topics will then be discussed.

  • Announcements
  • Discuss Major issues
    • ask members to join the new facebook account page
    • Discuss the creation of a book review section on the wiki (Based on our acceptance into the O'Reilly User Group Program. ( Note: Samiam010203 has already requested a box of donation books and swag from O'Reilly Publishing for use in this matter) )
    • create list of possible team events
    • Discuss the idea of creating sub teams for each region.
    • Location for future RL meetings
    • Should every district have its own RL meeting?
    • If so, should there be a link between the meetings?
    • How much communication if any is neccessary between the meetings?
    • Should all districts meetings be on the same day?
    • Improve wikitasks
    • Improve management of wiki
    • Should we create a HOWTO Section on the wiki for new users or should we point them to already made documentation?
  • Open Discussion (Ubuntu Related Topics)
  • Wrap up and goals for next meeting



IRC Logs

(05:58:55 PM) yharrow: Welcome everyone to the 11th IRC meeting of the Ubuntu New York Loco
(05:59:05 PM) BrianG: hello
(05:59:10 PM) n8k99: yay
(05:59:11 PM) yharrow: As usual we are going to start with announcements
(05:59:15 PM) yharrow: hi BrianG
(05:59:22 PM) samiam010203: yes
(05:59:33 PM) yharrow: a few announcements that I'd like to make
(05:59:37 PM) samiam010203: i have a few announcments
(05:59:46 PM) samiam010203: go ahead yharrow
(06:00:07 PM) yharrow: samiam010203:  right after i am done you will have the floor ;)
(06:00:15 PM) samiam010203: thanks yharrow
(06:00:16 PM) yharrow: ok
(06:00:23 PM) yharrow: your welcome.
(06:01:07 PM) yharrow: I would like to let everyone know that we had our first RL activity about 2 weeks ago. And even though only 3 people showed it was a start and it went rather well
(06:01:46 PM) yharrow: n8k99, samiam010203  and myself met in Union Square NYC and handed out CDs to anyone with a computer
(06:02:05 PM) yharrow: If we continue to hold events like these we will be well on our way to becoming official.
(06:02:07 PM) n8k99: anyone who said that they had a computer
(06:02:16 PM) yharrow: correct
(06:02:23 PM) yharrow: we had no idea if they really had a comptuer :P
(06:02:51 PM) yharrow:  We simply asked if they had one and trusted their answer
(06:03:13 PM) appellation: How many CDs did you hand out?
(06:03:19 PM) yharrow: A few people had heard of Linux and wanted more info which we gladly provided.
(06:03:30 PM) yharrow: I would say at least 10 - 15 each person
(06:03:40 PM) yharrow: There were 3 or us
(06:03:47 PM) yharrow: so that would be about 30 or so.
(06:03:57 PM) yharrow: n8k99, samiam010203  does that sound right?
(06:04:02 PM) samiam010203: about right yes
(06:04:17 PM) n8k99: 30-45ish
(06:04:23 PM) appellation: Nice.
(06:04:36 PM) yharrow: I think that's outstanding. Especially for our first event.
(06:04:43 PM) yharrow: : )
(06:05:28 PM) yharrow: While we are on the topic, I woiuld like to let everyone know we will be having another such event this coming wednesday
(06:05:30 PM) yharrow: Tomorrow
(06:05:55 PM) yharrow: It will also take place in NYC
(06:06:03 PM) yharrow: in Washington Sq Park
(06:06:11 PM) yharrow: 5-6 PM
(06:06:19 PM) yharrow: How many people here live in the city?
(06:06:34 PM) appellation: Not me. Orange County.
(06:06:43 PM) yharrow: if you live in the city say "aye"
(06:06:44 PM) yharrow: aye
(06:06:48 PM) samiam010203: aye
(06:06:59 PM) yharrow: anyone else?
(06:06:59 PM) ***n8k99 is not going to make it
(06:07:02 PM) yharrow: k
(06:07:05 PM) Ayarcy: aye, but I can't make it.
(06:07:11 PM) ***n8k99 has a presentation to finish writing
(06:07:11 PM) yharrow: ok
(06:07:44 PM) yharrow: n8k99 not a problem. You've already attended last event, and i understand you have RL to attend to
(06:08:02 PM) n8k99: presentation is for thursday night
(06:08:15 PM) yharrow: Ayarcy: its fine, you can make the meeting whenever you are available : )
(06:08:16 PM) ***n8k99 presenting ubuntu to unix users group
(06:08:22 PM) yharrow: awesome : )
(06:08:38 PM) yharrow: I am sure that they will be impressed
(06:08:52 PM) yharrow: samiam010203, you said that you had some announcements to make?
(06:08:57 PM) samiam010203: yes
(06:09:00 PM) yharrow: ok
(06:09:07 PM) yharrow: please go ahead
(06:09:10 PM) samiam010203: i want to talk a bit about the o'reilly user group
(06:09:21 PM) samiam010203: we have been accepted for memeber ship in it
(06:09:32 PM) yharrow: awesome!
