NY LoCo Team Newsletter June DD, 2010

Officer's Corner

A letter from the President

A letter from the VP

A letter from the Treasurer

A letter from the Secretary

Highlights And Goals

Previous Event Highlights

April 2010 Goals and Events

IRC Meeting Notes


This Months Meetings


This month's meeting will be on the (date @ time)

Lug Meeting dates for Jan 2010

This is not an all inclusive list of the active Lugs in NY State.
If there is a Lug missing that is going to have a meeting please add to the list and it will be included in following issues.
Links to known active lugs websites have been provided so check their website for more info on meeting times and venues. Albany
Saturday Jan 9th 3-5pm

Wednesday January 6th @ 7:00pm

Tuesday January 19th 7:00 - 9:00pm

Southern Tier

Western NY

Upper Lakes



Don Newell IRC: ducky

NewYorkTeam/Newsletter/WIP (last edited 2010-05-15 17:11:14 by cpe-66-67-141-64)