
Revision 1 as of 2009-06-24 12:22:23

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Describe NorthCarolinaTeam/Meeting/Logs20090623 here.

Logs from 20090623 LoCo Meeting Jun 23 19:00:20 <akgraner> #startmeeting Jun 23 19:00:22 <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:00. The chair is akgraner. Jun 23 19:00:22 <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] Jun 23 19:00:31 <akgraner> Welcome everyone... Jun 23 19:00:43 <akgraner> Agenda for this meeting can be found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/Meeting Jun 23 19:01:09 <akgraner> so who is here for the meeting? Jun 23 19:01:42 <pak33m> aye just sitting in here Jun 23 19:02:03 <akgraner> _marx_, bac and JFo sent apologizes for the meeting.... they couldn't be here... Jun 23 19:02:49 <akgraner> [Topic] Install Fests Jun 23 19:02:50 <MootBot> New Topic: Install Fests Jun 23 19:03:34 <akgraner> JFo is still trying to work on a plan for Fests around the state... Jun 23 19:03:57 <akgraner> I am going to jump ahead to a new items that ties into this one... Jun 23 19:04:13 <akgraner> [Topic] Ubuntu Global Jam Jun 23 19:04:14 <MootBot> New Topic: Ubuntu Global Jam Jun 23 19:04:26 <akgraner> has anyone heard of it already? Jun 23 19:04:47 * BugeyeD raises his hand Jun 23 19:04:54 <akgraner> anyone else? Jun 23 19:05:24 <akgraner> ok so the week ok Oct 2-4, 2009 is when this is going to take place Jun 23 19:05:34 <akgraner> all Ubuntu LoCo's are encouraged to take part... Jun 23 19:06:02 <akgraner> so on this weekend we are going to make it an all things Ubuntu weekend all over the State if possible... Jun 23 19:06:14 <akgraner> in preparing for the event... Jun 23 19:06:43 <akgraner> we want to explore some ideas leading up to the event... Jun 23 19:07:02 <akgraner> if someone has an idea please type the following Jun 23 19:07:12 <akgraner> [idea] bug jams Jun 23 19:07:13 <MootBot> IDEA received: bug jams Jun 23 19:07:25 <akgraner> [idea] install fests Jun 23 19:07:26 <MootBot> IDEA received: install fests Jun 23 19:07:33 <akgraner> see how that works... Jun 23 19:07:43 <akgraner> [idea] updating wiki's Jun 23 19:07:44 <MootBot> IDEA received: updating wiki's Jun 23 19:08:08 <akgraner> so kenvandine had a suggestion that he would like to see happen... Jun 23 19:08:33 * jfrorie (n=jfrorie@cpe-071-075-118-086.carolina.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-us-nc Jun 23 19:08:55 <akgraner> hey jfrorie welcome Jun 23 19:09:03 <BugeyeD> [idea] placing cds in retail locations (this is ongoing) Jun 23 19:09:04 <MootBot> IDEA received: placing cds in retail locations (this is ongoing) Jun 23 19:09:18 <jfrorie> hi all Jun 23 19:09:32 <akgraner> [idea] working on empathy and banshee prior.. I was thinking in July Jun 23 19:09:33 <MootBot> IDEA received: working on empathy and banshee prior.. I was thinking in July Jun 23 19:09:40 <akgraner> BugeyeD, great idea... Jun 23 19:10:06 <pak33m> [idea] create a project page for the team Jun 23 19:10:06 <MootBot> IDEA received: create a project page for the team Jun 23 19:10:38 <pak33m> to manage your proposed and active projects Jun 23 19:10:44 <akgraner> pak33m, great! Do you know if the LoCo teams have an idea page for everyone to pull from or add too? Jun 23 19:10:54 <pak33m> hope you dont mind me chiming in here Jun 23 19:11:06 <akgraner> no please do ...everyone in the channel has a voice... Jun 23 19:11:14 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:11:46 <pak33m> hmm not too sure about an idea page but thats the idea we talked around at the self bof Jun 23 19:12:16 <akgraner> yep..I need to go back an read the logs from the meeting about the Global Jam... Jun 23 19:12:17 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:12:50 <akgraner> [action] create