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Brief introduction to the team, meeting, and theme if possible.
Team Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam
Meeting Log: Logging Was Unavailable
Meeting Chair: Benjamin Kerensa
Meeting Minutes by: Benjamin Kerensa and Finn Herzfeld
Agenda Items
The following agendas were proposed for this meeting:
- OSCON 2011 Recap
- Discuss Community Class Opportunity with Free Geek
Discuss PuppetLabs As Venue for Meetup or Release Party
Discuss New LoCo Leadership & Goals
- Schedule Next IRC Meeting and In-Person Meeting
The following were present during this meeting:
- OSCON 2011
Several members staffed an Ubuntu booth at OSCON 2011. Several other members stopped by the booth and said hi.
- It was generally agreed that we did well with what we had, but more planning would have gotten us a lot more.
We, probably Benjamin Kerensa, are going to put in a media request to Canonical two to three months before the next event that we table at so that we can have things to give out other than what we rounded up at the last minute like this year
- We are also going to have a calendar that has all relevant events it.
Various funding sources were discussed for the team, primarily corporate sponsorships. Ben spoke with 30+ companies (or representatives/employees thereof) at OSCON about this.
- Chairs, electricity was quite expensive. We managed to find someone to pay for it this year at the last minute, but next year we should get something lined up in advance.
- Community Class Opportunity with Free Geek
Ben spoke with people at Free Geek about leading classes where we educate people about using Ubuntu. It was suggested that a wide range of classes should be offered, from beginners to power users.
PuppetConf is happening in late September
Ben spoke with them about getting the Ubuntu Oregon team in for free.
- They also offered us their space for a meeting or some sort of event. They would provide food and drinks.
New LoCo Leadership & Goals
There has been a change of leadership recently at Ubuntu Oregon: Mark Terranova has stepped down and Benjamin Kerensa and Finn Herzfeld are taking over. Finn will be going to college in Washington at the end of September, and will step down then. Hopefully someone else will step up to help out.
A virtual group hug occurs
- Next IRC Meeting and In-Person Meeting
- The next IRC meeting with be held on September 31, 2011 at 6:30pm PDT.
- Monthly meetings will occur on the last day of the month.
- There are no physical meetings planned yet, but several ideas were put forward:
- Having them at different locations around the state so that all could participate
- Having quarterly physical meetups so as to make them more special than, say, monthly meetups.
- Possibly carpool or get a van to go to the meetups not in ones home town (almost everyone present was from Portland). Asking Open Source Labs in Corvallis for a bus was also discussed, although mostly jokingly.
- The next IRC meeting with be held on September 31, 2011 at 6:30pm PDT.
- Google+
- The last item various members added each other on Google+ and discussed holing a “hangout” (multi-person video chat) on it some time.
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo is moving forward in a good direction under new leadership and will be more active in regional events and in community opportunities. We look forward to hosting classes with Free Geek to increase Ubuntu education opportunities within the local community. We anticipate that our LoCo will submit an application for “Approval” within the next 30-60 days. Our LoCo will be evaluating the possibility of doing trips to remote areas of the state to hold meetups.
OregonTeam/Meetings/07-31-2011 (last edited 2011-08-01 02:10:38 by c-98-246-75-245)