
Revision 17 as of 2014-01-28 12:48:15

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MP Submission Checklist Template

Note: Please ensure you include the following form filled out and submitted along side your code to the MP ticket.

  • Answers to checklist questions are desired to be 'yes' but if 'no' or 'not applicable' please expound
  • First please copy & paste into the MP the checklist

  • Questions to answer:
    • Are there any related MPs required for this MP to build/function as expected? Please list.
    • Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change?

MP Review Checklist Template

  • Unity8 MP submissions will automatically be assigned to the unity-team for review
  • If you have been asked to review and are not on the unity-team, please review for any interdependency
  • If the interdependency is known, please paste the associated MP reference in a comment block of this MP
  • Questions to answer:
    • Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change?
    • Did CI run pass? If not, please explain why.

MP Landing Checklist Template

  • Questions to answer:
    • Is the MP approved by at least 1 member of unity-team?
    • Are the approvals equal to or greater than the disapprovals?
    • Is the checklist completed to satisfaction?