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Editor: 71-90-237-107
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/* Describe NorthCarolinaTeam/MeetingTemplate here. */

# INSTRUCTIONS: see comments for Agenda and remove CatergoryNorthCarolinaTeamUpcomingMeeting after the meeting

  • We meet at 7pm on IRC channel #ubuntu-us-nc
  • To join the meeting without setting up an IRC client click here


_marx_ akgraner holstein KJ4UFG adam_vollrath cwill747



Agenda for Upcoming Meeting

Agenda Item

Date Item Added

By Whom (please use wiki signature when possible

Additional Comments

Action Items

19:10 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with Mootbot-UK 19:10 <Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 23:10. The chair is holstein. 19:10 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: advocacy 19:13 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: start some email threads about some advocacy ideas 19:14 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: facebook page 19:16 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: email list about setting up a new facebook page 19:19 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: CharLUG 19:23 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: CharLUG install fest temporarily postponed 19:23 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: think about what the LoCo can do to help CharLUG 19:24 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: akgraner to oversee new facebook page 19:28 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Discuss starting a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:28 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: holstein will work on setting up a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:29 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions. 19:31 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: remove 'Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions'

  • from agenda

19:32 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: 19:32 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Discuss protocol for deleting agenda items. What can one delete and when without irritation to other members 19:34 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: all members can edit the /Meeting/Agenda wiki page 19:42 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: change the way the meeting agenda works by starting with a clean slate each time 19:44 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: holstein to change the meeting agenda WIKI 19:44 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:44 <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:49 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: _marx_ to look into the contact information layout on the wiki and edit or add a new page 19:52 <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://blog.canonical.com/?p=264 19:54 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: pending further discussion, a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo will have to be taken on

  • at a later time

19:55 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: refer NC residents to shipit for ubuntu CD's 20:06 <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: next meeting August 25th 7pm EST in #ubuntu-us-nc 20:08 <Mootbot-UK> Meeting finished at 00:08. 20:08 <Mootbot-UK> Logs available at http://mootbot.ubuntu-uk.org/