(06:09:51 PM) yharrow: What kind of benefits will we have?
(06:09:57 PM) samiam010203: i already ordered us some books for us to review and will post the list on the wiki as sson as i recieve them in the mail so people can claim the books they want to review
(06:10:24 PM) samiam010203: i will be setting up an page on the wiki as soon as the end of the week
(06:10:29 PM) appellation: Wow. That's exciting.
(06:10:36 PM) yharrow: Sounds great
(06:10:45 PM) samiam010203: and we should post their banner on our website if the team aggreas to it
(06:10:50 PM) samiam010203: also
(06:11:06 PM) samiam010203: we as memebers are intitled to a 30% dicuont when ordering
(06:11:18 PM) n8k99: excellent
(06:11:20 PM) yharrow: davebgimp is responsible for site design. But I have not seen him in a while
(06:11:31 PM) n8k99: i'll hit him up on im
(06:11:34 PM) yharrow: I sent him an email 3 days ago
(06:11:37 PM) samiam010203: here is the info:
(06:11:40 PM) samiam010203: Your group members receive a 35% discount on O'Reilly, No Starch,
(06:11:44 PM) samiam010203: Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or
(06:11:48 PM) samiam010203: YoungJin products purchased directly from O'Reilly. The discount code
(06:11:49 PM) samiam010203: your members should use is DSUG. Orders can be placed online at
(06:11:49 PM) samiam010203: http://www.oreilly.com/store/ or by calling 800-998-9938. Your members
(06:11:49 PM) samiam010203: are also entitled to a discount on O'Reilly conferences and tutorials.
(06:11:49 PM) samiam010203: Other special discount offers may also be forwarded to your group from
(06:11:49 PM) samiam010203: time to time.
(06:12:04 PM) samiam010203: also
(06:12:31 PM) samiam010203: they have a list of authors that we could request to come and give a talk at our RL meetings if we would like
(06:12:45 PM) yharrow: This is really great.
(06:12:58 PM) appellation: That's great. How do they know it's us when we request the discount?
(06:13:01 PM) samiam010203: on the wiki page for this i will make sore to post a link to the aouthers request page for people to come up with ideas
(06:13:11 PM) samiam010203: by the code
(06:13:17 PM) yharrow: Do we need to maintain any sort of status to continue to receive these benefits?
(06:13:23 PM) appellation: But these meetings are public, so
(06:13:32 PM) samiam010203: i am the contact with them and thats all that matters
(06:13:41 PM) appellation: OK
(06:14:03 PM) samiam010203: as long as we continue to remain in contact with them they will stay in contact with us
(06:14:19 PM) appellation: Cool. All for it.
(06:14:22 PM) yharrow: How did we get approved?
(06:14:41 PM) yharrow: What sort of things did we need to do to qualify
(06:14:59 PM) samiam010203: the benifits come to us becasue for example they expect us to use the books for door prizes and to write reviews for them on our blog and wiki page and to send them the link to the review
(06:15:29 PM) yharrow: So we will need to occasionally review products or at least do so as a curtesy.
(06:15:32 PM) samiam010203: i applied for memebership for us and they took about a week to approve us
(06:15:37 PM) samiam010203: yes
(06:15:46 PM) samiam010203: they dont demand it but they request two things
(06:15:50 PM) yharrow: yes
(06:16:29 PM) samiam010203: they ask that you post there picture on the website and they ask that with the books if you write a review on the blog or your personal blog or wqebsite to send them the link to the review
(06:16:43 PM) mode (+o yharrow ) by ChanServ
(06:16:44 PM) samiam010203: in return we get free books
(06:16:51 PM) samiam010203: when we need them
(06:17:02 PM) samiam010203: and talkers for our meetings
(06:17:11 PM) samiam010203: and we get free swag and dicounts
(06:17:22 PM) yharrow: I think that is a more than fair exchange
(06:17:32 PM) samiam010203: yharrow i will foward the emails to you for you to have on record as well
(06:17:41 PM) yharrow: Thank You.
(06:17:46 PM) samiam010203: no problem
(06:17:57 PM) yharrow: I think that the above 2 things should be on our projects list
(06:17:58 PM) samiam010203: i will be creating the wiki page by the end of the week
(06:18:31 PM) yharrow: Perhaps an Oreilly Project, with the 2 things listed as Tasks
(06:18:41 PM) samiam010203: cool
(06:18:50 PM) samiam010203: thats all i wanted to announce yharrow
(06:18:57 PM) yharrow: Ok
(06:18:57 PM) samiam010203: i give the floor back to you now
(06:18:59 PM) yharrow: Thank you.
(06:19:11 PM) yharrow: Does anybody else have an announcement to make?
(06:19:24 PM) appellation: Nope.
(06:19:53 PM) yharrow: Also, does anyone have any comments or questions about the announcment that samiam010203 just made?
