

Pecha Publisher aims to be a pecha typesetting and desktop publishing tool. In one sense, we're starting from scratch:

  • no legacy code base
  • no open source siblings to provide insights and a baseline
  • [AnticipatedTech all new technology]

But in another way, we've got the excellent lineage of PechaMaker's community, complete with suggestions from its current developer as well as feature requests from its user base.

For a visual overview, be sure to check out the ScreenShots.


Design Documents

Project Management Docs

  • RoadMap (here's the plan, Stan)

  • AreasOfExpertise (who's good at what; loosely mapped to "who's responsible for what")

More to Come

As content is added to this wiki, we will update this page with links and information. Stay tuned!

PechaPublisher (last edited 2010-09-12 19:58:38 by c-71-56-223-2)