* Test plan for component: telephony-service
Component Checklist:
Trunk URL: lp:telephony-service
Ubuntu Package URL (LP):
Test Plan
This test plan is not supposed to be complete; use it to guide your manual testing so they dont miss big functional areas that are part in the component; also this should be used as guideline to inspire the exploratory testing which should be adapted smartly based on the real content of a MP
- Install latest (trusty-proposed) image on phone
- Install freshly build MPs that are needed for landing
- Ensure that all unit tests pass in CI during the build in Jenkins.
After making a phone call, ensure that telephony-service-handler and telephony-service-indicator are running
Ensure of all of the dialer-app tests pass:
Ensure of all of the messaging-app tests pass:
- Lock the phone and send the phone an sms. Verify the screen turns on if not on a call.
- Lock the phone and send the phone an MMS. Verify the screen turns on if not on a call.
- Verify that the phone beeps 3 times when an active call is hung up by the remote side.
- Verify that the phone beeps twice if you get a call while on an active call. The screen should not be automatically turned on if the phone is up to your ear.
- Verity that there are no errors on $HOME/.cache/upstart/ofono-setup.log
- Ring Tone
- Change the ringtone in system-settings
- Call the phone
- verify that the new ringtone is played
- Text tone
- change the text tone in system-setting
- send a text message to the phone
- verify that the new texttone is played
- Silence Ringer (ignore call)
- call the phone
- while incoming call notification is showing and ringer is ringing, press the power button
- verify the screen goes black and ringtone/vibration stops
- verify the caller does not go right to voicemail but continues to hear the phone ring so they don't know they are being screened
- at any point before the caller hangs up or goes to voice mail, press the power button again
- the incoming call notification should still be visible and you can answer, decline or quick message
Process/Merges/TestPlan/telephony-service (last edited 2016-04-15 15:53:23 by localhost)