
Revision 1 as of 2009-10-17 02:03:12

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You have probably come here because you have a problem with PulseAudio, and someone asked you to provide a PulseAudio verbose log. Here's how to do that.

  1. Open a terminal, then enter these commands:

echo autospawn = no|tee -a ~/.pulse/client.conf
killall pulseaudio
pulseaudio -vvvv|tee /tmp/pulseverbose.log
  1. Do what you can to reproduce the bug.
  2. Switch back to the terminal and press Ctrl-C to stop PulseAudio.

  3. Open your Launchpad bug and attach the file /tmp/pulseverbose.log to that message.
  4. To return your system to a clean state again, edit ~/.pulse/client.conf with your favorite editor and remove the line "autospawn = no". If the file is now empty, you can just as well delete it. Then log out and log in again.
  5. Last but not least - thanks for helping out!