idea page for Global Bug Jam Jun 23 19:12:52 <MootBot> ACTION received: create idea page for Global Bug Jam Jun 23 19:13:00 <pak33m> not to toot my own horn but youre more than welcome to take ideas from the -fl team projects page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects Jun 23 19:13:10 <akgraner> [action] set up a empathy and banshee jam in July Jun 23 19:13:11 <MootBot> ACTION received: set up a empathy and banshee jam in July Jun 23 19:13:28 * akgraner looks now Jun 23 19:13:33 <pak33m> that is where we list all of our team projects to keep updated Jun 23 19:13:55 <akgraner> pak33m, oh I like that...did anyone else take a quick peek at it? Jun 23 19:14:03 * BugeyeD is looking now Jun 23 19:14:14 <akgraner> do you use that to help with your team reports as well Jun 23 19:14:23 <pak33m> we also have a page for reoccrring events, i.e. bug jams, etc. Jun 23 19:14:40 <bgryderclock> [idea] setup an educational table/booth at large malls with a large "bring your old PC back to life w/ Free Software" banner. Jun 23 19:14:41 <MootBot> IDEA received: setup an educational table/booth at large malls with a large "bring your old PC back to life w/ Free Software" banner. Jun 23 19:15:01 <BugeyeD> nice. and a qimo project, too. i use that with my kids. Jun 23 19:15:03 <akgraner> pak33m, I am just now working on the new wiki pages...have to link then all in the nice fashion you all and other LoCo's have theirs... Jun 23 19:15:09 <pak33m> no as of last night i actually started using the new style of team reports and it works just dandy Jun 23 19:15:37 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:15:57 <BugeyeD> bgryderclock: one would normally have to rent space in a mall, right? Jun 23 19:16:00 <pak33m> BugeyeD: the qimo folks are members of our team Jun 23 19:16:11 <akgraner> BugeyeD, yeah that would be great too... Jun 23 19:16:17 <pak33m> BugeyeD: and they are awesome Jun 23 19:16:19 <BugeyeD> pak33m: i know, i sat in on their talk and shook their hands afterward. Smile :) Jun 23 19:16:20 <bgryderclock> i am not sure Jun 23 19:16:54 <akgraner> which mall BugeyeD bgryderclock ? Jun 23 19:17:28 <BugeyeD> pak33m: one of their children was using an olpc laptop ... both my kids are on theirs as i type this. too bad qimo is to thick for those devices. Jun 23 19:17:34 <BugeyeD> s/to/too/ Jun 23 19:17:34 <sinBot> pak33m: one of their children was using an olpc laptoop ... both my kids are on theirs as i type this. tooo bad qimo is too thick for those devices. Jun 23 19:17:45 <BugeyeD> krikey Jun 23 19:17:56 <akgraner> [action] if you want to do something at a mall check into the what is needed... Jun 23 19:17:57 <MootBot> ACTION received: if you want to do something at a mall check into the what is needed... Jun 23 19:18:12 <BugeyeD> akgraner: i'm nearest hanes mall in winston, but oak hollow (high point) and four seasons (greensboro) are fairly close Jun 23 19:18:31 <bgryderclock> perhaps concord mills mall or South park mall in the charlotte area, Jun 23 19:18:41 <akgraner> does anyone have time to research what is needed for those malls Jun 23 19:19:00 <pak33m> were getting ready to have a few qimo events coming up Jun 23 19:19:00 <BugeyeD> i can work on that tomorrow Jun 23 19:19:17 <akgraner> [action] BugeyeD to check on mall details... Jun 23 19:19:18 <MootBot> ACTION received: BugeyeD to check on mall details... Jun 23 19:19:36 <akgraner> pak33m, great.. are they on your wiki? Jun 23 19:19:47 <pak33m> akgraner: yes Jun 23 19:20:11 <akgraner> great...I'll read up on them in a few then... they Rock! Jun 23 19:20:38 <akgraner> [topic] events Jun 23 19:20:39 <MootBot> New Topic: events Jun 23 19:21:23 <akgraner> Atlanta Linux Fest is coming up in September Jun 23 19:22:07 <akgraner> the 19th... they have a