18:59:58 [ jhalstead] Offically 7:00. Let the party begin? 19:02:55 [ Palintheus] I've found that meetings usually don't start until about 15min past the start time ;) 19:04:54 [ jhalstead] I know, I was being me and saying hi to everyone 19:05:12 [ Palintheus] ah ok 19:05:41 [notice(#ubuntu-us-ok)] who's around for the meeting? 19:05:44 [ Palintheus] :) 19:05:50 [ Palintheus] bbi5-10 19:10:19 [ Palintheus] <_< 19:10:19 [ Palintheus] >_> 19:15:25 [ Palintheus] duanedesign, wisd0m: you guys around? 19:16:42 [ Palintheus] well, jhalstead anything specific you wanted to bring up? 19:17:58 [ jhalstead] Not really, I didn't think we had an agenda today? I would of read up on something 19:19:14 [ Palintheus] I think there are just a couple things we need to discuss, hosting, creating assigning a coordinator position, bug triage 19:19:39 [ Palintheus] Lycus, solarion, tlcoffee: you guys around for the meeting? 19:20:01 [ jhalstead] I've added Ubuntu's bug list to my feedreader but haven't gotten any further. sad I know. 19:20:22 [ Palintheus] and you set up the 5-a-day app right? 19:21:09 [ jhalstead] well yeah, of course, we did that that first night 19:21:32 [ Palintheus] ok, my memory is fuzzy, couldn't remember exactly if that was you ;) 19:22:07 [ jhalstead] happens, it's all good 19:22:43 [ duanedesign] hello 19:22:53 [ jhalstead] duanedesign: howdie 19:23:35 [ duanedesign] I was off trying to get my 5 bugs 19:24:52 [ duanedesign] I was just about to say I havent had an update in awhile, there for awhile they seemed frequent, but today I noticed I have some security updates 19:25:26 [ jhalstead] updates? ubuntu updates? 19:25:46 [ duanedesign] yes 19:26:51 [ duanedesign] quite a few looks like 20 security updates and about 24 proposed updates 19:27:17 [ duanedesign] I usually dont do the proposed unless it is something I am having issues with 19:27:35 [ jhalstead] I've not really seen a dip. I had quite a few today but I've also had about "the usual" the last few days 19:28:43 [ duanedesign] Anyone here brave enough to do the back port updates 19:29:30 [ jhalstead] Not I, said the blind man 19:31:49 [ Palintheus] any input as far as cms for the site/ 19:32:42 [ duanedesign] cms? 19:32:51 [ jhalstead] I've done "cms made simple" for a client may times. 5 or 6 different sites acutually 19:33:14 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: drupal, wordpress, mediawiki, etc (content management system?) 19:33:35 [ duanedesign] aha 19:34:06 [ duanedesign] I think the goal or mission of the website should be______________? 19:34:29 [ jhalstead] I've used drupal in the past too but might not be what you looking for, it has a lot of options 19:34:44 [ duanedesign] I guess our wiki is to engage new members 19:35:00 [ duanedesign] Our website is to engage the public? 19:35:15 [ Palintheus] some locos don't have sites, we don't have to have one 19:35:41 [ Palintheus] I just know we have one, it's public, and it fails, not Steve's fault, but it needs to be cleaned up or removed imho 19:36:31 [ duanedesign] do you ever read the Ubuntu planet? I yhink that is the one that is made up of Ubuntu members blog posts 19:36:48 [ jhalstead] techno we don't have to have one, and if we don't have content I would suggest not having one too. But if we have content we need between us all we need a site 19:37:48 [ Palintheus] currently I don't see a need for a site, maybe down the road, currently since we have the domain we could forward it to the wiki 19:38:50 [ jhalstead] that sounds like a reasonable plan 19:38:50 [ duanedesign] As much as I want to argue against that position....I cant think of any good reason too:) 19:38:58 [ duanedesign] agree 19:39:51 [ Palintheus] ok, well then I can contact steve about gettting the current DNS entries deleted and I can create some new ones and figure out how best to forward it 19:41:32 [ duanedesign] do we want to mess with the email 19:41:56 [ Palintheus] I can do that in the DNS, with google apps, it doens't require hitting an actual server 19:42:51 [ Palintheus] and I'm comma happy for some reason tonight 19:43:15 [ Palintheus] anything else on the server? 19:44:57 [ duanedesign] Palintheus: you mentioned a bug jam or something 19:45:20 [ Palintheus] It was suggested by tlcoffee that duanedesign be given a position of Team Coordinator in the ML, I didn't respond and have gotten the feel from a couple members that I'm the head honcho, I want to make it known that I'm not here to be in a leadership role and was just given admin to most everything because I was the last/only active member for a while, so if we as a team want to create that let's do it and vote is my opinion.... 19:46:53 [ Palintheus] input? 