19:10 < holstein> #startmeeting 19:10 < Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 23:10. The chair is holstein. 19:10 < Mootbot-UK> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 19:10 < holstein> [topic] advocacy 19:10 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: advocacy 19:10 < holstein> i was going to try and get out to mars hill college with someone local 19:11 < holstein> maybe talk internalkernel into it 19:11 * _marx_ goes looking at the agenda 19:11 < holstein> i was thinking we should try and get some manageable goals for advocacy 19:11 < holstein> i think we could do something up there easy enough 19:12 < holstein> maybe start emailing the list more actively about these kind of ideas 19:12 < holstein> so the non-IRC'ers can get envolved 19:12 < adam_vollrath> whoa a bot 19:13 < adam_vollrath> does it enforce Robert's Rules of Order? 19:13 < holstein> [action] start some email threads about some advocacy ideas 19:13 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: start some email threads about some advocacy ideas 19:13 < holstein> hey adam_vollrath Smile :) 19:13 < _marx_> i agree using the mailing list may get non-IRC's more involved 19:14 < holstein> what about the facebook page? 19:14 < _marx_> hi adam_vollrath mostly it makes nice log files 19:14 < holstein> [topic] facebook page 19:14 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: facebook page 19:14 < holstein> didnt we say we would just start a new one if no contact was made by now? 19:14 < _marx_> last time we said just make a new one if we couldn't get ahold of adam* 19:15 < holstein> yeah, lets move toward that 19:15 < holstein> who was going to set one up? 19:15 < _marx_> i recall akgraner but she's not paying attention to defend herself 19:15 -!- jcg2 [jcg2@cpe-174-098-071-204.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-us-nc 19:16 < holstein> [action] email list about setting up a new facebook page 19:16 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: email list about setting up a new facebook page 19:16 < _marx_> see jcg2 made it 19:16 < holstein> jcg2: HEY 19:16 < holstein> jcg2: i was just talking about the facebook page 19:16 < jcg2> hey, yall.. been talking about me? 19:16 < holstein> i think we have decided to just make a new one 19:16 < holstein> i tried to reach adam* as well 19:17 < jcg2> OK, works for me .. I've had no luck 19:17 < _marx_> too me that was an ungraceful fading away 19:18 < holstein> _marx_: you mean adam? 19:18 < holstein> well, he might just not check that thing anymore 19:18 < jcg2> I suspect he has some unresolved anger re: the team 19:19 < holstein> [topic] CharLUG 19:19 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: CharLUG 19:19 < holstein> jcg2: you want to talk about that for a minute 19:19 < holstein> mention whatever you need to for the logs? 19:19 < jcg2> My sense is that they are no terribly active at the moment 19:20 < holstein> OH 19:20 < holstein> the lug? 19:20 < jcg2> I've gotten no response to the few queries I've sent re: the installfest they were planning 19:20 < holstein> hmmm 19:20 < _marx_> at the moment he made the FB page? 19:20 < _marx_> oh charlug 19:20 < _marx_> sorry 19:20 < holstein> we can talk about doing something like that over here 19:20 < holstein> for the WNCLUG 19:21 < jcg2> nominate marx for remedial reading class LOL 19:21 < holstein> seems like charlotte is a more central location though 19:21 < _marx_> if i could find a location i'd push one for pti area too 19:21 < jcg2> The LUG in Charlotte has had a tough time staying alive, it seems 19:21 < holstein> jcg2: should i action that the charlug is 'up in the air'? 19:21 < holstein> install fest, that is 19:22 < _marx_> action what can team to do build charlug 19:22 < jcg2> I'd say we just remove it from the radar for the moment. 19:22 < jcg2> I am on their listserv and there has been no activity recently at all 19:22 < akgraner> sorry I am late 19:23 < jcg2> It can come off the agenda as I dare say an installfest isn't a priority for them at the moment 19:23 < holstein> [action] CharLUG install fest temporarily postponed 19:23 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: CharLUG install fest temporarily postponed 19:23 < akgraner> If I missed something I am supposed to do just action item me please 19:23 < jcg2> is tronyx here? 19:23 < holstein> [action] think about what the LoCo can do to help CharLUG 19:23 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: think about what the LoCo can do to help CharLUG 19:24 < holstein> akgraner: did you say you wanted to make a new FB page? 19:24 < akgraner> holstein, I can 19:24 < akgraner> create an action item for me 19:24 < holstein> how about... 19:24 < holstein> [action] akgraner to oversee new facebook page 19:24 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: akgraner to oversee new facebook page 19:25 < jcg2> I know I was late, but what are we going to use the FB page for? 19:25 < _marx_> send some more contact to adam* saying here's what we've done... 19:25 < _marx_> jcg2: promo of events is one 19:25 < holstein> jcg2: no plans yet 19:25 < holstein> yeah 19:25 < holstein> normal FB announcements 19:26 < _marx_> jcg2: like you could post gclug announcements there 19:26 < jcg2> May be a bit difficult, given FB's methods, to use it to promote the team.. announcements for us, yes that will work 19:26 < holstein> cwill747: was here earlier 19:26 < holstein> we were talking about the Kramden ideas 19:26 < holstein> A new advocacy opportunity with the Kramden Institute; please see this forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1507978 19:27 < holstein> i believe that can fall under that action item for emailing advocacy ideas to the list 19:28 < holstein> [topic] Discuss starting a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:28 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Discuss starting a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:28 < _marx_> hopefully cwill747 will report back to mailing list on the kramden meeting 19:28 < _marx_> i'm all for it 19:28 < holstein> [action] holstein will work on setting up a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:28 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: holstein will work on setting up a 'meeting chair group' of members that can chair the meetings in rotation 19:28 < _marx_> there's a bunch of wiki edits involved 19:28 < holstein> i'll email the list about that 19:29 < holstein> and talk with _marx_ about it 19:29 < _marx_> just to keep it, the wiki, up to date 19:29 < jcg2> what is the current topic, I'm lost 19:29 < holstein> [topic] Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions. 19:29 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions. 19:29 < holstein> how about that one 19:30 < holstein> i just did that other one real quick since its on me really 19:30 < holstein> to email the list 19:30 < jcg2> are there positions needing filling? 19:30 < holstein> thats the question 19:30 < holstein> and if not 19:30 < akgraner> I mentioned stepping down as team lead and contact but I am not as busy as I thought 19:30 < holstein> we can remove that 19:30 < _marx_> akgraner: wants to retire as team contact 19:30 < holstein> cool 19:30 < holstein> so, lets remove that one 19:31 < akgraner> so I can say on for another cycle is that is cool with everyone 19:31 < holstein> [action] remove 'Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions' from agenda 19:31 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: remove 'Review member positions and the job requirements/responsibilities in order to discuss filling open positions'

