About Me
I live in Austria and work at the University of Graz. Linux has been part of my life since 2003, Ubuntu since 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon.
- Programming and Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Ubuntu
- Open source software projects
- Downhill Mountainbiking
- Motorbiking
Contributions to Ubuntu
I'm actively supporting Ubuntu users on Ask Ubuntu.
Octavian Damiean on Ask Ubuntu.
- Some answers:
How to revert to GNOME Classic? (this was for 11.04)
Austrian LoCo Team wiki maintainer.
Editing Wiki articles as necessary in the main Wiki and in the German ubuntuusers.de Wiki.
- Testing development releases and reporting bugs.
Created the Ubuntu Shortcuts wallpaper overlay for Natty Narwhal.
- Spreading Ubuntu among relatives, neighbors and friends and supporting them.
Face-to-Face Event Attendance
- UDS-O in person
- UDS-P remotely
Aim within Ubuntu
I'm planing to promote the Austrian LoCo Team and build an Austrian Ubuntu community.
Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~mainerror
- E-Mail: octavian [DOT] damiean [AT] gmail [DOT] com
- IRC nick: mainerror
- Mostly in channels:
- #ubuntu-at
- Mostly in channels:
Octavian has repeatedly shown that he has the enthusiasm, skills and attitude of a true Ubuntero. His time spent on Ask Ubuntu is very helpful to the larger community, and I highly recommend him for Ubuntu Membership. -- jamesgifford
OctavianDamiean (last edited 2020-01-22 10:17:45 by mainerror)