
Nicholas Thomas


Hi, and welcome to the Wiki page of Nicholas Thomas. I'm a 20/m Biology student of York University (Yorkshire, UK), who's been obsessed with computers and linux for seven years, now. I've run various distributions - SuSE, Corel, Turbo, Debian, RedHat... and broken them all ;). I first discovered Ubuntu when Hoary came out, and I've been using it ever since... first as a dual boot, but (after b0rking Windows with a mobile phone driver) standalone for about 6 months, now. I think the Ubuntu goals are admirable, and an excellent model to work towards... so I want to help as much as I can :).

Current system


  • AMD64 Sempron 2500+ processor
  • 512MB DDR-333 RAM
  • nVidia GeForce FX 5500

  • AC '97 soundcard
  • D-Link DWL-G122 (b1) USB WLAN card
  • HP PSC 2355 printer


Kubuntu Dapper Drake development branch: dist-upgrade from Kubuntu 5.10.


I can be found on the Ubuntu mailing lists (lurking!), and I frequent the forums as well. Maybe I'll get onto the IRC channels at some time. See below for specific contributions (I'm angling for membership Wink ;) )


My username is lupine_nickt. All my posts can be discovered by clicking here - I think.


My launchpad username is lupine. I've contributed the following:-

Bug reports

  • 36702: Dapper: Broken arkrpg package on dist-upgrade


  • Applying to be a member of the en-gb translation team. I've been speaking the language fluently for 15 years, after all... Wink ;)

Nick37 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:25:07 by localhost)