great lineup already.. Jun 23 19:22:30 <akgraner> do we want to do anything as LoCo or join up with the SE LoCo's for this... Jun 23 19:22:43 <akgraner> I am not sure how much space they will have... Jun 23 19:22:59 <akgraner> [idea] booth at Atlanta Linux Fest Jun 23 19:23:00 <MootBot> IDEA received: booth at Atlanta Linux Fest Jun 23 19:23:07 <BugeyeD> at that time, i should be in georgia - but camping in my vw bus Jun 23 19:23:12 <pak33m> akgraner: that would be neat if we could do a southeast ubuntu loco display with -fl, -ga, -sc, -nc, etc. Jun 23 19:23:32 <akgraner> BugeyeD, Smile :-) Jun 23 19:23:41 <akgraner> pak33m, I think together would be awesome Jun 23 19:23:51 <pak33m> or represent our locos in one place there i mean Jun 23 19:24:06 <pak33m> more bofs hosted by you of course Jun 23 19:24:11 <akgraner> is there a SE banner with all the loco teams listed by any chance Jun 23 19:24:28 <pak33m> no but that could be made Jun 23 19:24:44 * BugeyeD brb, need to reboot my client Jun 23 19:24:48 <akgraner> BugeyeD, k Jun 23 19:24:55 <pak33m> we would have to generate some noise about it on the -us mailing list Jun 23 19:25:11 <akgraner> ok.. you want to do that or do you want me too? Jun 23 19:25:45 <pak33m> you can do it i still need to bring it up with the -fl team Jun 23 19:25:49 <akgraner> ahh ok Jun 23 19:25:56 <pak33m> if you want Jun 23 19:26:02 <pak33m> or i can Jun 23 19:26:10 <pak33m> ok i will Jun 23 19:26:22 <akgraner> ok..:-) Jun 23 19:26:51 <akgraner> [action] pak33m to bring up banner for SE LoCo joint events on the -us mailing list... Jun 23 19:26:52 <MootBot> ACTION received: pak33m to bring up banner for SE LoCo joint events on the -us mailing list... Jun 23 19:27:16 <akgraner> I'll comment on it as soon as I see the email.. we can get some buzz going Jun 23 19:27:30 <akgraner> jfrorie, hey got any events in the CLT area? Jun 23 19:27:39 <pak33m> my thought there was to bring up repping our locos in general at alf Jun 23 19:28:00 <pak33m> good stuff Jun 23 19:28:02 <akgraner> pak ok I'll note that in the minutes... Jun 23 19:28:04 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:28:43 <jfrorie> not a thing going on around here. I finally got on the charlug mailing list and the organizer is stepping down. Jun 23 19:28:54 <akgraner> ahh ok... Jun 23 19:29:24 <akgraner> getting around to the lug stuff..:-) it's on the list and congrats on the lug stuff Jun 23 19:29:35 <akgraner> [idea] BarcampRDU Jun 23 19:29:36 <MootBot> IDEA received: BarcampRDU Jun 23 19:29:48 <bgryderclock> Will there be a CharLug meeting this week? Jun 23 19:30:07 <akgraner> sorry folks did anyone else have anything about ALF before I head into BarCAmp Jun 23 19:30:29 <jfrorie> bgryderclock, I haven;t heard a pep on this list for over a month. Jun 23 19:30:36 <jfrorie> pep == peep Jun 23 19:30:40 <akgraner> ok so...BarCamp... Jun 23 19:30:53 <akgraner> it's August 8th, 2009... Jun 23 19:31:09 <akgraner> I need to post some links one sec let me grab it... and ALF Jun 23 19:31:21 <akgraner> lovelace do you want to say anything about barcamp Jun 23 19:31:55 <akgraner> [link] ALF http://atlantalinuxfest.org/ Jun 23 19:31:56 <MootBot> LINK received: ALF http://atlantalinuxfest.org/ Jun 23 19:32:11 <BugeyeD> will i need to register prior to showing up at barcamprdu? kinda looks like it might be full otherwise Jun 23 19:32:14 <akgraner> crap..the ALF doesn't belong in the link but you get the idea Jun 23 19:32:32 <akgraner> BugeyeD, there is a waiting list due to limited space Jun 23 19:32:40 <akgraner> you will need to add your name to the list Jun 23 19:33:05 <akgraner> [link] http://barcamp.org/BarCampRDU Jun 23 19:33:07 <MootBot> LINK received: http://barcamp.org/BarCampRDU Jun 23 19:33:53 <BugeyeD> thought so. prolly