  • from agenda

19:31 < holstein> w00t akgraner 19:31 < akgraner> however I want to mentor others to take on the leadership role 19:32 * holstein moves on 19:32 < holstein> [topic] 19:32 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: 19:32 < holstein> [topic] Discuss protocol for deleting agenda items. What can one delete and when without irritation to other members 19:32 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Discuss protocol for deleting agenda items. What can one delete and when without irritation to other members 19:32 < holstein> jcg2: that is yours 19:32 < holstein> what do you think? 19:32 < akgraner> what happened to cause this item to get put on the agenda? 19:32 < jcg2> just am not sure when I should simply remove an item ... 19:32 < _marx_> well all members can edit the /Meeting/Agenda wiki page 19:33 < holstein> jcg2: good question 19:33 < holstein> i think its all good in there 19:33 < _marx_> akgraner: the agenda remains the same...for months 19:33 < jcg2> I know I can but I was attempting to keep everyone posted on progress however slowly it happened... 19:33 < akgraner> I know ... 19:33 < holstein> i say go for it 19:34 < jcg2> so if I just delete an item that I think doesn't belong there, that is OK? 19:34 < _marx_> same here, we need it to be more up to date 19:34 < holstein> [action] all members can edit the /Meeting/Agenda wiki page 19:34 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: all members can edit the /Meeting/Agenda wiki page 19:34 < akgraner> why can't we just just do it the way other teams do 19:34 < holstein> akgraner: how is that? 19:34 < _marx_> jcg2: the wiki has versions 19:34 < akgraner> well instead of always listing the same stuff 19:34 < jcg2> why not tell us what that procedure is . that was the purpose of the agenda item 19:35 < akgraner> just have people add to a table the things that need to be discussed 19:35 < adam_vollrath> The agenda is in a wiki amirite? Could you email wiki revision diffs to anyone interested? Like if you "watch" a page on Mediawiki? 19:35 < akgraner> adam_vollrath, people can subscribe to the page if they want to be notified 19:36 < akgraner> one sec let me get an example 19:36 < akgraner> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda 19:36 < akgraner> look at this agenda 19:36 < adam_vollrath> word. If all edits produce notifications that get notice, then there's not much point in restricting writes, I'd think. Any

  • controversial edits (hopefully rare) could be reverted or brought up for discussion.

