
How To Use Mootbot-UK

How to use Mootbot-UK

This is a guide on using Mootbot-UK for the Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team Meetings. If after reading this page you still have questions please refer the the scribes team wiki on Mootbot. If you still have questions after reading both of those documents pop into #ubuntu-women-project and let us know what your questions are. Thank you! -- akgraner 2010-03-26 14:10:13


Since we as a team use Mootbot-UK, and as such this tool uses a set of commands to record the meeting logs. More information on Mootbot can be found here.

Mootbot-UK Commands

Adding the following commands to the agenda that the team reads can often make it look cluttered and difficult to focus on what is going to be discussed, especially if it is an extensive agenda. If you are chairing an Ubuntu Women Project meeting please use the meeting agenda planning page to list all items with the Mootbot-UK commands. This way team members can concentrate on the agenda items with distraction of the Mootbot-UK commands.

How do I use it?

The commands for the bot are shown below:


Tells the bot to start listening. Sets the meeting chair to whoever issues this command


Records a topic of discussion (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)


Records the progress of a particular topic etc (Can only be issued by meeting chair)


Records an idea releated to the current topic of discussion (Can be used by everyone)


Records an action that is decided on (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)


Records and agreement on a idea (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)


Records a URL link of any format


Starts a vote. (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)

+1 / -1 / +0

Records a vote for the current [VOTE]. (Can be used by everyone)


Finishes the current [VOTE] (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)


Ends the meeting (Can only be issued by the meeting chair)

Starting a Meeting

To begin the meeting, the chairperson issues the "#startmeeting" command. This tells the bot to start logging.

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> #startmeeting
<MootBot-UK> Meeting started at 23:00

After issuing the #startmeeting command, the rest of the commands will be enabled.

Changing the Topic

As you progress through the meeting the current discussion point should be noted to enable easier reading of the IRC logs. You can change the current topic of discussion by issuing a [TOPIC] command:

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> [TOPIC] Changing the Topic
<MootBot-UK> Current Topic: Changing the Topic

Ideas, Actions and Agreed Actions

The [IDEA] command are supplied so attendees can provide and log ideas regarding the current topic of discussion, this is useful in brainstorming sessions where all input should be registered for future examination.

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> [IDEA] Provide full details of the commands on the Wiki
<MootBot-UK> New Idea Received: Provide full details of the commands on the Wiki

Similar to this is the [ACTION] and [AGREED] commands, but these can only be used by the Chairperson. This will add an entry into the log denoting a action to be taken, or a agreement on the current topic.

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> [ACTION] Manual to be produced by AndrewWilliams
<MootBot-UK> New Action Received: Manual to be produced by AndrewWilliams

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> [AGREED] Work on documentation will commence as soon as possible
<MootBot-UK> Agreed: Work on documentation will commence as soon as possible


The bot offers a voting mechanism to enable the chairperson to hold a public vote regarding a particular topic. A vote is started via the [VOTE] command.

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> [VOTE] Do we implement channel management?
<MootBot-UK> New Vote: Do we implement channel management?

Atendees can vote by using the +1/-1/+0 commands:

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Voting> +1

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Voting> -1

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Voting> +0

After a time the chairperson can close the vote (using the #endvote command) and receive the results:

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> #endvote
<MootBot-UK> Vote on "Do we implement channel management?", 1 For, 1 Against, 1 Abstain

Ending the Meeting

After all topics are discussed, the chairperson can then call a close to the meeting using the #endmeeting command

<IRC_Nick_of_Person_Chairing_Meeting> #endmeeting
<MootBot-UK> Meeting Ended: 23:10
<MootBot> Summary available at:

Where do the logs end up?

They are are available on, organized by date, then channel.

What output does the bot produce?

Mootbot-UK will give you an output of the meeting in 3 files that can be found at the above link which Mootbot-UK gives meeting chair at the end of each meeting in a PM on IRC.

The file that has "moin" and ends with ".txt" is the one you will to open and "select all" as you will need to drop that into the meeting log wiki page to create the wiki for the Mootbot-UK view on the meeting wiki's for a specific date. An example of the what the "moin" view looks like can be seen here.

Also in the PM from Mootbot-UK will be the actions items it recorded as well as the the url to get the the links above.

NorthCarolinaTeam/Mootbot-UKHowTo (last edited 2010-04-02 01:52:19 by user80)