won't do that, as i cannot guarantee i can be there at this time Jun 23 19:33:57 <akgraner> so think about that event - the TriLug in charge of this event - should be a great crowd - and a ton of info Jun 23 19:34:15 <BugeyeD> i'd love to go Jun 23 19:34:31 <akgraner> Smile :-) as we would love to have you there! Jun 23 19:34:46 <akgraner> anything else about BarCamp anyone Jun 23 19:34:49 * bgryderclock has quit ("Page closed") Jun 23 19:34:54 <akgraner> before I move on Jun 23 19:35:20 <akgraner> [topic] advocacy Jun 23 19:35:20 <MootBot> New Topic: advocacy Jun 23 19:36:07 <akgraner> what can to bring ubuntu to our communities in the State Jun 23 19:36:23 * bgryderclock (i=184a94d2@gateway/web/freenode/x-7aa3f974f2294215) has joined #ubuntu-us-nc Jun 23 19:36:34 <akgraner> here are some ideas I thought about in addition to the ones listed for Global Jam Jun 23 19:36:41 <akgraner> [idea] libraries Jun 23 19:36:43 <MootBot> IDEA received: libraries Jun 23 19:36:53 <akgraner> wb bgryderclock ! Jun 23 19:37:10 <BugeyeD> homeschool 2009/2010 is just getting ramped up around here. my wife is getting plugged in (this is our first year). i hope to start talking to folks about qimo and feeling them out for how else they can be helped with foss, but this will take some time. Jun 23 19:37:17 <akgraner> I talked to a couple libraries and they were excited about having Cd' Jun 23 19:37:25 <akgraner> cd's and fliers in them Jun 23 19:37:41 <akgraner> BugeyeD, Great!!! Jun 23 19:38:06 <bgryderclock> In a talk at SELF, Ryan "Icculus" Gordon talked about a "buy a MacBook get a free Ipod" poster. he asked where are the "want free games and a word processor that doesn't suck.. Try Linux" posters. Perhaps we could create some posters like that and blanket NC campuses with them. Jun 23 19:38:08 <akgraner> BugeyeD, let us know when you kick that off so we make sure we get it on our lists... Jun 23 19:38:44 <BugeyeD> np. i'm already talking to some folks, but don't yet know really where to start because i don't know the organization yet. Jun 23 19:39:16 <akgraner> bgryderclock, sounds like an idea - do the ubuntu marketing folks have anything like that yet? does anyone know? Jun 23 19:39:24 <BugeyeD> i've contacted sheetz hq (the gas station/food store) but have yet to talk to a real person. just canned messages so far. Jun 23 19:39:40 <BugeyeD> i've also contacted lowes foods, more of the same. Jun 23 19:40:02 <akgraner> BugeyeD, you are on the ball... let us know how all that goes... Jun 23 19:40:05 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:40:11 <BugeyeD> next on my list is redbox, because folks expect to pick up dvds there - figure it's worth a shot. Jun 23 19:40:34 <akgraner> [idea] posters... Jun 23 19:40:36 <MootBot> IDEA received: posters... Jun 23 19:41:07 <akgraner> all the community colleges are linked as well... so that is a place to start too... Jun 23 19:41:15 <BugeyeD> [idea] gas stations, red box, grocery stores Jun 23 19:41:15 <MootBot> IDEA received: gas stations, red box, grocery stores Jun 23 19:41:16 <akgraner> [idea] community colleges Jun 23 19:41:18 <MootBot> IDEA received: community colleges Jun 23 19:41:58 <akgraner> [idea] get involved and see how we can support our LUG and F/LOSS groups in our respective communities Jun 23 19:41:59 <MootBot> IDEA received: get involved and see how we can support our LUG and F/LOSS groups in our respective communities Jun 23 19:42:28 <akgraner> see about giving talks or getting someone who knows something about what you are interested to come speak if you don't want to... Jun 23 19:42:53 <akgraner> [idea] bookstores/coffee shops Jun 23 19:42:54 <MootBot> IDEA received: bookstores/coffee shops Jun 23 19:43:10 <akgraner> pak33m, I can see we really need an idea