(06:19:57 PM) n8k99: just my presentation
(06:20:13 PM) n8k99: thursday night 7-9
(06:20:17 PM) n8k99: downtown
(06:20:26 PM) yharrow: Where will it be taking place exactly?
(06:20:33 PM) yharrow: I think it should be on our list of events
(06:20:41 PM) yharrow: we can list it as a team project
(06:20:50 PM) yharrow: and people from the team can attend.
(06:20:57 PM) yharrow: I mean a team event
(06:20:58 PM) yharrow: sorry
(06:21:00 PM) n8k99: 104 washington street
(06:21:22 PM) n8k99: it would be nice if someone could come down with some feisty cds
(06:21:27 PM) ***n8k99 only has dapper
(06:21:48 PM) yharrow: I will try my best to attend. I have some Feisty CDs at home.
(06:21:55 PM) samiam010203: i only have dapper right now as well
(06:22:06 PM) yharrow: The presentation is this Thursday?
(06:22:35 PM) n8k99: yes
(06:22:44 PM) yharrow: Ok
(06:22:57 PM) n8k99: i wanted next month but it is what it is
(06:23:09 PM) yharrow: The next time we meet, I will give you guys some Feisty CDs
(06:23:10 PM) Ayarcy: Uh oh.  I have to go.  Sorry to leave early, everyone.  I'll read the minutes tomorrow.
(06:23:17 PM) yharrow: Ayarcy: Later
(06:23:22 PM) Ayarcy: Adios.
(06:23:23 PM) yharrow: Thanks for attending.
(06:23:46 PM) yharrow: Ya
(06:24:13 PM) samiam010203: i have 55 feisty cds on the way
(06:24:39 PM) yharrow: BrianG: ausimage  you guys still around?
(06:24:52 PM) ausimage: yeah
(06:25:01 PM) yharrow: Ok :)
(06:25:17 PM) yharrow: samiam010203:  sweet
(06:25:29 PM) ***ausimage updating wiki with log as we go
(06:25:36 PM) yharrow: Great
(06:25:57 PM) yharrow: ausimage: although we can post the log at the end of the meeting
(06:26:28 PM) yharrow: It might be better if you get involved with the discussion. : )
(06:26:31 PM) ausimage: I know just reading and pasting is easier for me ;)
(06:26:39 PM) yharrow: oh ok :)
(06:26:41 PM) yharrow: sure thing
(06:26:52 PM) yharrow: if you see anything yould like to comment on dont be shy ;)
(06:26:55 PM) ausimage: I don't have much to say at this moment
(06:26:56 PM) yharrow: ok
(06:27:00 PM) yharrow: not a problem
(06:27:02 PM) yharrow: : )
(06:27:27 PM) yharrow: Lets move onto major topics of discussion
(06:27:56 PM) yharrow: Not listed in order of priority.
(06:28:05 PM) yharrow: But we will address them in the listed order.
(06:28:11 PM) yharrow: the first one is: ask members to join the new facebook account page
(06:28:20 PM) yharrow: Our team now has a facebook page
(06:28:32 PM) appellation: Already done.
(06:28:35 PM) yharrow: Joining this Page is not neccessary
(06:28:40 PM) yharrow: But it would be nice
(06:28:50 PM) yharrow: What is the url for the page?
(06:28:57 PM) samiam010203: hold on
(06:29:04 PM) yharrow: ok
(06:30:01 PM) samiam010203: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2389558839
(06:30:06 PM) ***BrianG is still around.. albeit distracted somewhat
(06:30:31 PM) yharrow: BrianG, no problem. Just try to participate as much as you are able
(06:31:14 PM) ***yharrow fills the room with smoke an lights to get BrianG's attnetion
(06:31:26 PM) yharrow: :P
(06:31:30 PM) BrianG: :P
(06:31:32 PM) yharrow: Discuss the creation of a book review section on the wiki (Based on our acceptance into the O'Reilly User Group Program. ( Note: Samiam010203 has already requested a box of donation books and swag from O'Reilly Publishing for use in this matter) )
(06:31:50 PM) yharrow: I think that we went into this a bit earlier
(06:32:12 PM) yharrow: samiam010203: are you the one who will be responsible for creating the wiki page?
(06:32:17 PM) samiam010203: yes we already covered it
(06:32:18 PM) BrianG: can i make a comment about the facebook group?
(06:32:23 PM) yharrow: go ahea
(06:32:26 PM) yharrow: ahead*
(06:32:52 PM) BrianG: i wish the description matched more of the team website
(06:33:10 PM) BrianG: i understand the ideas behind "ubuntu" and "humanity"
(06:33:36 PM) BrianG: but i think the description is a little hokey and could closer resemble the information about the team that is on the teams wiki/website
(06:33:40 PM) yharrow: It might be a good idea to just copy paste from the team website and wiki description.
(06:34:25 PM) yharrow: BrianG: Thank you fro bringing that up
(06:34:30 PM) yharrow: What does everyone else think?
(06:34:40 PM) appellation: Well, the facebook group is global, so it has to explain the overall purpose of Ubuntu, right? Because...
