
  • SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)
    • Lucid
      • 37 new packages in -proposed (aegir-provision, apt, ardour, asterisk, deja-dup, editra, gallery2, ganeti, gdm, gjs, gnupg2, gparted, ibus-anthy, landscape-client, language-packs, libsmbios, mysql-dfsg-5.1, openjdk-6, openldap, openvpn, otrs2, python-apt, qjackctl, samba, sane-backends, sawfish, software-center, sugar-flipsticks-activity, sugar-logviewer-activity, sugar-memorize-activity, sugar-pollbuilder-activity, ubiquity, ureadahead, wxwidgets2.6, wxwidgets2.8, xfce4-notifyd, xorg-server)
      • 37 packages pushed to -updates (aegir-provision, apt, apt-cacher-ng, at-spi, banshee-community-extensions, base-files, cdrom-detect, dpkg, empathy, dell-recovery, evince, fsarchiver, firmware-addon-dell, gdm, gjs, gnome-orca, gnome-panel, grub2, gwibber, ia32-libs, kubuntu-default-settings, language-packs, lhs2tex, libnotify, libusb, linux, nautilus, openjdk-6, openoffice.org-dictionaries, openvpn, otrs2, podsleuth, pyabiword, software-center, tomcat6, ubuntuone-client, ureadahead)
      • 12 packages released in -security (chromium-browser, firefox (twice), freetype, krb5, likewise-open, seamonkey (twice), thunderbird, vte, xulrunner-1.9.2 (twice))
    • Karmic
      • 3 new packages in -proposed (devicekit-disks, ifupdown, landscape-client)
      • Many packages released in -security (including freetype, gcc-4.4, vte and the giant firefox + related packages backport update)
    • Hardy
      • 7 packages released in -security (devil, firefox (twice), freetype, libxml, xulrunner-1.9.2 (twice))
    • Dapper
      • 1 package released in -security (freetype)
  • Bug Day Status -- pedro (Pedro Villavicencio)
    • No update due to Pedro attending Guadec
  • Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status


Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-quality
[17:00:54] <fader_> Â  . Â 
[17:01:39] <schwuk> Welcome to the QA Team meeting everyone.
[17:02:12] <schwuk> The agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings
[17:02:37] <schwuk> [TOPIC] Review Previous Action Items
[17:02:50] <schwuk> Are there any previous action items?
[17:04:19] <schwuk> Seems not.
[17:04:23] <schwuk> Going...
[17:04:32] <schwuk> Going...
[17:04:36] <schwuk> Gone.
[17:04:52] <schwuk> [TOPIC] SRU Testing - sbeattie
[17:05:07] <schwuk> What have you got for us this week sbeattie?
[17:05:13] <sbeattie> SRU Activity report for the past two weeks (since 2010-07-14):
[17:05:13] <sbeattie> lucid::
[17:05:13] <sbeattie> * 37 new packages in -proposed (aegir-provision, apt, ardour, asterisk, deja-dup, editra, gallery2, ganeti, gdm, gjs, gnupg2, gparted, ibus-anthy, landscape-client, language-packs, libsmbios, mysql-dfsg-5.1, openjdk-6, openldap, openvpn, otrs2, python-apt, qjackctl, samba, sane-backends, sawfish, software-center, sugar-flipsticks-activity, sugar-logviewer-activity, sugar-memorize-activity, sugar-pollbuilder-activity, ubiqui
[17:05:13] <sbeattie> ty, ureadahead, wxwidgets2.6, wxwidgets2.8, xfce4-notifyd, xorg-server)
[17:05:17] <sbeattie> * 37 packages pushed to -updates (aegir-provision, apt, apt-cacher-ng, at-spi, banshee-community-extensions, base-files, cdrom-detect, dpkg, empathy, dell-recovery, evince, fsarchiver, firmware-addon-dell, gdm, gjs, gnome-orca, gnome-panel, grub2, gwibber, ia32-libs, kubuntu-default-settings, language-packs, lhs2tex, libnotify, libusb, linux, nautilus, openjdk-6, openoffice.org-dictionaries, openvpn, otrs2, podsleuth, pyabi
