

  • dbus
  • snapd
  • lxd
  • lxc
  • libvirt/libvirt-lxc

Test Plan

Common tests


  1. Have an up to date Ubuntu Desktop and/or Server VM
  2. Install freshly built packages that are needed for landing and reboot
    • Eg:
      • devel: copy_sppa_to_repos --arch=i386,amd64 --include-devel --ppa=ubuntu-security-proposed/ppa apparmor

  3. Verify the system comes up and has networking (dhclient profile)
  4. Verify the output of aa-status. It should report:

    1. many profiles loaded (eg, 20 or more)
    2. many profiles in enforce mode (eg, 20 or more)
    3. 0 profiles in complain mode (unless libreoffice-common, apparmor-profiles, or some other special package is installed)
    4. some process should have a profile defined
    5. some process should be in enforce mode (the same number as '4', above)
    6. 0 processes in complain mode (unless libreoffice-common, apparmor-profiles, or some other special package is installed)
    7. 0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined
  5. Verify cache files have no errors
    • 18.10 and lower:

      $ for i in /etc/apparmor.d/cache /var/cache/apparmor ; do echo "= $i =" ; for j in $i/* ; do echo -n "$j: " ; sudo apparmor_parser -B -r $j && echo pass || echo FAIL ; done ; done | grep FAIL
    • 19.04 and higher:

      $ export AACACHEDIR=$(sudo apparmor_parser --print-cache-dir)
      $ for i in $(sudo ls -1 "$AACACHEDIR") ; do echo -n "$i: " ; sudo apparmor_parser -B -r "$AACACHEDIR/$i" && echo pass || echo FAIL ; done | grep FAIL
  6. Verified the cache is used
    • 18.10 and lower:

      $ sudo rm -rf /etc/apparmor.d/cache/*
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --remove /etc/apparmor.d
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --write-cache --add /etc/apparmor.d
      $ ls /etc/apparmor.d/cache
      sbin.dhclient                            usr.lib.libreoffice.program.xpdfimport
      usr.bin.evince                           usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --remove /etc/apparmor.d
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser -k --write-cache --add /etc/apparmor.d 2>&1 | grep -i miss # should be no misses
    • 19.04 and higher:

      $ sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apparmor/*
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --remove /etc/apparmor.d
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --write-cache --add /etc/apparmor.d
      $ sudo ls /var/cache/apparmor/*
      nvidia_modprobe  usr.bin.evince  usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real  usr.sbin.cupsd
      sbin.dhclient     usr.sbin.cups-browsed            usr.sbin.ippusbxd
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser --remove /etc/apparmor.d
      $ sudo /sbin/apparmor_parser -k --write-cache --add /etc/apparmor.d 2>&1 | grep -i miss # should be no misses


Verify Ubuntu Desktop and/or Server works by performing basic login testing - eg, verify networking, verify browser launches, verify apt-get works


Run QRT/scripts/ on Ubuntu Desktop/Server (Note: in the exceptional case when there are temporary new expected failures, be sure to update for these to not block kernel team processes):

$ git clone
$ cd qa-regression-testing
$ ./scripts/make-test-tarball ./scripts/
# To run, copy /tmp/qrt-test-apparmor.tar.gz to the target system, then do:
$ tar -zxf qrt-test-apparmor.tar.gz
$ cd ./qrt-test-apparmor
$ sudo ./install-packages
$ sudo ./ -v


Verify lxc container starts with new AppArmor on Ubuntu Desktop/Server:

~$ sudo apt-get install lxc lxc-templates
~$ sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n CN  # or: sudo MIRROR=http://<mirror>/ubuntu lxc-create ...
~$ sudo lxc-start -n CN # later versions (eg 15.04)  may not start in a console
Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch) CN console

CN login: ubuntu
  • Run a few external commands:

    $ sudo lxc-ls
    $ sudo lxc-info --name CN
    Name:           CN
    State:          RUNNING
    PID:            24354
    CPU use:        1.80 seconds
    BlkIO use:      12.18 MiB
    Memory use:     20.58 MiB
    KMem use:       0 bytes
    Link:           vethYD8QMX
     TX bytes:      2.90 KiB
     RX bytes:      6.77 KiB
     Total bytes:   9.67 KiB
    $ sudo lxc-console --name CN
    Connected to tty 1
    Type <Ctrl+a q> to exit the console, <Ctrl+a Ctrl+a> to enter Ctrl+a itself
    Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn (development branch) CN tty1
    CN login:
    $ sudo lxc-attach --name CN uptime
     22:29:49 up  1:10,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.31, 0.58