(06:34:50 PM) appellation: on our team site
(06:34:51 PM) ausimage: the description should match
(06:35:04 PM) appellation: it's in the context of ubuntu already.
(06:35:14 PM) ausimage: I copied the description for the google group mirror for the tem
(06:35:17 PM) ausimage: *team
(06:35:26 PM) appellation: So, it should match, but maybe it needs a little more?
(06:35:39 PM) yharrow: appellation, than we can make an effort to add more Ubuntu stuff to the Facebook page
(06:35:54 PM) yharrow: when people read the description they will wonder what Ubuntu is
(06:36:00 PM) appellation: That makes sense.
(06:36:03 PM) BrianG: well what is the purpose of the group? for ubuntu users on the team to be in a group together on facebook, or get facebook people to use ubuntu?
(06:36:14 PM) yharrow: We can have a definintion of Ubuntu somewhere on the page
(06:36:28 PM) yharrow: or better yet, a link to ubuntu.com
(06:36:48 PM) appellation: Why not both?
(06:37:44 PM) appellation: BrianG: Really good point. I'm not sure what the answer is. yharrow?
(06:38:09 PM) yharrow: I think we should change the description to match our site and wiki page.
(06:38:19 PM) ausimage: +1
(06:38:34 PM) yharrow: We can have a definition of Ubuntu and a link to ubuntu.com somwhere on the page
(06:38:49 PM) BrianG: +1
(06:38:57 PM) samiam010203: sounds fine
(06:39:11 PM) yharrow: or we can add the a link to our wiki page at the end of the description
(06:39:11 PM) appellation: Sure.
(06:39:27 PM) yharrow: ok then
(06:39:30 PM) yharrow: next topic
(06:39:35 PM) yharrow: btw
(06:39:55 PM) yharrow: who is in charge of the facebook group?
(06:40:26 PM) BrianG: Barnaba Bienkowski
(06:40:35 PM) yharrow: hendrixsi
(06:40:57 PM) yharrow: ok we can send him an email, or IM him later
(06:41:13 PM) yharrow: to tell him to make the changes
(06:41:40 PM) yharrow: create list of possible team events
(06:41:56 PM) yharrow: I think this is a great topic to touch upon
(06:42:22 PM) yharrow: we need to create a list of events that we can do as a team to promote Ubuntu
(06:42:25 PM) ausimage: should not possible team events be put into brainstorm on the project page
(06:42:40 PM) yharrow: ausimage: Yes, I think thats a good idea
(06:42:53 PM) ausimage: events are projects too ;)
(06:42:59 PM) yharrow: Yep : )
(06:43:04 PM) yharrow: although
(06:43:15 PM) ausimage: no sense duplicating things
(06:43:16 PM) yharrow: specific events get their own page
(06:43:19 PM) yharrow: true
(06:43:36 PM) ausimage: yeah well projects get there own pages too
(06:43:46 PM) yharrow: ya : )
(06:43:49 PM) yharrow: you are right
(06:45:11 PM) ***ausimage says then you should know my thougts about duplicating How Tos ;)
(06:45:31 PM) yharrow: btw guys, you can view or edit team projects at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/ProjectGoals
(06:45:53 PM) ***n8k99 says then you should know my thoughts about duplicating How Tos ;)
(06:46:03 PM) yharrow: ausimage: that is one of our topics for discussion today ;)
(06:46:10 PM) n8k99: oh wait that was a dupe too wasn't it
(06:46:15 PM) yharrow: lol
(06:46:43 PM) ausimage: you mean jinx n8k99
(06:46:58 PM) yharrow: The only events that come to mind, are CD distribution, talks such as the one n8k99 is holding, and at some point classes
(06:47:04 PM) ***n8k99 did tat intentionally
(06:47:28 PM) yharrow: Would anyone like to add to this list?
(06:48:02 PM) ausimage: release parties.... sponsor a Sprint ... etc
(06:48:43 PM) yharrow: Release parties are good. Cant beleive i forgot that one :P. What do you mean by sponsor a sprint?
(06:49:02 PM) ausimage: or whatever else it is that might get Ubuntu developers to come to NY....
(06:49:23 PM) appellation: sprints are like campaigns, right?
(06:49:43 PM) ausimage: Sprints usually are intense coding sessions for ubuntu
(06:50:05 PM) appellation: Ah. OK. Collaborative?
(06:50:24 PM) ausimage: but I was trying to think of what ubuntu does for each release cycle... like UDS Mountainview, Seville et all
(06:50:36 PM) yharrow: Speaking of sponsoring
(06:50:54 PM) n8k99: thats a developers summit- set up by canonical
(06:51:09 PM) yharrow: n8k99, samiam010203  and i had a discussion of how we can secure funds for events in the future
(06:51:16 PM) ausimage: yeah there is no reason we cannot campaign for NY
(06:51:44 PM) ausimage: you need to a group account yharrow
(06:52:01 PM) yharrow: n8k99: suggested that we vie away from requesting sponsorships from other people and that we set up a fund to which we  ourselves contribute
(06:52:06 PM) ausimage: which you should really get some bylaws approved ;)
(06:52:35 PM) yharrow: ausimage: when i walk into the bank of america, what do i ask?
