This is the XXth IRC General meeting of the NewYorkTeam, starting at 7:00 PM EST and finishing at 8:00 EST When adding new agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ (without the escape - marks) after each of your items. If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.


  • Meet Up Reports
    • Encouraging more Meet Ups
  • Upcoming Events
    • Rochester: First Thursday's at Pittsford Wegmans-Upstairs Cafe. Feb 7th 7pm
  • Leadership
    • Develop a core leaders group
  • Membership
    • Team Launch Pad memberships Expire one year from join date
  • Website Changes Complete
    • Group Blog site swaped for a simple a planet aggregator.
    • Email addresses now all forward to primary email address.
  • Community Advocacy and Support
    • Rochester Computer Refurbish with Ubuntu
    • Developing more activities to benefit NY
    • Encouraging Member Participation
    • Conference 2008 has been postponed indefinetly.
  • Team Application for official recognition



IRC Logs

(07:01:56 PM) ausimage: lets get this meeting started....
(07:02:09 PM) ausimage: agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20080122
(07:02:40 PM) ausimage: I am going to skip some topics without much news if that is OK...
(07:03:07 PM) hal14450: have at on the stuff you've got news about then ;-)
(07:03:14 PM) ausimage: Ok then... Meetups are....
(07:04:18 PM) ausimage: Rochester had their meetup on the 3rd of January... We oogled hals new machine... and talked about ubuntu and linux
(07:04:39 PM) ausimage: I think that sums up the meeting...?
(07:05:09 PM) hal14450: went to barnes & noble after they kicked us out of wegmans and then on to applebees after that
(07:05:23 PM) ausimage: Next meeting is the 7th of february at 7pm at the pittsford wegmans cafe....
(07:05:32 PM) ausimage: yeah that happened as well :)
(07:05:43 PM) ausimage: Next...
(07:07:14 PM) ausimage: Memberships on Launchpad now all expire 1 yr from joining... you just need to acknowledge you want to continue to keep joined
(07:07:48 PM) ausimage: Next Website changes and change over complete.... :)
(07:07:53 PM) hal14450: how does that work though do we get an email before expiration then?
(07:08:19 PM) ausimage: yeah... that is my impression from other users...
(07:08:35 PM) hal14450: i have to confess to not using launchpad all that often
(07:08:59 PM) ***ausimage either 'cept to file bugs and manage memberships in the teams I lead 
(07:09:23 PM) ausimage: On site changes.... :)
(07:09:57 PM) ausimage: We are using our friend jaguars server, gratas for now...
(07:10:28 PM) ausimage: I changed our blogging app to just a planet-like aggregator...
(07:10:37 PM) ausimage: as well...
(07:10:39 PM) hal14450: new server is in place btw
(07:10:50 PM) ausimage: cool
(07:11:00 PM) hal14450: so the changeover to that one should happen when he gets a chance
(07:11:20 PM) ausimage: um... I set up new announce list to keep everyone informed...
(07:11:34 PM) hal14450: it's hosted in a DC in TO and sits close to a rack filled with google servers ;-)
(07:11:44 PM) ausimage: the list is only postable to leaders ...
(07:11:54 PM) ausimage: and will be low volume...
(07:12:09 PM) jaguar: and ill destory it soon :(
(07:12:11 PM) jaguar: haha
(07:12:16 PM) hal14450: lol jag
(07:12:24 PM) ausimage: every member of our team recieves  a copy
(07:12:49 PM) ausimage: their is also an archive page for emails from that on our website as well now
(07:13:22 PM) hal14450: cool, we needed to work something out as far as that goes
(07:13:36 PM) ausimage: Um newyork-ubuntu email addies now all forward to primary email addies on file ....
(07:14:18 PM) ausimage: though I just realized that email was not being directed to where it should have been... :/
(07:14:29 PM) hal14450: well as far as the questions to the website go i was hoping we'd have some sort of catch all account setup that would forward to members that are interested in responding to those
(07:14:32 PM) CyberMatt: someone say my name
(07:14:33 PM) ausimage: I have been working with jaguar to resolve this
(07:14:41 PM) ausimage: MEETING :)
(07:15:02 PM) CyberMatt: :)
(07:15:06 PM) ausimage: I can do that hal14450 not very hard...
(07:15:18 PM) ausimage: just have not had interest at this point :)
(07:15:49 PM) hal14450: well you can cc me on emails to the site and i'll post a reply if i have an answer
(07:16:18 PM) ausimage: sure can... I will just add you as a forward for the email address ;)
(07:16:46 PM) ausimage: Next topic Advocacy and Support...
(07:17:19 PM) ausimage: The main thing there is that I am deciding to postpone the conference idea indefinitely...
(07:18:43 PM) hal14450: that's probably a good thing for now
(07:19:06 PM) CyberMatt: I'm here
(07:19:17 PM) ausimage: I though think perhaps we need to put in the word for possible locations that most people can travel to and from in a day...
(07:19:24 PM) hal14450: more regional meetups are good though and working to develop realtionships with existing lugs is something we can shoot for
(07:19:26 PM) ausimage: for meetups...
(07:19:35 PM) ausimage: yeah...