    Verify apparmor profiles are in use:

    $ sudo aa-status | grep ') lxc'
       /usr/sbin/agetty (871) lxc-container-default-cgns
       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd (32182) lxc-container-default-cgns

    When done, shut it down with (outside the container (tests lxc-start still works to control the container)):

    $ sudo lxc-stop -k -n CN

    Verify apparmor profiles are no longer in use:

    $ sudo aa-status | grep ') lxc'

    And, finally, destroy it:

    $ sudo lxc-destroy -n CN


  1. Verify lxd container starts with new AppArmor on Ubuntu Desktop/Server:

    • deb (deprecated on 18.10 and higher):

      $ sudo apt-get install lxd
      $ newgrp lxd
    • snap:

      $ sudo apt-get remove --purge lxd lxc
      $ sudo snap install lxd
      $ sudo adduser `id -un` lxd
      $ newgrp lxd
      $ sudo lxd init # use defaults

    Once lxd is installed:

    $ . /etc/profile.d/ # in case /snap/bin is not in your PATH
    $ lxc image list images:
    |                                 | 0d4bfe75bd0d | yes    | Ubuntu trusty (amd64) (20160321_03:49)    | x86_64  | 75.60MB  | Mar 21, 2016 at 4:19am (UTC)  |
    $ lxc launch ubuntu: ubuntu-64
    Creating ubuntu-64
    Retrieving image: 100%
    Starting ubuntu-64
    $ lxc list
    |   NAME    |  STATE  |       IPV4        | IPV6 |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
    | ubuntu-64 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |
    $ lxc info ubuntu-64
    Name: ubuntu-64
    Architecture: i686
    Created: 2016/03/22 17:55 UTC
    Status: Running
    Type: persistent
    Profiles: default
    Pid: 2612
    Processes: 8
      eth0: inet      vethIKDBKR
      eth0: inet6   fe80::216:3eff:fe88:59b7        vethIKDBKR
      lo:   inet
      lo:   inet6   ::1
    $ sudo aa-status | grep ') lxd-ubuntu-64'
       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd (14348) lxd-ubuntu-64_</var/snap/lxd/common/lxd>//&:lxd-ubuntu-64_<var-snap-lxd-common-lxd>:unconfined
       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald (14464) lxd-ubuntu-64_</var/snap/lxd/common/lxd>//&:lxd-ubuntu-64_<var-snap-lxd-common-lxd>:unconfined
    $ lxc exec ubuntu-64 /bin/bash
    root@ubuntu-64:~# ls
    root@ubuntu-64:~# uptime
     17:58:40 up 3 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.05
    root@ubuntu-64:~# aa-status # AppArmor stacking works
    apparmor module is loaded.
    15 profiles are loaded.
    15 profiles are in enforce mode.
    root@ubuntu-64:~# exit
    $ lxc exec ubuntu-64 ps
      PID TTY          TIME CMD
     1552 ?        00:00:00 ps
    # pull/push files
    $ lxc file pull ubuntu-64/etc/hostname .
    $ lxc file push hostname ubuntu-64/tmp/hostname
    $ lxc exec ubuntu-64 -- cat /tmp/hostname
    $ lxc stop ubuntu-64
    $ sudo aa-status | grep ') lxd-ubuntu-64' # profiles unloaded
    $ lxc delete ubuntu-64


  1. Install libvirt and ensure that the libvirtd group is part of the current session:

    $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin # libvirt-daemon on more recent Ubuntu releases
    $ newgrp libvirtd
  2. Follow setup instructions in $QRT/notes_testing/libvirt/README
  3. Verify qemu/kvm libvirt VMs start under confinement (verify with sudo aa-status) with new AppArmor on Ubuntu Desktop/Server by using QRT/scripts/ (note: there are some failures unrelated to apparmor, so do a baseline run before upgrading to compare)

  4. Verify libvirt-lxc VMs start with new AppArmor on Ubuntu Desktop/Server by following SergeHallyn_libvirtlxc

    • IMPORTANT: The instructions linked to above will not work until bug #1445611 is fixed.