19:36 < holstein> im into that 19:36 < akgraner> while there isn't much there 19:36 < jcg2> Given Amber's suggestion, the agenda needs to be cleared after each meeting, I guess 19:36 < holstein> so its new each time 19:36 < holstein> yeah 19:36 < akgraner> it's just a table - people put their name and what they want to talk about 19:37 < holstein> i like that 19:37 < holstein> how do we get that? 19:37 < akgraner> just add a table 19:37 < akgraner> it's easy I can add it if you want 19:37 < akgraner> each agenda should be new 19:37 < akgraner> otherwise people get bored 19:37 < holstein> do we need to vote? 19:37 < holstein> or can we just do it? 19:37 < akgraner> if it is open item then we carry it over 19:38 < akgraner> jcg2, well you clear out the information but not the table 19:39 < akgraner> Does holstein need to call a vote for this? 19:39 < holstein> doesnt seem like anyone is apposing it 19:39 < _marx_> well who does it each time? 19:39 -!- KJ4UFG [jcg2@cpe-174-098-071-204.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-us-nc 19:40 < _marx_> hey KJ4UFG 19:40 < holstein> we can decide at the meeting i guess 19:40 < akgraner> anyone can add to it 19:40 < holstein> but who ever is chairing can clear it 19:40 < KJ4UFG> that's me, jcg2 ... got dropped 19:40 < holstein> i think this is a great idea 19:40 < _marx_> call sign i get it Smile :) 19:41 * holstein is going to action it 19:41 < _marx_> same thing for team reports 19:42 < akgraner> anyone can add to team reports as well 19:42 < holstein> [action] change the way the meeting agenda works by starting with a clean slate each time 19:42 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: change the way the meeting agenda works by starting with a clean slate each time 19:42 < holstein> hmmm 19:42 < holstein> yeah, thats OK 19:42 < holstein> OK one more that i see 19:43 < holstein> OH 19:43 < holstein> akgraner: your going to do that table there for us? 19:43 < akgraner> holstein, if you need help creating the table I'll help ya out 19:43 < holstein> set that up? 19:43 < akgraner> yep I can do that 19:43 < holstein> akgraner: i will 19:43 < holstein> i'll action me on it 19:43 < akgraner> action item it for me and you if you want 19:43 < holstein> and if i need you, i'll shout out 19:43 < akgraner> okie dokie 19:44 < holstein> [action] holstein to change the meeting agenda WIKI 19:44 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: holstein to change the meeting agenda WIKI 19:44 < holstein> [action] Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:44 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:44 < holstein> OOPS 19:44 < holstein> [topic] Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:44 < Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Implementing a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo. This could help get the word out 19:45 < holstein> and cwill747 is not here now 19:45 < KJ4UFG> I like the idea .. 19:45 < akgraner> while the idea sounds good - I have some concerns about this idea 19:45 < holstein> likewise 19:45 < KJ4UFG> how will it be funded? 19:45 < _marx_> make contact info more visible on the wiki home page 19:45 < akgraner> 1) who will pay postage 19:45 < akgraner> 2) we only get x number of pressed cds for free 19:45 < holstein> _marx_: can you do that? 19:46 < akgraner> lets just create a contact page 19:46 < KJ4UFG> Is driving traffic to our wiki page a good idea? 19:46 < akgraner> why wouldn't it be 19:47 < KJ4UFG> don't know... that's why I asked? 19:47 < akgraner> I think the front page can be updated to reflect current projects and things 19:47 < holstein> akgraner: im fine with editing the current contact into too 19:47 < KJ4UFG> but it is a complex URL to say the least about marketing it 19:47 < holstein> to minimise the extra pages 19:47 < akgraner> that wouldn't be to hard to change just need people to stay on top of it 19:47 < holstein> but im cool either way 19:48 < akgraner> we can create a shorted URL 19:48 < holstein> totally 19:48 < holstein> _marx_: you want to take that on? 19:49 < holstein> either a new contact page, or more visible on the main page 19:49 < _marx_> yeah i can look into it anyway 19:49 < holstein> i say, you can decide 19:49 < holstein> [action] _marx_ to look into the contact information layout on the wiki and edit or add a new page 19:49 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: _marx_ to look into the contact information layout on the wiki and edit or add a new page 19:50 < _marx_> sorry i'm babysitting an 11 month old and green at that duty 19:50 < holstein> akgraner: back to the other topic 19:50 < holstein> ANYONE can request a CD from cannonical still right? 19:51 < akgraner> yes and no 19:51 < holstein> hmmm 19:51 < akgraner> if you have requested on before you may be turned down 19:51 < holstein> i was thinking we could just make that more visible 19:51 < akgraner> one sec let me get the new rules for requesting CD's from Shipit 19:51 < holstein> i think right now, the cost is an issue 19:51 < holstein> 19:45 < akgraner> 1) who will pay postage 19:52 < akgraner> http://blog.canonical.com/?p=264 19:52 < Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://blog.canonical.com/?p=264 19:52 < holstein> i say we shelf this idea 19:53 < holstein> until some funding is proposed 19:53 < akgraner> We will continue to supply CDs to LoCo teams and Ubuntu members. And we hope to make CDs available to everyone who is just discovering

  • Ubuntu. And we continue to search for additional ways to make Ubuntu and Ubuntu materials available to everyone. But we are limiting shipments to people that we think have alternative paths of getting Ubuntu. For instance,

19:53 < akgraner> * you can upgrade to the new release without a CD 19:53 < akgraner> * you can download your own CD for free 19:53 < akgraner> * you will be able to download the CD wallet artwork 19:53 < holstein> its a great idea though 19:53 < akgraner> * becoming an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby becoming eligible for more CDs 19:53 < akgraner> * And finally, you can purchase CDs. 19:53 < _marx_> yeah w/broadband dl's available 19:53 < akgraner> also I spoke with Jane about putting CD's in various stores - they will not send CD's fro teams to just add to retail facilities 19:54 < akgraner> the above information is from Jane Silber's announcement on the ship changes 19:54 < holstein> [action] pending further discussion, a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo will have to be taken on at a

  • later time

19:54 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: pending further discussion, a system for NC residents to request a CD sent to them by our LoCo will have to be taken