[17:05:22] <sbeattie> word, software-center, tomcat6, ubuntuone-client, ureadahead)
[17:05:24] <sbeattie> * 12 packages released in -security (chromium-browser, firefox (twice), freetype, krb5, likewise-open, seamonkey (twice), thunderbird, vte, xulrunner-1.9.2 (twice))
[17:05:27] <sbeattie> karmic::
[17:05:29] <sbeattie> * 3 new packages in -proposed (devicekit-disks, ifupdown, landscape-client)
[17:05:31] <sbeattie> * Many packages released in -security (including freetype, gcc-4.4, vte and the giant firefox + related packages backport update)
[17:05:34] <sbeattie> jaunty::
[17:05:36] <sbeattie> * 1 new package in -proposed (landscape-client)
[17:05:38] <sbeattie> * Many packages released in -security (including freetype, vte and the giant firefox + related packages backport update)
[17:05:41] <sbeattie> hardy::
[17:05:43] <sbeattie> * 7 packages released in -security (devil, firefox (twice), freetype, libxml, xulrunner-1.9.2 (twice))
[17:05:48] <sbeattie> dapper::
[17:05:50] <sbeattie> * 1 package released in -security (freetype)
[17:05:52] <sbeattie> Thanks to Colin King, Antonio J. de Oliveira, Pavel Rojtberg, Ryan Tucker, Stefano Rivera, Jean-Baptiste Lallement, corrie, Sébastien Launay, Scott Talbert, Neil Wallace, James Ferguson, Mario Limonciello, Deji Olatunji, Robert Wall, David Ayers, Waldo2k2, sixdrift, Paul Elliott, Scott Ritchie, jraby, Philip Muakovac, Tom Ellis and others for testing SRUs this week.
[17:06:24] <schwuk> sbeattie: thanks! :)
[17:07:01] <sbeattie> There's still a bit of stuff that would go onto the 10.04.1 isos awaiting verification; see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html for the current status.
[17:07:26] <marjo> sbeattie: but no more new ones, right?
[17:07:33] <sbeattie> I believe so.
[17:07:38] <marjo> sbeattie: thx
[17:07:56] <schwuk> sbeattie: all done?
[17:08:04] <sbeattie> schwuk: yep
[17:08:13] <schwuk> [TOPIC] Bug Day Status - pvillavi
[17:08:21] <schwuk> Anyone seen pedro?
[17:08:29] <marjo> schwuk: he's at guadec
[17:08:46] <schwuk> marjo: OK, I guess we can skip that one then.
[17:08:55] <schwuk> So, up next is:
[17:09:11] <schwuk> [TOPIC] Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status - all
[17:09:16] <marjo> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-maverick-alpha-3.html
[17:09:44] <marjo> looks good for alpha 3 overall, except for automated server testing
[17:10:00] <marjo> hggdh is reviewing all work items and will adjust, as necessary
[17:10:35] <marjo> others are 100% done, or will be done at alpha3
[17:10:47] <marjo> schwuk: thx
[17:10:59] <schwuk> marjo: np
[17:11:15] <schwuk> Anyone else have anything related to Alpha 3?
[17:12:48] <schwuk> [TOPIC] AOB
[17:13:16] <schwuk> Any other business before I have to beat off the volunteers for next week's chair?
[17:13:55] <marjo> schwuk: isn't charlie-tca chairperson for next meeting?
[17:14:00] * charlie-tca raises hand, s-l-o-w-l-y
[17:14:08] * fader_ hugs charlie-tca.
[17:14:24] <marjo> charlie-tca: thx for remembering
[17:14:26] <schwuk> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair - schwuk
[17:14:39] <schwuk> WD charlie-tca :)
[17:14:48] <charlie-tca> ME?
[17:14:50] <charlie-tca> thanks
[17:14:53] <schwuk> I'll pass the baton to you for next week. :)
[17:15:04] <schwuk> OK, thanks everyone!
[17:15:11] <marjo> schwuk: thx!
[17:15:13] <schwuk> Nice and brief this week. :)
[17:15:16] <marjo> thx everyone!
[17:15:17] <schwuk> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.

QATeam/Meetings/20100728 (last edited 2010-07-28 17:27:01 by schwuk)