19:47:18 [ duanedesign] I feel the same way. I am more than happy to help out as much as possible. I also was looking to you Palintheus for direction because I dint want to step on toes. 19:47:52 [ jhalstead] thought it's his decision, I agree lets vote him in, weither he wants it or not 19:48:34 [ Palintheus] hahahah 19:48:54 [ duanedesign] I woul be happy to do it as long as the group is happy with that 19:49:05 [ Palintheus] well I'd like to get more than a couple people's input (previous experience showed me that it can lead to problems otherwise) 19:49:19 [ duanedesign] agreed 19:49:21 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: don't worry about that, tell me wtf is up if need be 19:49:52 [ Palintheus] I'm no more bigger a member than anyone else 19:50:00 [ Palintheus] or howevertf that should be said ;) 19:50:13 [ jhalstead] lol 19:51:17 [ duanedesign] and I would like to think that goes for all of us. It is about what is best for the group. What strengths we have. And also and very important is what are you comftorable doing and will it be fun for you. 19:51:47 [ Palintheus] right 19:52:18 [ Palintheus] this is what I forwarded to the ML https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2008-December/002599.html 19:53:25 [ Palintheus] It looks like there will be one hour classes on triaging, bug jams, and related things (probably in #ubuntu-classroom) and I encourage everyone to at least log in and sit in the channel and log it so you cna read it later, they are very helpful and then participate in the bug jam! 19:53:56 [ duanedesign] where did you see this 19:54:24 [ duanedesign] I need to figure out how to log 19:54:46 [ Palintheus] see? 19:54:54 [ Palintheus] I think it was discussed later in that thread 19:56:04 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: /help log 19:56:12 [ ~wisd0m] here 19:56:22 [ Palintheus] >_> 19:57:57 [ Palintheus] wisd0m: feel free to bring up anything we've discussed already again 19:57:59 [ Palintheus] brb 19:58:19 [ ~wisd0m] i was just reading through the coments since 7pm 20:01:08 * Palintheus nods 20:02:43 [ duanedesign] I aqm just 'brainstorming' here. I am sure you guys are familiar with olpc. we talked about it the other night. What if we had a fundraiser to buy one, well its but one get one. They send one to aq developing country and we get one to give away here. I think it is like 200-3oo$ I read about a small grooup that did an email campaign asking for 5-10 dollar donations and they got a big response. just an idea 20:03:26 [ duanedesign] I shouldnt of updated my firefox, now it wont work:( 20:03:33 [ jhalstead] give away here for what? 20:04:06 [ ~wisd0m] for playing with? 20:04:14 [ duanedesign] well that first 20:04:24 [ jhalstead] after the FF updates I had to restart FF. But restarting FF fixed it for me. 20:04:29 [ ~wisd0m] the g"Give one Get one" thing is $00 20:04:41 [ ~wisd0m] $400 20:05:04 [ duanedesign] was that supposed to be 400 20:05:07 [ duanedesign] ok 20:05:14 [ duanedesign] ouch 20:05:28 [ duanedesign] that is alot of 10 dollar donations 20:05:49 [ ~wisd0m] http://laptop.org/xo/amazon 20:06:24 [ ~wisd0m] i'd rather just Get One. does anybody know someone from a "developing" country? 20:06:33 [ duanedesign] lol 20:07:07 [ duanedesign] arent there non profits that fix up under privelaged kids with used computers 20:07:29 [ jhalstead] well, I'd be willing to do $40 of it if we actually get a pretty good start 20:07:46 [ ~wisd0m] from ebay "Average selling price for this item is $244" the OLPC 20:08:05 [ ~wisd0m] http://cgi.ebay.com/OLPC-Laptop-Mint-Condition-Works-Fine-and-Lowest-Price_W0QQitemZ270318545566QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLaptops_Nov05?hash=item270318545566&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1199|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 20:08:33 [ duanedesign] I did a fundraiser for a garden club once: We were able to get a local company to do matching funds. 20:08:48 [ duanedesign] its good publicity for them 20:09:33 [ jhalstead] and yes, their are non profits out their. But I don't know a local one. I'd actually like to find one. I got an old computer I'm thinking of replacing 20:11:23 [ Palintheus] well I have to get some stuff done before another meeting I have, please feel free to ping/msg me if I am needed 20:12:19 [ ~wisd0m] ok 20:12:59 [ ~wisd0m] http://www.tulsapcpower.org/ 20:13:15 [ duanedesign] If you asked around at local schools and found a kid that was really down on therre luck. Gave them a computer, with Ubuntu of course. Sent out press releases and got decent coverage it would be good publicity for Ubuntu. Also it would open the door too future donations 20:13:45 [ ~wisd0m] my kids computer teacher is trying Ubuntu 20:13:54 [ ~wisd0m] in the classroom, i think 20:16:33 [ duanedesign] i have used macs my whole life. I was always put out that i had to spend 2000$ everytime I needed a new computer. I had an old PC around the house. Never used it because I didny care for windows. A friend of mine suggested Fedora. I ended up trying Ubuntu thanks to the advice of a fellow Borders customer. After that I bought my first ever PC earlier this year. 20:17:01 [ duanedesign] havent looked back since 20:17:46 [ duanedesign] I think if more people tried it they would be blown away. Alot of people still think it is Command Line and only for programmers 20:18:44 [ jhalstead] I agree, the Linux of today is not what your daddy grew up on :-D 20:19:08 [ duanedesign] Linux/Ubuntu would be perfect for a computer to give to an underprivelaged youth with all the free software. 20:19:27 [ ~wisd0m] I am emailing that TUlsa Computer group now 20:19:37 [ duanedesign] :) 20:20:16 [ ~wisd0m] I am telling them that we (or me if no one wants to) can install Ubuntu. They are using windows.
OklahomaTeam/Meeting/2008Dec18 (last edited 2008-12-19 03:35:54 by ip72-200-197-155)