page..:-) Jun 23 19:43:17 <BugeyeD> no kidding Jun 23 19:43:22 <pak33m> oh yeah Jun 23 19:44:20 <akgraner> [idea] non-profits Jun 23 19:44:21 <MootBot> IDEA received: non-profits Jun 23 19:44:25 <pak33m> thats why i mentioned a project page for your team at least Jun 23 19:44:27 <BugeyeD> would the idea page be a wiki that i could edit if/when i get anywhere with any of these contacts? Jun 23 19:44:48 <akgraner> if you know of a cause that you are personally passionate about.. see what they need... Jun 23 19:45:03 <akgraner> see if you can help them or if you can't put them in touch with someone who can... Jun 23 19:45:38 <akgraner> an non-profit you don't care about will fall off your radar but if you care about it.. the you can combine two things and go from there... Jun 23 19:45:50 <akgraner> make sense... Jun 23 19:46:23 <pak33m> something along the idea (no pun) of http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ Jun 23 19:46:31 <pak33m> for an idea page that is Jun 23 19:46:37 * Citizenjoefriday (n=Joe@adsl-070-145-232-086.sip.int.bellsouth.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nc Jun 23 19:47:09 <akgraner> ahh..ok Jun 23 19:47:25 <akgraner> so anything else.. on this front before I move on to the logo? Jun 23 19:47:36 <pak33m> akgraner: but maybe somebody could create one for -locoteam Jun 23 19:47:38 <akgraner> don't want to keep people to long tonight... Jun 23 19:47:38 <pak33m> s Jun 23 19:47:47 <pak33m> and idea page that is Jun 23 19:48:03 <akgraner> pak33m, oh that would be great... hmm when in the next loco teams meeting? Jun 23 19:48:13 <akgraner> maybe we could put that on the agenda..:-) Jun 23 19:48:15 <pak33m> you guys have a tonne of ideas floating around here Smile :) Jun 23 19:48:32 <pak33m> akgraner: oh in dont know Jun 23 19:48:51 <akgraner> ok..just curious.. Jun 23 19:49:08 <akgraner> aything else before I move on? Jun 23 19:49:26 <akgraner> [topic] logo Jun 23 19:49:27 <MootBot> New Topic: logo Jun 23 19:49:48 <akgraner> so here is the basic idea the majority of folks wanted... Jun 23 19:49:49 <akgraner> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=17577806624&ref=ts#/photo.php?pid=265993&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=17577806624&aid=-1&id=1517809393&oid=17577806624 Jun 23 19:49:50 <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=17577806624&ref=ts#/photo.php?pid=265993&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=17577806624&aid=-1&id=1517809393&oid=17577806624 Jun 23 19:50:49 <pak33m> akgraner: dont want to get you all off topic but i wanted to say thanks for letting me hang out with you all again. gotta pay attention to my kids now. ttyl Jun 23 19:50:50 <akgraner> it needs some simplifying but those minus the stamper, keep the stamp on the state and use Tux... Jun 23 19:51:00 <akgraner> pak33m, thanks for coming... Jun 23 19:51:04 <akgraner> anytime Jun 23 19:51:34 <pak33m> akgraner: let me know if you need help with team stuff Jun 23 19:51:34 <akgraner> any comments? Jun 23 19:51:46 <akgraner> pak33m, I will I promise Jun 23 19:51:48 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:52:32 <akgraner> any comments on the logo? Jun 23 19:52:42 <bgryderclock> i like it, perhaps tux could hold the stamper? Jun 23 19:53:15 <akgraner> bgryderclock, oh that would be good.. Jun 23 19:53:34 <akgraner> we'll see what we can get someone to do for us on that..:-) Jun 23 19:53:48 <bgryderclock> like "I, the Linux mascot, PWND the state for ubuntu" Jun 23 19:53:55 <BugeyeD> i think it's too busy for some uses Jun 23 19:54:24 <akgraner> yes..that's why it will be simplified for things like..banners t-shirts etc... Jun 23 19:54:31 <akgraner> Smile :-) Jun 23 19:54:33 <BugeyeD> shrinking it down to a size useful for shortcuts (ie web