Criteria for how to define quality output from a person in a given Focus Group.
We also ask that the applicant has interacted with members of the group, by posting to the mailing list fairly regularly, and/or frequenting the irc channel.
Be familiar with IRC commands
[#] of example posts that showed skilled resolution for dealing with questions from new users. Also examples of how the [CANDIDATE] was able to refine the original question down to what the 'real' issue was so a solution could be offered. In addition [#] of FAQ/How-To posts that show a quality product that allow new users to tackle the problem covered with ease.
We also ask that the applicant has interacted with members of the group, by posting to the mailing list fairly regularly, and/or frequenting the irc channel.
The two 'paths' are:
Ubuntu Doc Committers
Ubuntu Doc Wiki Admin
[#] of wiki pages that show the [CANDIDATE] has produced clear and concise documentation, cleaned up out-of-date documentation or added information that further clarifies the subject.
Be a member of Ubuntu Documentation Contributors
We also ask that the applicant has interacted with members of the group, by posting to the mailing list fairly regularly, and/or frequenting the irc channel.
read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation & read the UbuntuBugControl page and all those pages linked there (this is necessary because membership of the Ubuntu Documentation Committers team carries with it membership of the Ubuntu Bug Control team).
Ubuntu Doc Committers Path:
contributed a number of patches to the system documentation which, taken as a whole, demonstrate to the reviewer that the applicant applies the documentation team style guide, and is comfortable working with DocBook, Bazaar and Launchpad.
Documentation Wiki Administrators Path:
read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide
made significant contributions to the help wiki by way of edits to pages.
demonstrated an understanding of the issues that can arise from deleting and renaming pages, and how to avoid them.
Doc Team mentoring
join the Doc Teams
Launchpad Answers
[#] of LP Answers the person has completed successfully and professionally.
Launchpad Translations
Launchpad Bugs
[#] of LP bugs both reported and triaged.
Read How to Triage
Join Bug Squad
The main element here is the quality of the responses given to the new bug, and a good understanding of the process and workflow that a bug goes through. This includes moving bugs upstream, and an understanding of the upstream workflow.
Getting Involved
Contains information on getting started with bug triage.
bug squad mentorship
Team created to help manage bug Squad mentorship program.
[#] of forum posts in the security forums area that show the [CANDIDATE] understands both Linux specific and general security issues. In addition [#] of FAQ/How-To posts on the forums or wiki documents regarding security specific issues.
{*}Present a medium sized project that covers the dev requirements.
{*}Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment
** In all cases Correct facts are critical, and quality is more critical then count.
Paultag/UBTCriteria (last edited 2010-07-22 13:14:55 by ip72-213-131-215)