
Revision 10 as of 2010-04-12 14:10:15

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My name is Omer Akram. Living in Multan, Pakistan I am addicted to Ubuntu. I started with confirming and invalidating bugs for ubuntu-moblin-remix then slowly moved to #ubuntu help channel spent a lot of times at #ubuntu channel those days. One day I happen to come accross ubuntu bug control page and applied for it. and luckily became a member of ubuntu bug control

Conntributions to Ubuntu

I only triage bugs at launchpad and that is the only contribution that I am making towards Ubuntu. Mainly I work on empathy bugs, Ask information about incomplete bugs, send them upstream ( I send most of the empathy bugs upstream myself). Then comes gwibber, I am one of the two people who are actively working on gwibber bugs the other person is Kamus. Its only me and Kamus who handle all gwibber bugs. We have managed to close tons of old gwibber bugs in the past few week now most of gwibber bugs are those that actually exist. Another interest area of mine is the awesome Indicators. I triage bugs for all type of indicators including indicator-me *-messages *-sound

Teams I am a member of: Ubuntu-telepathy Gwibber-Team Ubuntu-answers Ubuntu-bug-control

I have got some great comments from Upstream developers

Ryan Paul(Gwibber developer) wrote at twiter: "Thanks to everyone who is helping out with Gwibber bug reports! I'm especially grateful to Gwibber bug triaging hero @om26er."

Guillaume Desmottes(Empathy developer) said at #empathy(gimpnet): "Its really good to have someone bringing in tons of empathy bugs from launchpad to bugzilla. Thanks"

And also an email from Ubuntu's very own Jorge O. Castro: "Thanks for your bug work on gwibber, it's been real helpful!"

Future Plans

* I am not a programmer at all and dont have any educational background related to computers at all but I have still started learning python so that I could help with some projects like Software-center and gwibber

* Become a packager, though now I can do some basic packaging but it will take time to get ready for MOTU

* Soon Lucid comes out distribute a bunch of Lucid cds to friends and people I know. This one is a must do for me as I have been thinking about this since the new awesome look landed in Lucid so now I wont hear the look is not appealing Smile :-)
