
Working on Online Accounts

Source code repositories

The list of projects related to Online Accounts used in Ubuntu is listed in the home page for the Online Accounts project in launchpad.

Most projects in Online Accounts are developed in, in collaboration with other people from KDE and Sailfish OS. Such projects are part of the accounts-sso group; note, however, that not all of these projects are used in Ubuntu.

Importing code in Launchpad

In order to be handled by the CI train used in Ubuntu, all projects need to have their code hosted in Launchpad. The procedure to import the code from to launchpad is described here.

Making an upstream release

In order to speed up the process of making a release of a project hosted in, I'm using this script.

OnlineAccounts/Development (last edited 2016-06-08 07:52:24 by localhost)