  • on at a later time

19:55 < akgraner> we should just refer them to shipit 19:55 < holstein> that still leaves it open 19:55 < _marx_> yep 19:55 < holstein> akgraner: totally 19:55 < _marx_> hum, at regional sources in NC for those w/o a broadband connection 19:55 < holstein> [action] refer NC residents to shipit for ubuntu CD's 19:55 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: refer NC residents to shipit for ubuntu CD's 19:55 < _marx_> s/at/add 19:56 < holstein> well, thats all i have... 19:56 < holstein> anyone else? 19:56 < akgraner> oh I know 19:56 < KJ4UFG> how many of us were here to participate 19:56 < _marx_> there's an installfest in VA just over the border 19:56 < akgraner> speaking of CD's I want to divid the CD's up when get them and send some to Marx 19:56 < holstein> in the meeting KJ4UFG ? 19:56 < akgraner> some to holstein 19:57 < KJ4UFG> Yes 19:57 < holstein> _marx_ akgraner holstein KJ4UFG adam_vollrath 19:57 < holstein> i think that was everyone 19:57 < akgraner> that should allow people close to them to be able to get CD's when needed 19:57 < adam_vollrath> watup 19:57 < KJ4UFG> there shows to be a ton of folks in the channel but few said anything 19:57 < holstein> akgraner: w00t 19:57 < holstein> i'll get em in good hands 19:57 < akgraner> KJ4UFG, that happens with all teams 19:57 < adam_vollrath> ten weeks for a CD is p rough 19:58 < akgraner> adam_vollrath, what? 19:58 < adam_vollrath> that's what I see on shipit.ubuntu.com 19:58 < holstein> so when is the next meeting? 19:58 < holstein> 2 weeks? 19:58 < akgraner> oh yeah - they come from the netherlands 19:58 < _marx_> KJ4UFG: lurkers 19:58 < akgraner> also Ubuntu Global Jam 19:58 < KJ4UFG> hang on, guys .. 19:59 < cwill747> hey I'm around 19:59 < KJ4UFG> I need to tender my resignation as Advocacy lead. 19:59 < holstein> cwill747: cool 19:59 < akgraner> KJ4UFG, I am sorry to hear that... 19:59 < holstein> KJ4UFG: yeah? 19:59 < akgraner> anything we can do to make the job easier for you? 19:59 < holstein> everything cool? 20:00 < KJ4UFG> yep, I don't feel I've done an effective job and think you guys could do it better without me here. 20:00 * holstein disagrees 20:00 < akgraner> KJ4UFG, I think you have done a great job 20:00 < holstein> if your too busy or something, thats cool 20:01 < holstein> KJ4UFG: how about holding off for a bit 20:01 < holstein> and maybe we can talk about it 20:01 < akgraner> heck I have days where I feel like I accomplish nothing... how can we help you? What tools and or information can we get you to help you 20:01 < holstein> i had some advocacy ideas that i talked about at the beginning 20:01 < holstein> when you werent here yet 20:01 < KJ4UFG> I think I can use my time more wisely, yall. Canocical and I don't seem to agree to a bunch of things regarding the team's responsibilities. 20:02 < akgraner> Canonical has nothing to do with LoCo teams and how they work 20:02 < akgraner> they only provide some swag for us 20:02 < akgraner> we have Community Council, and LoCo Councils for our governance 20:02 < KJ4UFG> That's one of the things I disagree with. Here we are trying to get new users for them and they want no contact with us. 20:03 < akgraner> no that is not true 20:03 < cwill747> I mean we're really trying to get new users for all of us. 20:03 < akgraner> but if they run things then we can no longer operate as non profits 20:03 < KJ4UFG> may be but it sure seems taht way to me 20:03 < akgraner> they aren't supposed to be 20:03 < akgraner> they are the corporate sponsor for Ubuntu but we are the community 20:04 < KJ4UFG> given that amber, what is advocacy for, then 20:04 < KJ4UFG> what are we advocating? 20:04 < akgraner> to let people know they have a choice 20:04 < holstein> KJ4UFG: are you OK with waiting til next meeting at least? 20:04 < akgraner> and they aren't locked into windows or osx 20:05 < holstein> just so i can go ahead and end the meeting? 20:05 < KJ4UFG> holstein: yes 20:05 < holstein> COOL 20:05 < holstein> SO next meeting in 2 weeks? 20:05 < akgraner> sure 20:05 < cwill747> sounds good 20:05 < _marx_> ditto 20:06 < holstein> [aciton] next meeting August 25th 7pm EST in #ubuntu-us-nc 20:06 < holstein> [action] next meeting August 25th 7pm EST in #ubuntu-us-nc 20:06 < Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: next meeting August 25th 7pm EST in #ubuntu-us-nc 20:06 < holstein> and someone will chair 20:06 < holstein> i'll try and really get that rotation worked out 20:07 < holstein> by then 20:07 < cwill747> So I feel bad that I brought up a couple things and then had to run out and couldn't address them 20:07 < cwill747> feel free to end the meeting 20:08 < cwill747> but I thought if some people are gonna hang for a minute, I'll talk about what I missed 20:08 < holstein> #endmeeting

NorthCarolinaTeam North Carolina Team Meeting Agenda CategoryNorthCarolinaTeamUpcomingMeeting

NorthCarolinaTeam/Meeting/2010-06-11 (last edited 2010-08-12 01:45:09 by 71-90-237-107)