(06:53:23 PM) yharrow: what does everyone think of n8k99's idea?
(06:53:31 PM) ausimage: you ask them about an account for a future not-for-profit organization. Then you may need to explain what the organization is and what are some goals..
(06:53:42 PM) salvatore_c: i think we need a sponser
(06:54:04 PM) appellation: Well, I don't understand our funding system yet. Can I read up on it somewhere?
(06:54:24 PM) ausimage: appellation: there is not one yet
(06:54:30 PM) yharrow: apellation, We are in the process of deciding how the system should work.
(06:54:46 PM) appellation: Ha ha. OK.
(06:54:57 PM) yharrow: in any event, there will be a sort of treasury
(06:55:02 PM) appellation: I forget we're still a new group.
(06:55:02 PM) yharrow: to which all funds will go
(06:55:10 PM) ***ausimage encourages the bylaws
(06:55:23 PM) yharrow: Probably the group account that ausimage has encouraged me to opne
(06:55:29 PM) yharrow: open*
(06:55:51 PM) yharrow: ausimage: what is the link to the bylaws page
(06:56:29 PM) ausimage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/503c/bylaw
(06:56:42 PM) salvatore_c: we should then have a donations button on the sitethen.
(06:57:03 PM) ausimage: the contents are negotiable till it is ratified.
(06:57:33 PM) yharrow: btw, I think that we now have a list of the major events that we can hold
(06:57:40 PM) yharrow: There might be others.
(06:58:00 PM) yharrow: But I would like to start with the ones we have.
(06:58:35 PM) yharrow: Those are CD distribution, Tech Talks, Classes, Sprints, Release Parties
(06:59:07 PM) yharrow: does everyone agree?
(06:59:14 PM) salvatore_c: yes
(06:59:17 PM) ausimage: +1
(06:59:37 PM) appellation: Sure.
(06:59:59 PM) yharrow: n8k99: ?
(07:00:09 PM) n8k99: sorry
(07:00:12 PM) ***n8k99 reads back
(06:59:59 PM) yharrow: n8k99: ?
(07:00:09 PM) n8k99: sorry
(07:00:12 PM) ***n8k99 reads back
(07:00:51 PM) n8k99: the needs to be  a treasure, and a bacnk account
(07:01:11 PM) ausimage: :) bylaws too ;)
(07:01:13 PM) n8k99: we may also need to investigate the means to declare ourselves as a not profit
(07:01:24 PM) yharrow: n8k99: we will get to that in a second : ), what do you think of the list of events?
(07:01:30 PM) ***n8k99 thinks bylaws are necessary for not for profit
(07:01:31 PM) BrianG: what about booths? at state/county fairs and such
(07:01:43 PM) n8k99: oh they are good
(07:01:46 PM) yharrow: k
(07:01:47 PM) BrianG: fall under CD distibution
(07:01:48 PM) BrianG: ?
(07:01:49 PM) appellation: n8k99: I completely agree.
(07:02:06 PM) yharrow: we will continue our discussion about funding nwo
(07:02:09 PM) yharrow: now*
(07:02:25 PM) yharrow: n8k99: Why do you think we need both?
(07:02:40 PM) n8k99: both what?
(07:02:50 PM) yharrow: a treasure and a bank account
(07:03:17 PM) n8k99: the treasurer is the person and assitnat person who have access to teh money
(07:03:27 PM) n8k99: the money is left in the bank
(07:03:30 PM) yharrow: ah a treasure(r)
(07:03:34 PM) yharrow: k
(07:04:01 PM) yharrow: I got confused because you said treasure
(07:04:02 PM) ausimage: and the bylaws help dictate how and why money is collected 
(07:04:10 PM) yharrow: Anywho
(07:04:12 PM) yharrow: I agree
(07:04:21 PM) ausimage: also outlines the duties 
(07:04:49 PM) yharrow: I think we should vote for a treasurer at some point. Although I will be the first treasurer since I am opening the account.
(07:04:49 PM) yharrow: I think we should vote for a treasurer at some point. Although I will be the first treasurer since I am opening the account.
(07:06:24 PM) yharrow: I think we discussed this once before, but never got around to holding such a meeting.
(07:06:32 PM) ausimage: yeah... make sure the classifications of non-profit are correct to yourselfs
(07:06:56 PM) yharrow: How does Tuesday next week sound?
(07:07:04 PM) ausimage: yeah... I got a little busy 
(07:07:04 PM) samiam010203: fine
(07:07:04 PM) yharrow: for a non profit meeting
(07:07:05 PM) appellation: Time?
(07:07:20 PM) yharrow: should we do it 6:00 pm again?
