

This guide contains specific information about translating software into Oriya language. It contains details about what strings should be translated and what not, what are plural forms and other things you should be aware while translating software using Launchpad Translations (Rosetta) or any other tool.

Basic rules for checking translations quality

Below are listed some common sense rules to follow during the translation work in order to improve the translation quality:

  • Pay attention to all section from the guidelines and always keep in touch with other translators
  • When you have translated a string, read it again and see if there are any error or the translations sound right in your language.
  • If the translated string does not make sense for you (or your mother/father), definitely it is wrong and you should redo/rephrase it.
  • If it feasible, always ask another team member to review your translations.
  • Translations consistency is an important aspect of translation quality. You can check the translation of a word / phrase in multiple free software project using the Open Tran website
  • Terminology dictionary


OdiaTranslation (last edited 2016-11-06 10:35:30 by fitojb)