Hi there. For the past year (Jan 2008 as of writing), I have been using and promoting the use of Ubuntu. My main choice of distro is Kubuntu, but I have some experience with Xubuntu, Edubuntu, and Ubuntu as well. If you would like to see my (mostly) free software blog, you can find it on Wordpress, linked below. This blog is syndicated to the Chicago Ubuntu LoCo Planet and the Chicago GNU/Linux Users Group Planet (chiglug.org/planet).
-- Contact:
- E-Mail eddiemartinez AT gmail DOT com
- IRC posingaspopular and eddieftw
- AIM skatern00b
- Blog www.posingaspopular.wordpress.com
Anyone who won't spam me has my permission to contact me with any Ubuntu related questions.
-- Contributions:
* Created the agenda for/attended the First Ubuntu-IL meeting.
* Hung around on IRC and helped users with various issues. My main areas of focus on IRC have been #ubuntu-chicago, #kubuntu, and more recently #ubuntu-us and #ubuntu-locoteams. I can be found there mostly on the nights before my papers are due, and I make a special effort to spend time in the various help channels when the newest releases are dropped, at which times I can be found in #kubuntu for hours on end. Hello to my friends in #ubuntu-us-az, #ubuntu-us-oh #ubuntu-us-mn and #ubuntu-us-or as well.
* Helped with the Ubuntu side of InstallFest at BarCampChicago. Other distros included Foresight, Fedora and Linspire.
* Helped represent Ubuntu with the LoCo at FlorishConf. 2007, a confrence for FL/OSS at a local university. We passed out over 400 cds, and won the 'Battle of the Distros' for the event. I am currently working on getting a table to the LoCo for Flourish 2008.
* Moderator for the Chicago Ubuntu LoCo mailing list since November 2007
* Helped create/set agenda regarding several meetings for Ubuntu-Chicago Loco meetings. April 2007, August 2007, October 2007, Dec. 2007, and Jan. 2008. These are the ones that I can remember for sure, but in all likelihood, there are more.
* Launched the Ubuntu-Illinois CodeSprint for Feb. 9th, 2008. Press release I wrote was featured in Ubuntu Weekly News #64. The Codesprint page is on the [Illinois Team CodeSprint Page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IllinoisTeam/Eventse]
* Working with the -Ohio and -Michigan Teams to set up a TriLoCo meeting/collaboration. The page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Meetings/triteammeeting
* Working with the LoCo on 'Project Green'. We are converting Christian Life College in Mt. Prospect, Illinois to Ubuntu. Current desktop deployment is at 25% and rising quickly. We migrated the server on Jan. 5th, 2008, and are still in the process of fixing bugs, making sure the system is up and running, etc. As a part of Project Green, I am writing a white paper detailing all the work done, and the impact Ubuntu-GNU/Linux has on the school's infrastructure. This paper will be made available to the Ubuntu community so they can promote a policy of Ubuntu and free software in their own areas. The project page is [here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Projects/CLC ]
* Signed up to help with FlourishConf. 2008 and brainstormed with the heads of the Confrence to maximize the Ubuntu exposure.
* Set to preside over the Feb. 6th, 2008 Ubuntu-Us Team meeting
Also I edited the docs for Ubuntu Open Week-Gutsy. Trivial changes, mostly capitalization/spelling.
- CommunityQ+A
- Joining the Community
- Documentation Team
- Mentoring Loco Teams
- Local Teams (Both Sessions)
-- Testimonials:
Eddie has done a great job with getting the Ubuntu-Chicago team back on track in nixternal's absence. We now have regularly scheduled meetings, and he does a great job of notifying the team of our plans and keeping things on track. I strongly recommend him for membership based on his consistent efforts in supporting the loco team. -- Jim Campbell / j1mc
Eddie is one of the young ubunteros that really push forward the Ubuntu community in his state. He along side Richard Johnson and his twin brother Freddy Martinez make a great team and they represent and example to be followed and a force to be reckon with. With such young age one can only wish he stays as committed as always. Rock on Eddie... Rock on Illinois team! -Efrain Valles, LoCo team Contact Venezuela.
Eddie is amazing -Eddie Martinez
This section is on it's way.
Posingaspopular (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:27 by localhost)