
I'm Pasi Lallinaho, known as knome from IRC. I'm an entrepreneur from Helsinki, Finland. My company Digitoucan provides services on graphic design, web and content consultancy. My formal profession is bachelor of social services.

My work with Open Source


Dates and titles

Tasks I've been involved with

...and many small to medium size projects and responsibilities within several teams, including Ubuntu Studio, documentation, quality assurance and more.

Outside Ubuntu

Before Xubuntu, I worked with user support and the Rokymotion marketing team in the Amarok project for about two years from 2006 to 2008.

In 2010, I founded the Shimmer Project with Steve Dodier. The Shimmer Project is still contributing artwork for Xubuntu, but has since gathered much broader audience. Maintained projects include the Albatross, Bluebird and Greybird desktop suites and the "Shimmer" layout, extension and modification for gmusicbrowser.

I've also been working on some WordPress plugins.


My current contact information can be found on my blog.

PasiLallinaho (last edited 2020-03-17 11:51:35 by knome)