Verify (need at least 1.2) containers with new AppArmor on Ubuntu Desktop/Server:

$ sudo apt-get install # should not have libvirt or lxc co-installed

$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:bionic
6e1bee0f8701: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:d019bdb3ad5af96fa1541f9465f070394c0daf0ffd692646983f491ce077b70f
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:bionic

$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ubuntu              bionic              94e814e2efa8        44 hours ago        88.9MB

$ sudo docker run ubuntu:bionic uptime
 20:31:21 up 1 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.03

$ sudo aa-status|grep docker

$ sudo docker run -i -t ubuntu:bionic /bin/sh
# ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
    1 ?        00:00:00 sh
    7 ?        00:00:00 ps
  • At this point, an interactive shell is running in the terminal. In another, try a couple of operations:

    $ sudo aa-status|grep docker
       /usr/bin/dash (24201) docker-default
    $ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    3acc3d52bca2        ubuntu:bionic       "/bin/sh"           43 seconds ago      Up 42 seconds                           nostalgic_ramanujan
    $ ps -Z 24201
    LABEL                             PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND
    docker-default (enforce)        24201 pts/0    Ss+    0:00 /bin/sh
    $ sudo docker inspect 3acc3d52bca2
            "Id": "3acc3d52bca28aa40da695781bb7a1195c3c4d5d821c350e272f4ed9d8582271",
            "Created": "2019-03-13T20:10:33.671935431Z",
            "Path": "/bin/sh",
            "Args": [],
            "State": {
                "Status": "running",

    In the terminal running 'sh', now exit:

    # exit
    $ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    $ sudo aa-status|grep docker


Verify snappy works ok:

$ sudo apt-get install snapd
$ sudo snap install hello-world

$ sudo aa-status | grep snap

$ . /etc/profile.d/ # in case /snap/bin is not in your PATH
$ hello-world.evil
Hello Evil World!
This example demonstrates the app confinement
You should see a permission denied error next
/snaps/hello-world.canonical/6.0/bin/evil: 9: /snaps/hello-world.canonical/6.0/bin/evil: cannot create /var/tmp/myevil.txt: Permission denied

Launching a shell inside the default app confinement. Navigate to your
app-specific directories with:

  $ cd $SNAP
  $ cd $SNAP_DATA

cat /etc/fstab
cat: /etc/fstab: Permission denied
bash-4.3$ exit

$ sudo snap install snappy-debug
$ snappy-debug.scanlog --only-snap=hello-world
= AppArmor =
Time: Mar 13 15:17:16
Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="snap.hello-world.evil" name="/var/tmp/myevil.txt" pid=28941 comm="evil" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000
File: /var/tmp/myevil.txt (write)

= AppArmor =
Time: Mar 13 15:17:42
Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="" name="/etc/fstab" pid=29215 comm="cat" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
File: /etc/fstab (read)

$ sudo snap remove hello-world

$ sudo ls /var/cache/apparmor/* | grep hello-world # cache files are removed

Desktop only


Run QRT/scripts/ on Ubuntu Desktop:

$ ./scripts/make-test-tarball ./scripts/
# To run, copy /tmp/qrt-test-dbus.tar.gz to the target system, then log in through a graphical session and do:
$ tar -zxf qrt-test-dbus.tar.gz
$ cd ./qrt-test-dbus
$ sudo ./install-packages
$ sudo ./ -v


  1. OPTIONAL: apparmor, dbus, and lxc autopkgtests (requires autopkgtest VM. Note: runs before promotion to -proposed, but there are manual tests below that should be performed before upload)

    1. Create a pristine VM for testing:

      $ autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -v
    2. Run the apparmor autopkgtests in the VM (only possible in apparmor-2.11.0-4 and newer):

      $ autopkgtest -BUl /tmp/apparmor-autopkgtest.out ../source/*.dsc ../binary/*.deb -- autopkgtest-virt-qemu /tmp/autopkgtest-bionic-amd64.img || echo "** AUTOPKGTESTS FAILED"
    3. Run the dbus autopkgtests in the VM:

      $ autopkgtest -BUl /tmp/dbus-autopkgtest.out dbus ../binary/*.deb -- autopkgtest-virt-qemu adt-bionic-amd64-cloud.img || echo "** AUTOPKGTESTS FAILED"
    4. Run the lxc autopkgtests after enabling a PPA and updating and dist-upgrading:

      $ autopkgtest -BUl /tmp/lxc-autopkgtest.out ../binary/*.deb lxc -- autopkgtest-virt-qemu adt-bionic-amd64-cloud.img || echo "** AUTOPKGTESTS FAILED"

Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor (last edited 2020-08-31 05:59:24 by alexmurray)