Feel free to edit this with your own ideas, however please do not change lines, only add new lines or sub-topics, and please sign all changes with your wikiname. -- akgraner 2010-03-23 17:30:46

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team Road Map

The '''road map''' will detail our future goals for the LoCo team.

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team Plan of Action

  • Bi - Monthly meetings
    • Wiki Maintenance
    • Education / New User
    • Marketing
    • Meetings
  • Meetup in centralized locations for interested members
    • Meet face-to-face for socialization, break down geographic barriers
    • Work through ideas in person
    • Revisit goals and agendas for team
    • Responsibilities
    • Agendas
    • Ideas
  • Discuss other mini-meetings to learn about Ubuntu, Linux and OSS

NorthCarolinaTeam/POA (last edited 2010-03-23 18:01:54 by user80)