
Differences between revisions 40 and 41
Revision 40 as of 2007-09-24 14:05:12
Size: 4577
Editor: c-69-248-85-42
Revision 41 as of 2007-09-25 12:25:02
Size: 4589
Editor: c-69-248-85-42
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 ||<style="width:50%; vertical-align:text-top">Homebank 3.5 ||<style="width:50%; vertical-align:text-top">Liferea[[BR]] 1.2.23[[BR]] 1.4.2b ||  ||<style="width:50%; vertical-align:text-top">Homebank 3.5 ||<style="width:50%; vertical-align:text-top">Liferea[[BR]] 1.2.23[[BR]] 1.4.2b[[BR]] 1.4.3 ||

Contact Info



NewJerseyTeamBR[:USTeams: USTeams]BR[:ServerTeam: Serverteam]

Feel free to contact me.

About Me

I was born in 1970 in the Netherlands but I immigrated to the US in 2004 after marrying an American girl. I live in New Jersey, Middlesex county. I used to be a Systems Administrator, about 6 years doing Novell Netware and then about 4 years Unix/Linux (HPUX, Redhat, SuSe, Fedora, CentOS, Mandrake). I never really administrated Linux on desktops, just servers and besides the system it also involved application administration, like Apache, MySQL etc. Right now I'm a stay home dad, taking care of our two girls.


I started looking at a variety of distro's as I needed to run Linux on my laptop to remotely support the company I was working for. As I was used to RPM based distro's those were the first ones I looked into. It came down to two choices, Fedora or Suse. I never tried Suse as, even if it is RPM based it's more BSD as System V. After installing Fedora I didn't like it, it was just a little bit to much work to get it running on my laptop. After a couple of months using Fedora I decided to look into Ubuntu. I had time enough as I quit my job to become a stay home dad. I started the CD and low and behold everything just worked, my widescreen, my wireless. This was halfway 2006 and Ubuntu has been on my laptop since.



  • My major interest is computers: From systems administration to programming to web design I like it. Next to the technical aspects of computers I also like the business side, how to implement the right use of a system for a company.
  • Photography: I have a Nikon D50 with two lenses at the moment. I shoot a variety of subjects, my family being number one.
  • Golf: Unfortunately I can't seem to have the time to play.

Accomplishments in Ubuntu Community


Build the following packages:

  • Packages Build

    Homebank 3.5

    LifereaBR 1.2.23BR 1.4.2bBR 1.4.3

    gmusicbrowser 0.960

    Rawstudio 0.6

    Ufraw 0.12.1

    P7zip 4.53

    Isomaster 1.1

    WineBR 0.9.44BR 0.9.45

    Symbolica 0.8

    Gnucash 2.2.1

    rgbPaint 0.8.7

    Pidgin 2.2.1

    lmms 0.3.0


NJ LoCo Team

  • Wiki changes

Server Team

  • None yet


  • Build beagle 2.18 and evolution-sharp 0.13.3BR Due to some building constraints on getdeb, this one couldn't be released.


I don't have many goals as I rather live day by day but these are just a few.

Personal Goals

  • Get healthier. I have some health issues I want to overcome.
  • Become an American citizen
  • Learn Python
  • Read more books

Ubuntu Goals

  • Create a package from scratch.
  • Do more for the NJ LoCo

  • Make the place to go to for software you want.
  • See if I can help out the ServerTeam

PetervanderDoes (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:40 by localhost)