Nicolas Spalinger
aka yosch
Contributing to Ubuntu
My interest is in contributing to Ubuntu especially in language-related areas like
- smart fonts
- open fonts
- collaborative typography
- writing systems, complex scripts rendering and input methods
- localisation and translation
- literacy and education-related software
For my work around open fonts I also work with the Alioth pkg-fonts team in upstream Debian.
I attended the first Libre Graphics Meeting and advocated free/libre/open fonts at conferences like the WSIS, the GUADEC, the conference, the Ubuntu summit and will be giving a talk / organizing a BoF on open fonts and related subjects at the debconf.
I'm dreaming of the day when any language and script, no matter how complicated, will work nicely on the free desktop, allowing users to enjoy the great variety of libre applications and create and publish content in their mother-tongue.
Related pages
Other bits
NicolasSpalinger (last edited 2010-08-11 07:52:36 by silhguk)