
Service Placement UI User Guide

Use the --edit-placement command-line option to have the installer show a screen to modify the default placement and allow you to choose alternate systems or deploy non-default charms.

Main Screen

This screenshot shows the main screen. On the left are services that can be deployed, shown in two sections: "Required services" are services that must be placed before deployment for a minimum usable cloud. Additional services are optional services, including a choice of storage backends between swift and ceph. In Juju terms, each of these is a charm, and some services, like ceph, use multiple charms to deploy different parts of the service to different systems. The installer attempts to ensure that you can't deploy without placing all parts of a service.

In this screen, the installer has determined an initial default placement which you can edit. You can also clear it completely with the "Clear All Placements" button. Because this placement is sufficiently complete, the "Deploy" button is visible and the "Required Services" section is empty.

The right-hand column shows the available machines in MAAS. The columns scroll down as you use the arrow keys to select buttons that are hidden.

Figure 1

This screen has been scrolled down and shows the machine named "healthy-rhythm" has several services placed on it to be deployed into LXC containers.

Figure 2

In this screen we have cleared the placements and we see the list of required services shows how many instances of each charm must be placed for a complete minimal deployment.

Figure 3

This screen shows filtering the machines list to find a specific machine (here one with 16 G RAM)

Figure 4

Placing a Service

This is the "Select Machines" dialog that is brought up by clicking "Choose Machine" on a service to be placed. Next to each machine is a choice of deployment options that map to juju's options to deploy a service into a VM, an LXC container, or directly onto the host. Because the nova-compute service doesn't support being deployed in a container, that option is missing in this screen.

Figure 5

This screen shows filtering the available machines in the "Select Machines" dialog.

Figure 6

Removing a Service

This screen shows the "Remove Services" dialog box that comes up when you click "Remove Some Services" next to a machine in the main screen. Clicking "Remove" will un-assign the service.

Figure 7


When you are done, click "Deploy" and the installer will use your custom placements to deploy the services.

OpenStack/Installer/service-placement (last edited 2015-10-21 13:24:43 by 1)