(07:07:23 PM) yharrow: or anyone busy
(07:07:32 PM) ***ausimage should be able to
(07:07:38 PM) n8k99: sounds good
(07:07:54 PM) yharrow: ok
(07:07:57 PM) appellation: I think that's OK. I may have to leave early.
(07:08:20 PM) yharrow: apellation, When will you need to leave early?
(07:08:41 PM) appellation: It's a trip up to Kingston, so...
(07:08:44 PM) yharrow: The meeting will be on the 26th of June then
(07:08:55 PM) appellation: 6:20
(07:09:07 PM) yharrow: we can hold it a differnt day or time
(07:09:08 PM) ausimage: any have a tax advisor or attorney as a friend?
(07:09:14 PM) appellation: Heh. Not much time.
(07:09:28 PM) yharrow: i have an attorney as a friend i think, but not as close as Id like
(07:09:29 PM) ausimage: invite them to sit in on the meeting :)
(07:09:33 PM) appellation: I know an economics professor really well...
(07:09:34 PM) yharrow: hmm
(07:09:43 PM) yharrow: I dont know if theyd have time for it
(07:09:51 PM) yharrow: its probably better to gvie them a log
(07:09:55 PM) yharrow: or a list of quesitons
(07:10:05 PM) yharrow: unless of course
(07:10:07 PM) yharrow: they do have time
(07:10:31 PM) ausimage: just a suggestion... or everyone just do their homework real well ;)
(07:10:55 PM) yharrow: if we wnat an attorney or tother importnt person to take part, I think we should ahve the meeting by phone
(07:10:56 PM) appellation: Homework: who's doing what? Or is that for later?
(07:11:02 PM) yharrow: :D
(07:11:22 PM) ausimage: homework = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/503c/bylaw
(07:11:29 PM) yharrow: lol
(07:11:40 PM) yharrow: thats your homework :P
(07:11:57 PM) yharrow: homework = http://slashdot.com
(07:12:11 PM) yharrow: or better yet
(07:12:12 PM) appellation: No. I get that. But shouldn't we divide and assign?
(07:12:17 PM) yharrow: http://digg.com
(07:12:23 PM) yharrow: yes
(07:12:43 PM) yharrow: apellation, In general we would like to divide and assign
(07:12:54 PM) yharrow: That is the whole idea of project management
(07:13:04 PM) ausimage: I wrote them as I would have them... everyone needs to make sure I that are right for them
(07:13:11 PM) appellation: lol. That's good. I just want to know when we're doing that.
(07:13:16 PM) yharrow: ausimage: is there a bylaw project in the project goal page?
(07:13:36 PM) ausimage: yeah
(07:13:47 PM) yharrow: Here we go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/ProjectGoals/NonProfitExploration
(07:14:02 PM) ausimage: yup
(07:14:27 PM) appellation: Looks like you're doing everything, ausimage.
(07:14:37 PM) appellation: :-)
(07:15:01 PM) yharrow: yeah, we need some balance
(07:15:05 PM) ausimage: well I started the ball rolling, because I have helped with other groups in the past
(07:15:18 PM) yharrow: unfortunately not many people look at the porjects page
(07:15:21 PM) appellation: Seriously, I guess I'm just a bit eager to help. I have new person energy.
(07:15:26 PM) ausimage: but I will NEVER claim to be the expert
(07:15:28 PM) yharrow: or know that it exists
(07:16:15 PM) yharrow: I think we should all edit or read the projects page at least once a week
(07:16:24 PM) ausimage: go through the bylawas appellation and we can discuss them
(07:17:59 PM) yharrow: ok
(07:18:00 PM) appellation: Sure.
(07:18:01 PM) ***ausimage wonders if this topic is dead
(07:18:11 PM) appellation: Should be. We have to move on.
(07:18:14 PM) yharrow: lets see what else is on the list of topics
(07:18:30 PM) yharrow: Location for future RL meetings
(07:18:50 PM) yharrow: We threw up the idea of holding meetings a defined location
(07:18:54 PM) yharrow: every time
(07:19:01 PM) ausimage: where is hendixski???
(07:19:11 PM) yharrow: not just randomly choosing a coffee shop or something
(07:19:18 PM) yharrow: hendrixsii was on earlier
(07:19:25 PM) yharrow: I think he had to go do smething
(07:19:52 PM) ausimage: he is the defacto guy for RLs up here 
(07:20:01 PM) yharrow: Yes
(07:20:26 PM) yharrow: I hope that he reads this log and attends the next meeting if he is able.
(07:20:56 PM) yharrow: I don't think we can go too much into detail for a set location
(07:21:05 PM) yharrow: but several ideas have been brought up
(07:21:15 PM) appellation: Should we put off this topic, yharrow?
(07:21:22 PM) ausimage: +1
(07:21:24 PM) yharrow: I think so
(07:21:34 PM) appellation: OK
(07:21:36 PM) yharrow: Should every district have its own RL meeting?