page logos) would make it useless Jun 23 19:54:45 <BugeyeD> that'd make a cool t-shirt Smile :) Jun 23 19:54:58 <BugeyeD> cafepress anyone? Jun 23 19:55:07 <akgraner> so those are the symbols everyone wanted though... Jun 23 19:55:12 <akgraner> cafepress is cool.. Jun 23 19:55:37 <akgraner> anything else about the logo... Jun 23 19:55:53 <bgryderclock> perhaps Tux standing on the state with a ubuntu flag... Jun 23 19:56:13 <bgryderclock> like" i claims this state in the name of ubunut." Jun 23 19:56:21 <bgryderclock> *ubuntu Jun 23 19:56:30 <jfrorie> I'm wondering if the red stamp is a good idea Jun 23 19:56:47 <BugeyeD> all your tarheels are belong to us Jun 23 19:56:55 <jfrorie> it doesn;t reenforce the logo. It creates a new one. Jun 23 19:57:18 <jfrorie> Maybe he should stamp the same logo that on the stomach Jun 23 19:57:27 <akgraner> well there is another stamp that is the ubuntu logo Jun 23 19:57:35 <akgraner> that is the one I was going to ask to be used Jun 23 19:57:37 <jfrorie> Maybe make the stamp a little crackled to make it look like a stamp. Jun 23 19:58:17 <jfrorie> From a marketing standpoint, you don't want to create a bunch of logo variations. It confuses people. Jun 23 19:58:48 <bgryderclock> yeah, i'm just shooting out ideas... Jun 23 19:58:51 <akgraner> jfrorie, yep...that's why I was going to stick with the normal logo Jun 23 19:59:16 <akgraner> and those colors..but the general idea was people liked the stamp idea..:-) Jun 23 20:00:00 <bgryderclock> i like the stamp idea too Jun 23 20:00:31 <jfrorie> I like the stamp. Jun 23 20:00:38 <akgraner> so I was thinking to have to logo in place by 1 August, 2009 Jun 23 20:01:23 <akgraner> however if someone else wants to take that link and run with it... my time will be limited until August.. Jun 23 20:01:59 <akgraner> would love to turn that over to someone... Jun 23 20:02:04 <jfrorie> I suck at drawing. I can only plagerize and change colors Sad :( Jun 23 20:02:17 <akgraner> Sad :-( Jun 23 20:02:54 <akgraner> I'm feeling you're pain... Jun 23 20:03:16 <akgraner> ok so can we move on to the next topic? Jun 23 20:03:42 <akgraner> [action] finalize logo have in place by 1 Aug, 2009 Jun 23 20:03:43 <MootBot> ACTION received: finalize logo have in place by 1 Aug, 2009 Jun 23 20:04:03 <akgraner> [topic] Karmic Release parties... Jun 23 20:04:04 <MootBot> New Topic: Karmic Release parties... Jun 23 20:04:36 <akgraner> ok I know Karmic is in October.. Jun 23 20:05:02 <akgraner> but can we start planning early so we can have 3 or 4 parties for this release... Jun 23 20:05:26 <akgraner> that way we can get the SWAG and stuff out to everyone and not request stuff last minute... Jun 23 20:05:46 <akgraner> any ideas for this one? Jun 23 20:06:18 <BugeyeD> lemme see if i'll even be in-country that month ... Jun 23 20:06:30 <akgraner> BugeyeD, ok...:-) Jun 23 20:06:47 <akgraner> well I know the Saucer in Raleigh said we could do something there... Jun 23 20:06:58 <BugeyeD> how many showed at the saucer last time? Jun 23 20:07:11 <jfrorie> From my standpoint, we need some lessor events in charlotte to get people together. I will lead, but I haven;t had any takers. Jun 23 20:07:14 <akgraner> 15 to 20 I think... Jun 23 20:07:25 <BugeyeD> i've heard good things about the saucer in charlotte ... Jun 23 20:07:39 <BugeyeD> i'd love to to to either of them. traffic turns me off. Jun 23 20:07:41 <jfrorie> I've never been, but I know where it is at. Jun 23 20:07:55 <akgraner> jfrorie, I can help you in Charlotte too I will only be about an hour + from there... Jun 23 20:08:06 <jfrorie> Who is online form charlotte tonite? Jun 23 20:08:07 <BugeyeD> i'll try to ping _marx_ to see if he wants to help me head one up somewhere near winston Jun 23 20:08:07 <akgraner> so let me