(07:20:05 PM) ausimage: I really think the best thing is to encourage more participation from the team members...
(07:20:26 PM) ausimage: I can only do so much...
(07:21:00 PM) ausimage: and will not do more than I think I can handle...
(07:21:26 PM) ausimage: even if it maybe urgent to someone ;)
(07:21:54 PM) ausimage: I think that is all the major points....
(07:22:12 PM) ausimage: Let me open the discussion....
(07:22:14 PM) hal14450: well maybe we should start using the mailing list a bit more to generate more feedback since it's the most common form of communication for a group
(07:22:41 PM) ausimage: yeah though only part of the team is on the list...
(07:22:59 PM) ausimage: and it seems everytime we get a spike we lose people :(
(07:23:15 PM) hal14450: oh?
(07:23:22 PM) ausimage: yeah... 
(07:23:32 PM) ausimage: that is why I started the other list... :)
(07:23:39 PM) hal14450: the noise ratio is almost non-existant
(07:23:54 PM) ausimage: I know :/
(07:24:06 PM) hal14450: unless i'm not getting all the posts
(07:24:17 PM) ausimage: you getting all of them :)
(07:24:32 PM) ausimage: I am just telling you my experience with it 
(07:25:20 PM) hal14450: well as long as we're all careful about how things get worded we're less likely to have another 9/11 like we did last year
(07:25:51 PM) ausimage: I have everyone on this other list... and I am thinking about monthly postings... that detail what is up and what can be done
(07:26:05 PM) ausimage: I know... no more like that :/
(07:26:18 PM) CyberMatt: 9/11
(07:26:23 PM) CyberMatt: ?
(07:27:07 PM) hal14450: CyberMatt, it's an odd coincidence that a post to the list on last year on 9/11 caused a bit of a stir in the membership
(07:27:24 PM) ausimage: it was that date last year... that there was major discussion about being involved and ensuring people knew people would attend :S
(07:28:01 PM) ausimage: yup...
(07:28:21 PM) ausimage: Is there anything else to bring up?
(07:29:01 PM) hal14450: well i'm gonna get in touch w/ nate about the hardware project and probably do a presentation for ABC
(07:29:31 PM) ausimage: awesome...
(07:30:02 PM) hal14450: i'm shooting for february  and anyone that wants to help with a presentation is welcome
(07:30:14 PM) ausimage: good...
(07:30:36 PM) ausimage: we can discuss it on the 7th too ;)
(07:31:15 PM) hal14450: plus if we don't use that compaq server in the giveaway i can set it up here and let members use it for stuff
(07:31:56 PM) hal14450: unless Dave123 does the same then it saves us having to move it
(07:32:49 PM) ausimage: hmmm...
(07:33:15 PM) ausimage: I think it would make sense to keep at least one of the machines for live demos ;)
(07:33:22 PM) ausimage: and workshops 
(07:33:47 PM) ausimage: I would love to see an intro to foss thing for area libraries...
(07:34:09 PM) hal14450: well so far that's not a problem
(07:34:34 PM) hal14450: i'd like to see that podcast thing we talked about before get started
(07:34:43 PM) ausimage: sound good... yeah that too
(07:34:53 PM) hal14450: so i guess i could work on that and the hardware project
(07:35:01 PM) ausimage: we have several ideas floating....
(07:35:16 PM) ausimage: just need to get their foundations layed
(07:36:01 PM) hal14450: CyberMatt, you have anything to suggest or would you like to get involved with anything?
(07:36:01 PM) ausimage: Ok then...
(07:36:17 PM) ausimage: oh yeah... CyberMatt???
(07:36:56 PM) CyberMatt: no i want a syracuse area meat up when there are more people :)
(07:37:10 PM) CyberMatt: from syracuse
(07:37:14 PM) hal14450: that would be cool
(07:37:23 PM) ausimage: CyberMatt: sometimes you have to build it before they come ;)
(07:37:34 PM) hal14450: i'd make a trip out there if you set one up
(07:38:07 PM) ausimage: I might too... :S
(07:38:19 PM) ausimage: seeing as I am in the middle here ;)
(07:38:31 PM) CyberMatt: ill see about something after the whirlwind is over
(07:38:33 PM) hal14450: yeh you are pretty close to both
(07:39:11 PM) CyberMatt: ausimage, where are you exactly
(07:39:23 PM) ausimage: Seneca Falls ;)
(07:40:11 PM) ausimage: in the middle
(07:40:13 PM) CyberMatt: would be fun but i'd need some help to pull it off
(07:40:37 PM) ausimage: CyberMatt: choose a location and give us a few times you can be there 
(07:40:57 PM) CyberMatt: after exams and etc
(07:41:08 PM) CyberMatt: lets see
(07:41:14 PM) ausimage: I can put a notice on my blog.... and make an effort to attend with hal14450 more than likely...
(07:41:29 PM) ausimage: sure... sounds like a plan ;)
(07:41:51 PM) hal14450: http://www.syrlug.org/
(07:42:10 PM) hal14450: you might see if anyone there is interested
(07:43:13 PM) CyberMatt: yes i keep meaning to go but somthing always gets in my way
(07:43:29 PM) ausimage: well invite them to your meetup ;)
(07:44:00 PM) ausimage: everything talked about?
(07:44:08 PM) hal14450: i guess so
(07:44:18 PM) CyberMatt: all i can think of
(07:44:21 PM) ausimage: cool... meeting is adjourned 

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20080122 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:59 by localhost)