(07:21:40 PM) ausimage: districts should have own RLs
(07:21:48 PM) yharrow: This is a relevant topic
(07:21:56 PM) yharrow: I think they should
(07:22:03 PM) ausimage: make easy to get to
(07:22:14 PM) yharrow: and one meeting for the entire state of NY every  6 months
(07:22:25 PM) yharrow: probably held in Albany
(07:22:40 PM) ausimage: could rotate through districts ;)
(07:22:45 PM) yharrow: ture
(07:22:46 PM) appellation: Do we have enough active members to justify making districts yet?
(07:22:48 PM) yharrow: true*
(07:22:54 PM) appellation: Or rather
(07:22:56 PM) yharrow: Yes
(07:23:02 PM) yharrow: We already have 2 disctricts
(07:23:07 PM) yharrow: upstate and downstate
(07:23:15 PM) ausimage: appellation: size of state warrants districts
(07:23:16 PM) yharrow: ; )
(07:23:27 PM) appellation: OK. Where does downstate start.
(07:23:28 PM) appellation: ?
(07:23:52 PM) ausimage: lower hudson valley and NYC ???
(07:24:03 PM) yharrow: we have not yet defined that. But right now it includes everyone who lives past westchester
(07:24:06 PM) appellation: It's a big state, yes, but if I'm the only guy in Orange County
(07:24:07 PM) ausimage: I am just guessing
(07:24:22 PM) yharrow: in or past westchester
(07:24:29 PM) ausimage: I think there is another in Orange County
(07:24:48 PM) appellation: I'm not likely to go to a Hudson Valley meeting if there are only a tiny bit of people.
(07:24:49 PM) appellation: OK
(07:24:56 PM) yharrow: isnt orange county rather far from nyc?
(07:24:58 PM) appellation: but I just want to be sure it's warrented
(07:25:09 PM) appellation: travel time is limited, at least it is for me
(07:25:21 PM) appellation: Do you know what I mean?
(07:25:28 PM) yharrow: Yes.
(07:25:29 PM) ausimage: yeah I do
(07:25:38 PM) yharrow: Travel time is limited for many people.
(07:25:58 PM) yharrow: We want meetings to be as local as possible
(07:26:09 PM) appellation: I agree with that in principle.
(07:26:17 PM) yharrow: is rochester far from orange county?
(07:26:53 PM) ausimage: yes it is yharrow Orange is still in throat ;)
(07:26:54 PM) appellation: yeah.
(07:27:17 PM) yharrow: is orange further from rochester or the city?
(07:27:23 PM) appellation: it's the other side of the state
(07:27:58 PM) yharrow: hmm, I'd need to see a map
(07:28:00 PM) appellation: Oh, the county
(07:28:03 PM) appellation: right
(07:29:13 PM) ausimage: yharrow orange is on the western side near the top of the throat
(07:29:47 PM) yharrow: looking at a map now
(07:29:55 PM) yharrow: orange is near goschen?
(07:30:03 PM) appellation: goschen is in orange
(07:30:07 PM) yharrow: ah ok
(07:30:15 PM) yharrow: so its much closer to the city
(07:30:17 PM) yharrow: but still far
(07:30:36 PM) appellation: dutchess, putnam, rockland, westchester: lower hudson valley
(07:30:42 PM) samiam010203: well we should go up there at a point yharrow
(07:30:45 PM) yharrow: I never really realized how big New York State was until now
(07:30:52 PM) yharrow: :P
(07:30:53 PM) appellation: oh, Ulster and Rockland too
(07:31:03 PM) yharrow: is freaking huge.
(07:31:04 PM) yharrow: lol
(07:31:05 PM) appellation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson_Valley
(07:31:18 PM) ausimage: We new need a district division meeting
(07:31:38 PM) appellation: We could start with the way Craigslist breaks things up and work from there.
(07:31:39 PM) ausimage: I suggested up to nine districts each with a leader on the board 
(07:31:49 PM) yharrow: true. We can assign leaders to the districts then also
(07:32:19 PM) ausimage: ^^ that is mention in my bylaws
(07:32:32 PM) yharrow: ok then
(07:32:43 PM) yharrow: we can discuss it at the bylaw meeting this coming tuesday
(07:32:51 PM) samiam010203: now
(07:32:52 PM) yharrow: : )
(07:33:00 PM) samiam010203: is there anything els tonight ?
(07:33:04 PM) yharrow: ya
(07:33:07 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:33:11 PM) samiam010203: whatcha got
(07:33:18 PM) yharrow: we have until a quarter to if I am not mistaken
(07:33:22 PM) ausimage: wiki and howtos
(07:33:32 PM) ausimage: are left on the agenda
(07:33:57 PM) yharrow: Should we create a HOWTO Section on the wiki for new users or should we point them to already made documentation?
(07:33:59 PM) ausimage: HOW TOs belong to the community at large and should not be kept in our dir 
(07:34:08 PM) appellation: +1
(07:34:25 PM) samiam010203: then we should point them to the docs already made
(07:34:32 PM) appellation: Yes.