know and if pgraner and or I can make we will Jun 23 20:08:22 <akgraner> BugeyeD, that would be sweet!! Jun 23 20:08:24 <bgryderclock> i'm in the charlotte southpark area Jun 23 20:09:33 <akgraner> jfrorie, what about a meet and greet to start? Jun 23 20:09:42 <jfrorie> that's what I'm thinking. Jun 23 20:10:35 <akgraner> oh cool... maybe it can shawdow a LUG meet there or something Jun 23 20:10:43 <akgraner> meeting I mean... Jun 23 20:11:11 <jfrorie> I'm wondering if the people on the Charlug list might be interested. Jun 23 20:11:22 <BugeyeD> despite traffic, i'll be there if i can. unless it's race day, then the traffic is impossible. Jun 23 20:11:34 <jfrorie> There is NO traffic on it. The UNCClug admin doesn;t even respond. Jun 23 20:12:14 <bgryderclock> i tried to get on it. Jun 23 20:12:38 <akgraner> jfrorie, so can you do the leg work on a meet and greet in your area...and send out the info to the mailing list here... Jun 23 20:13:04 <BugeyeD> (sorry, was talking about me navigating automobile traffic to show up at the meet-n-greet, not the list) Jun 23 20:13:48 <jfrorie> bgryderclock, which list did you try to get on? Jun 23 20:13:56 <jfrorie> amber, I can do that. Jun 23 20:14:12 <akgraner> Once we get settled in I'll see about a meet-n-greet in the Lake Lure/Asheville/Hendersonville Area... Jun 23 20:14:22 <akgraner> jfrorie, thanks Jun 23 20:14:54 <jfrorie> bgryderclock, what are good days/times for you? Jun 23 20:15:01 <akgraner> [action] jfrorie, to do the leg work on a meet and greet in CLT area..and send out the info to the mailing list here... Jun 23 20:15:03 <MootBot> ACTION received: jfrorie, to do the leg work on a meet and greet in CLT area..and send out the info to the mailing list here... Jun 23 20:15:06 <akgraner> great... Jun 23 20:15:09 <bgryderclock> hold on, i did get a email from charlug@charlug.org, (sorry, i am a fool) Jun 23 20:15:34 <bgryderclock> weekends are good for me, Jun 23 20:15:48 <bgryderclock> all saturday or sunday mornings. Jun 23 20:16:46 <akgraner> bgryderclock, and jfrorie so you all will team up for all things ubuntu in CLT? yes Smile :-) Smile :-) Jun 23 20:17:35 <bgryderclock> I will try, I must warn you, i am a super n00b. Smile :) Jun 23 20:18:18 <akgraner> bgryderclock, me too... and like magicfab said "every newbie is some else's ubuntu guru!" Jun 23 20:19:25 <akgraner> just let the channel or the mailing list or you can email me or _marx_ if you need help with LoCo stuff Jun 23 20:19:40 * mikeh789_afk is now known as mikeh789 Jun 23 20:19:50 <akgraner> _marx_, is great! Jun 23 20:20:21 <akgraner> ok so.. anything else about Karmic and events leading up to it before I go to the next topic... Jun 23 20:20:28 <akgraner> folks we are in the home stretch... Jun 23 20:21:02 <akgraner> ok then Jun 23 20:21:20 <akgraner> [topic] new business Jun 23 20:21:21 <MootBot> New Topic: new business Jun 23 20:21:52 <akgraner> I think we already discussed to 2 things on the agenda which were Global Jams and more team meetings in person.. Jun 23 20:22:13 <akgraner> does anyone else have anything not on the agenda you want to bring up now? Jun 23 20:22:38 <akgraner> or something you felt needed to be discussed further? Jun 23 20:23:11 <BugeyeD> winston has a lug Jun 23 20:23:24 <BugeyeD> but it's self-appointed leader is a real piece of work Jun 23 20:23:38 <BugeyeD> things are digressing with that group, mostly because of him Jun 23 20:23:46 <BugeyeD> suggestions? Jun 23 20:23:57 <akgraner> BugeyeD, do you know the leader? Jun 23 20:24:14 <akgraner> I mean other than on line.. Jun 23 20:24:27 <BugeyeD> i've met him in person, yes. friend? definitely not. Jun 23 20:24:39 <akgraner> where you could say have coffee with him and see what people can do at assist? Jun 23 20:24:40 <sinBot> mmmm.... coffee Jun 23 20:25:08 <akgraner> maybe see if this person has just taken on too much? Jun 23 20:25:15 <BugeyeD> _marx_ has already tried that, didn't work out too well. Jun 23 20:25:18 <akgraner> ahh Jun 23 20:25:22 <akgraner> ok.. Jun 23 20:25:25 <BugeyeD> the guy is simply an arse. Jun 23 20:25:31 <mikeh789> i just got here , but I'm in asheville if you need help with a meet-and-greet location Jun 23 20:25:33 <BugeyeD> and proud of it, apparently. Jun 23 20:25:57 <akgraner> mikeh789, I will be in that area next week...wanna try to meet and plan something Jun 23 20:26:11 <mikeh789> akgraner: sure Jun 23 20:26:17 <akgraner> how close are you to Lake Lure? Jun 23 20:26:39 <mikeh789> not really close at all, but I'll make it work Jun 23 20:26:46 <mikeh789> are you goin to be in town at all? Jun 23 20:26:54 <akgraner> I can be.. Smile :-) Jun 23 20:26:57 <akgraner> love it there Jun 23 20:27:13 <akgraner> hey catch me after the meeting and we can work it out..k Jun 23 20:27:14 <bgryderclock> BugeyeD, in band situations like that we would "fake-break-up the band" and then reform the band with out the trouble maker. Jun 23 20:27:25 <mikeh789> akgraner: will do Jun 23 20:27:29 <akgraner> thanks Jun 23 20:27:54 <akgraner> bgryderclock, I was searching for an article about that.. BugeyeD let me see if I can get you the link... Jun 23 20:28:19 <akgraner> in the meantime can you send an email to the mailing list about a meet-n-greet in the area? Jun 23 20:28:55 <jfrorie> charlug has bounced the last three introductions I sent out. I got in tough with one of the guys, but have yet to successfully post. Jun 23 20:29:02 <jfrorie> I'm either in indian trail or university area on weekends. What's a good middle point? Jun 23 20:29:14 <jfrorie> bgryderclock, I'm n00b friendly... Jun 23 20:29:16 <jfrorie> :0 Jun 23 20:29:18 <jfrorie> Smile :) Jun 23 20:29:26 <bgryderclock> Smile :) Jun 23 20:29:50 <akgraner> ok.. Jun 23 20:30:13 <akgraner> anything else...on new business.... Jun 23 20:30:24 <bgryderclock> I can meet at UNCC, perhaps a restaurant in the area... Jun 23 20:30:59 <akgraner> oh cool...:-) Jun 23 20:31:22 <akgraner> sorry...wrong window...grrrr Jun 23 20:31:51 <akgraner> ok Jun 23 20:32:00 <akgraner> [topic] next meeting Jun 23 20:32:01 <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting Jun 23 20:32:15 <akgraner> July 7, 2009, at 7pm.. Jun 23 20:32:51 <akgraner> [action] next meeting July 7, 2009 at 7pm EST in IRC LoCo channel... Jun 23 20:32:52 <MootBot> ACTION received: next meeting July 7, 2009 at 7pm EST in IRC LoCo channel... Jun 23 20:33:03 <akgraner> so does anyone want to chair it? Jun 23 20:33:20 <akgraner> get a turn using mootbot... Jun 23 20:33:26 * _marx_ is back (gone 03:00:01) Jun 23 20:33:44 <akgraner> I'll send you link, and all that good stuff... Jun 23 20:33:55 <akgraner> hey _marx_ Smile :-) Jun 23 20:34:05 <akgraner> wb Jun 23 20:34:22 <akgraner> ok so _marx_ you wanna chair the next one? Jun 23 20:34:46 <jfrorie> bgryderclock, are you on the NC mailing list? Jun 23 20:34:47 <akgraner> hmm maybe he isn't back... Jun 23 20:35:38 <bgryderclock> jfrorie, my contact info is http://identi.ca/bgryderclock and/or bgryderclock at gmail.corn Jun 23 20:36:11 <akgraner> ok well unless otherwise note _marx_ to chair next meeting Jun 23 20:36:20 <akgraner> anything else anyone... Jun 23 20:36:33 <akgraner> we are 6 minutes over target time...:-) not bad Jun 23 20:36:34 <BugeyeD> i'm good Jun 23 20:36:41 <jfrorie> ok, I will throw out a note to see if I can get any takers. Jun 23 20:36:58 <BugeyeD> gotta go get the kids in bed, night all. Jun 23 20:37:12 <akgraner> ok then thanks everyone for an AWESOME meeting...try to get minutes out tonight for ya... Jun 23 20:37:17 <akgraner> #endmeeting