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About Ubuntu Ohio
Ubuntu Ohio is a group of enthusiastic people dedicated to spreading Ubuntu in the great state of Ohio, the 7th most populous state in the United States. We are known as a LoCo Team, which stands for a Local Community of Ubuntu users. We often get together at conventions, meetings, parties, and online.
For more information about us check out our home page here, and our Launchpad group here. Our Mailing List archives can be found here.
Key Details
Team Contact - Paul Tagliamonte
- 354 Members on Launchpad
- 164 people subscribed to the mailing list
Mailing List - ubuntu-us-ohio at
IRC - #ubuntu-us-oh on Freenode
Launchpad -
Team Admins
ReLoCo Leads
All regional leads are team Administrators
Jason Chandler (canthus13)
Joe Begnoche
John F. (tnseditor)
Jordan McCollum
Michael Gilbert
Paul Tagliamonte (Paultag)
Doug Stanley
Ubuntu / Canonical Folk
All Ubuntu members and Canonical employees are team Administrators
Chase Douglas
Jacob Peddicord
Johnathon Mlady
Paul Tagliamonte
L Cycle Goals
✓ Team Restructuring
✓ Change of LoCo governance to a distributed model
- Broke LoCo down into Smaller, more manageable "ReLoCos" based on geographical regions - Designated team leads for each ReLoCo.
✓ Increased Transparency in the Team
x Weekly Mailings
✓ Regular Events
- Started bi-weekly Ubuntu Hours with several ReLoCos, taking the opportunity to use Ubuntu in public
- and possibly recruit new users.
x Giving back to Ohio
We have it all of the goals that were marked as "critical". Weekly mailings fell off due to Paul's lack of time, and the programs involving the Ohio public infrastructure were met with resistance.
We plan to find a way to work these goals into future cycles without having them dragged along.
Online Activities
Planet Ohio -- LoCo blog showcase
#ubuntu-us-oh IRC channel on Freenode
Vastly increased Mailing List activity over the last year.
Initiated a podcast, entitled Burning Circle in honor of the Cuyahoga River that caught fire in the 1970's, as of September 20th. This may assist in picking up where the weekly mailings left off. The current intent behind the production is to provide a means for airing reports from ReLoCo leads so that sharing across the 7th most populous state of the United States can happen. The news miscellany is presently shared with a podcast at and will hopefully begin to diverge in the future.
Events in the last year
See a full list of events at Google Calendar
Had a team contest for best new logo. The winner was Ken Wilson, from the Cleveland+ Area.
Bi-monthly Ubuntu Hours
- These take place in four different cities. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Akron. In the state of Ohio, there is a LoCo event every week.
Global Jams
Ohio Linux Fest ( OLF )
Looking Forward
Re-working intra-team communication, and cross-ReLoCo work ( Co-Ubuntu Hours! )
Evaluation of the Freedom Toaster project may be worthwhile to help increase the reach of Ubuntu outside Ohio's urban metros where bandwidth may be less than optimal. Even with the reorganization into ReLoCo units there still remains questions of distances to travel for distributing discs outside Ohio's urban metros. This would improve team outreach into all of Ohio's 88 counties.
In light of resistance to the infrastructure project detailed above, efforts might be restricted to instead one or two test cases so that the team can build credibility with agencies relative to what we represent. Prime opportunities for this would include partnering with a civil township located outside the limits of one of the core cities of a ReLoCo metro area. Civil townships are one of the smallest units of government in Ohio and present the best opportunity for experimentation due to the lack of entrenched bureaucracies in them. While aiding a civil township with transitioning to GNUCash would be not possible due to the legacy uniform accounting network established by the Ohio Auditor of State, other possible needs should be assessed and potential recommendations to use free software discussed.
OhioTeam/VerificationApplications/ReApproval (last edited 2014-08-17 23:44:43 by belkinsa)