(07:34:32 PM) ausimage: point to the docs not copy them
(07:34:41 PM) yharrow: how about a howto page that points to full howtos
(07:34:50 PM) samiam010203: that would work good
(07:34:52 PM) ausimage: docs have there own special wiki in fact ;)
(07:35:07 PM) yharrow: like for irc
(07:35:14 PM) yharrow: we can just post a link
(07:35:20 PM) yharrow: and our channel and network
(07:35:50 PM) appellation: That's the beauty of the internet, no?
(07:35:52 PM) yharrow: instead of getting into depth
(07:35:53 PM) yharrow: yes
(07:36:05 PM) ausimage: yeah
(07:36:06 PM) yharrow: no use duplicating efforts :P
(07:36:28 PM) yharrow: ok We have 5 mins left
(07:36:35 PM) appellation: Wiki!
(07:36:42 PM) yharrow: Lets wrap up and discuss future meetins
(07:36:48 PM) yharrow: meetings*
(07:36:57 PM) appellation: OK. No wiki. :-(
(07:37:10 PM) yharrow: apellation we can discuss it for  a minute or 2
(07:37:18 PM) yharrow: what would you like to suggest
(07:37:19 PM) ausimage: appellation: it just the usually spiel that the wiki needs help so help it
(07:37:23 PM) ausimage: ;)
(07:37:32 PM) appellation: OK. lol
(07:37:40 PM) yharrow: thanks ausimage
(07:37:42 PM) appellation: was just kidding
(07:37:43 PM) yharrow: :P
(07:37:48 PM) appellation: It's been a long meeting.
(07:37:51 PM) yharrow: yeps
(07:37:53 PM) yharrow: but
(07:38:03 PM) yharrow: very very productive
(07:38:09 PM) samiam010203: we covered a good amount of ground though
(07:38:39 PM) yharrow: I think we should cut meetings to an hour and a hlaf though. What do you guys think?
(07:38:48 PM) samiam010203: sounds like aplan
(07:39:10 PM) appellation: Reasonable.
(07:39:22 PM) salvatore_c left the room (quit: "Leaving").
(07:39:29 PM) ausimage: who about an hour with a half hour buffer ???
(07:39:37 PM) ausimage: *how
(07:39:43 PM) yharrow: the benefits of long meetigns are more ground covered. But on the other hand people desert towards the end
(07:39:57 PM) ausimage: yharrow ^^
(07:40:04 PM) appellation: I don't know. I like it when I am certain that something will end at a given time.
(07:41:42 PM) yharrow: I think an hour and a half is enough
(07:41:50 PM) appellation: Agreed.
(07:42:02 PM) samiam010203: thats fine we should be able to get everything dicussed in that lengh
(07:42:12 PM) yharrow: We will cut meetings henceforth to 1 hour and 30 minutes
(07:42:40 PM) yharrow: the next event will be a distribution event in washington sq park tomorrow
(07:42:45 PM) yharrow: 5-6
(07:43:16 PM) yharrow: The next IRC meeting will be a Bylaws meeting on Tuesday the 26th at 6pm to 7pm at least
(07:44:05 PM) yharrow: The next IRC General meeting will be held Tuesday July 3 at 6pm as well
(07:44:20 PM) yharrow: sound good to everyone?
(07:44:21 PM) ausimage: the fourth of JULY
(07:44:25 PM) samiam010203: yes
(07:44:28 PM) samiam010203: sounds fine
(07:44:31 PM) ausimage: not me fireworks
(07:44:43 PM) yharrow: ausimage: everyone is busy 4th of july :P
(07:44:57 PM) ausimage: many use the 3rd as well
(07:45:03 PM) yharrow: hmm
(07:45:09 PM) yharrow: mebbe a differnt day then
(07:45:16 PM) ausimage: many displays on the third
(07:45:25 PM) appellation: Anything wrong with the 2nd?
(07:45:33 PM) yharrow: its a monday
(07:45:41 PM) yharrow: ppl are invariably busy on mondays
(07:45:45 PM) ausimage: yharrow hates mondays :P
(07:45:51 PM) yharrow: lmao
(07:45:55 PM) appellation: I wouldn't know, really. I work all the time.
(07:46:02 PM) yharrow: LOL
(07:46:05 PM) yharrow: k
(07:46:16 PM) yharrow: what do you guys think about monday?
(07:46:31 PM) yharrow: I mean for the meeting
(07:46:32 PM) ausimage: that might work here
(07:46:40 PM) yharrow: not whether or not you hate mondays.
(07:46:41 PM) yharrow: :P
(07:46:47 PM) appellation: I'm OK with it.
(07:47:05 PM) yharrow: ok, we will have it monday then. Will be worth a shot
(07:47:15 PM) yharrow: Ok guys
(07:47:22 PM) yharrow: I think we had a great meeting
(07:47:44 PM) yharrow: I hope to see you at the next meeting on the 26th and some tomorrow
(07:47:56 PM) yharrow: Meeting adjourned.

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20070619 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:34:48 by localhost)