
Revision 1 as of 2010-02-14 17:48:26

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My Name is Omer Akram, I live in pakistan, I started Ubuntu as my first linux distribution in August 2009 and now I am a triager.

Contributions to Ubuntu

In the beginning I started with ubuntu support channel and reported some bug but eventually I moved to bug triaging and now I triage Empathy, Gwibber, Netbook-launcher and Software-center(partial). I usually upstream empathy bugs which I am able to reproduce and which are wishlist

summary= I am a real time bug triager.

Future plans

* I want to become a member of MOTU as a packager for that I am already learning packaging.

* I want to increase my radar on ubuntu bugs. at the moment I am subscribed to gwibber, netbook-launcher, Software center, Indicator-applet, empathy and I want to increase this. but first I am trying to close old and untouched bugs these packages have.