


  • two additional phones
  • WAIT must be provided by the operator.

1. Activation of Call waiting


This test case verifies that call waiting (WAIT) supplementary service works.

Note - This is duplicated with . Probably we should remove it.


- test-ss [modem] “*#43#”
# The output will show the WAIT status for different bearers:
CallWaiting : Operation [ interrogation ]
DataSyncCallWaiting : enabled
SmsCallWaiting : disabled
FaxCallWaiting : disabled
DataAsyncCallWaiting : enabled
VoiceCallWaiting : disabled
- test-ss [modem] “*43#”
# Output must show that WAIT is activated for voice calls:
CallWaiting : Operation [ activation ]
DataSyncCallWaiting : enabled
SmsCallWaiting : disabled
FaxCallWaiting : disabled
DataAsyncCallWaiting : enabled
VoiceCallWaiting : enabled
- dial-number [modem] <number1>
- Accept the call on <number1>
- We start a call from <number2> to the Ubuntu Phone. We should hear a calling indication in <number2>.
- list-calls
# We must see two calls, one of them with State=waiting
- swap-calls [modem]
# Now we should be able to communicate with <number2>. Call with <number1> has been hold.
- list-calls
# One of the calls must be “active” and the other “held”.

Note - the status of the various bearers may differ depending on operator/SIM. For instance, AT&T in the US defaults VoiceCallWaiting to enabled, but sets both Data*CallWaiting bearers to default whereas some operators ( see steps above ) set these both to enabled. - awe

2. Deactivation of call waiting


This test case verifies that we can deactivate the call waiting (WAIT) supplementary service.


- test-ss [modem] “#43#”
# We should see that VoiceCallWaiting is not activated:
CallWaiting : Operation [ deactivation ]
DataSyncCallWaiting : enabled
SmsCallWaiting : disabled
FaxCallWaiting : disabled
DataAsyncCallWaiting : enabled
VoiceCallWaiting : disabled
- dial-number [modem] <number1>
- Accept the call to <number1> 
- Start a call from <number2> to Ubuntu Phone, and we hear a busy tone ( or the phone rings continuously, or goes to voicemail )
- list-calls
# The only call shown is the one with line <number1>

Process/Merges/TestPlans/ofono/CallWaiting (last edited 2015-09-14 08:11:29 by alfonsosanchezbeato)