

  • ubuntu-push-client
  • online accounts

Test Plan


System Under Test


  • Account on twitter and gmail.
  • Webapps for twitter and gmail installed


  • Install image on SUT: ubuntu-device-flash --channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed

  • Run citrain device-upgrade [silo]

The scope of responsibility for account-polld is to limit itself to the enabled accounts from online accounts (the accounts with the Notifications toggle set).

(i) Notifications from before account-poll starts for twitter are not shown, only the ones since daemon start.

(i) Notifications are not displayed if Unity8 marks the target application as in focus. For account-polld's responsibility; if the webapp is closed, it shall trigger notification; if the target webapp is open and it is of dubios consideration if the notifiction should be triggered, check with the ubuntu-push-client.


  • twitter:

    • Ensure the twitter app has access to the twitter account in online accounts.
    • Mentions and direct messages should be notified (polling is usually 5 minutes)
  • gmail:

    • Ensure the gmail app has access to the gmail account in online accounts.
    • Unread messages falling into gmail's inbox in category personal from a span of ~24hs will be collected and notified.

    • token can be overriden by setting the  ACCOUNT_POLLD_TOKEN_GMAIL  session environment variable and restarting  account-polld .

  • google calendar:

    • Ensure the calendar app has access to the gmail account in online accounts.
    • Create a new event on your main calendar using the google web interface
    • Check if the changes are synced with your local calendar (polling is usually 5 minutes)

Bug #1496773 regression test

(Preferably you have a Google test account for this.)

  1. Add a Google account, enable Gmail access.
  2. Ensure it works.
  3. Change the password on the account.
  4. Monitor $HOME/.cache/upstart/account-polld.log and make sure there's account-poll does not enter an endless, battery obliterating loop when it discovers the expired token.

Additional information

  • Monitor $HOME/.cache/upstart/account-polld.log for additional information. If there are no logs, it probably means no accounts were enabled.

  •  dbus-monitor --session interface=com.ubuntu.Postal  to verify that messages are indeed sent to the  ubuntu-push-client  which is the scope of responsibility of  account-polld .

  • The push client calls the account-polld dbus interface to poll, the same can be accomplished manually by issueing  gdbus call --session -d com.ubuntu.AccountPolld -o /com/ubuntu/AccountPolld -m com.ubuntu.AccountPolld.Poll  a  Done  signal should be sent once the pollling is done.

Process/Merges/TestPlans/account-polld (last edited 2016-04-27 12:58:09 by localhost)