
DSL Frugal Install

-Download boot floppy image and CD .iso. Burn these as described elsewhere. You may not need the floppy, I did.

-boot onto floppy/CD and enter

>dsl 2

at prompt to boot into text mode.

-run cfdisk and prepare partitions. I used:
- /dev/hda1 - 128M for swap (set type to 82!)
- /dev/hda2 - 75M for image, set as bootable
- /dev/hda3 - rest of drive for /home, mydsl, and backup/restore.

-write partitions and exit cfdisk.

-Prepare partitions:

>mke2fs /dev/hda2

>mke2fs /dev/hda3

>mkswap /dev/hda1

>swapon /dev/hda1

-reboot with floppy/CD into level 5 (just let it boot)

-right-click on desktop and select APPS>TOOLS>FRUGAL INSTALL>FRUGAL GRUB INSTALL

at image partition, enter >hda2(or the appropriate)

at install from, enter> l (that's L for Live CD)

at format question, enter >y

-when install completes, remove floppy/CD and reboot. Select one of the grub menu items.

- Hopefully, now we're successfully running off our HD install.

-Now, we'll edit the grub menu. Open a terminal window:
>sudo su

>mount /mnt/hda2

>nano /mnt/hda2/boot/grub/menu.lst

Comment out the undesired three line sets.

I edited the middle line here as follows (your partitions may be different than mine):
>make sure that opt=hda3 home=hda3 mydsl=hda3

>now add dsl in front of mydsl=hda3

the entire line looks like this:

kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda2 quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm noscsi frugal dma home=hda3 opt=hda3 host=DSL1 dsl mydsl=hda3

Note that the extensions don't seem to re-install without the dsl in front of mydsl=hda3.

-save, exit and reboot.

-Hopefully, we successfully rebooted.

-Now we'll create the folder for optional myDSL extensions. These will NOT automatically install, but will be options on the myDSL (right-click) menu. Open a terminal window. >sudo /mount/hda3

>sudo mkdir /mnt/hda3/optional

>sudo chown dsl /mnt/hda3/optional

Close the window.

-Now to install extensions. This is what works for me, there may be better ways. I install each to /tmp. Then if I want it to be optional (not installed, but available), I move it to /mnt/hda3/optional. If I want it to install automatically, I move it to /mnt/hda3. I do this manually after mounting hda3 first.

- Hope this helps. enjoy!WOW!!!

PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam/NtrLaptopProject/DSLFrugalInstall (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:51 by localhost)