SRU Testing (jibel)
Over the past 2 weeks 187 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete report can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-11-03
There was a discussion about including SRU testing opportunities in http://harvest.ubuntu.com, as there is also an ongoing effort of adding triaging opportunities to Harvest.
UDS Feedback (all)
- People missed the QA roundtable. We are bringing it back in the next UDS.
- People found hard to find QA related topics with the new tracks. A possible solution would be to tag (and this was Marjo proposal) each session with relevant tags.
- Marjo reminded the need of updating the blueprints
<ara> [TOPIC] Agenda
<ara> # review previous action items (all)
<ara> # SRU testing -- jibel
<ara> # UDS Feedback -- all
<ara> # Selection of new chair -- ara
<ara> [TOPIC] review previous action items (all)
review previous action items (all)
<ara> The only action item from the last meeting was:
<ara> pedro_ to reset Google calenadr for QA meetings
<ara> as pedro is not here, I will note it as action item to review next week
<ara> [ACTION] pedro_ to reset Google calendar for QA meetings
pedro_ to reset Google calendar for QA meetings |
<ara> any other action items that I am not aware of?
<marjo> ara: none
<ara> OK, moving on then
<ara> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- jibel
SRU testing -- jibel
<ara> jibel, all yours
<jibel> thank you ara
<jibel> Over the past 2 weeks 187 packages have been published to stable releases
<jibel> The complete list is available at
<jibel> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-11-03
<jibel> * A total of 98 packages have been published to maverick
<jibel> * 44 packages published to maverick-updates
<jibel> * 18 packages published to maverick-security
<jibel> * 36 packages published to maverick-proposed
<jibel> * A total of 46 packages have been published to lucid
<jibel> * 13 packages published to lucid-updates: clamav, e2fsprogs, gjs, gnome-shell, gnome-web-photo, kubuntu-docs, libzip, linux-ec2, papyon, postgresql-common, ubuntu-font-family-sources, update-manager, wine1.2
<jibel> * 22 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, eglibc, firefox, firefox, kdelibs, kdelibs, libvirt, libvirt, linux-meta-ec2, nspr, nss, openjdk-6, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, thunderbird, thunderbird, virtinst, vm-builder, xulrunner-1.9.2, xulrunner-1.9.2
<jibel> * 11 packages published to lucid-proposed: chromium-browser, eclipse, gnome-shell, gnome-web-photo, linux, papyon, postgresql-common, redhat-cluster, tomboy, ubuntu-font-family-sources, udev
<jibel> * A total of 23 packages have been published to karmic
<jibel> * 2 packages published to karmic-updates: linux-ec2, ubuntu-font-family-sources
<jibel> * 18 packages published to karmic-security: eglibc, firefox-3.5, firefox-3.5, libvirt, nspr, nss, openjdk-6, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, sun-java6, sun-java6, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, xulrunner-1.9.2
<jibel> * 3 packages published to karmic-proposed: linux, ubuntu-font-family-sources, xserver-xorg-video-intel
<jibel> * A total of 20 packages have been published to hardy
<jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-updates: postgresql-common, ubuntu-font-family-sources
<jibel> * 16 packages published to hardy-security: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.0, glibc, libvirt, nspr, nss, openjdk-6, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, seamonkey, sun-java6, sun-java6, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.2, xulrunner-1.9.2
<jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-proposed: postgresql-common, ubuntu-font-family-sources
<jibel> * No updates published to Dapper
<jibel> And jaunty has reached EOL
<ara> RIP, jaunty
<jibel> Long life to natty
<jibel> Thanks to Andre, Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg), Andrej Znidarsic (andrejz), Andres Rodriguez (RoAkSoAx), andyf, Arun Ramiya, BartS, Imre Gergely (cemc), christh, Gnu, David Dombrowsky, Felix Geyer (debfx), domja, Benoit Gschwind, HacKurx, Haggai Eran, Aron Xu (happyaron), hilaire, Huygens, Ilja Pavkovic, Thomas Jacob, Jan K., Jeffrey Forman, Nicolas_Raoul, Daniel Kulesz, Martin Jensen, mark.law, mkalkbrenner, Micah Gersten
<jibel> (micahg), MichalM, Miklos Juhasz, Omer Akram (om26er), oryan_dunn, Patrick Dawkins, psypher, Rolf Leggewie, Ramon Casha, Rohan Garg (evilshadeslayer), Gashi, Stefanos, Paul Sladen (sladen), Scott Sweeny (ssweeny), Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed), T Kortehisto, Stephen Rees-Carter (valorin), Harald Vogt, John Doe, Willem Pieterson and Cheng-Chia Tseng for testing packages in -proposed.
<jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
<jibel> Quick reminder: According to the Linaro release process, the maverick-proposed queue is frozen starting from Oct. 27th to Nov. 8th. This period is used to flush the -proposed queue, testing, verifying and promoting to maverick-updates what is currently there. SO, please come test the packages in maverick-proposed by the end of this week.
<jibel> that's all for today!
<jibel> any question/comment/complaint ?
<bdmurray> jibel: I wonder about putting the pending-sru bugs in harvest
<ara> bdmurray, good idea
<bdmurray> jibel: does pitti generate the pending-sru page?
<jibel> Yes pitti generates it.
<jibel> why harvest ?
<bdmurray> Harvest seems like a rather easy way to display things to do for a package
<bdmurray> ways to improve it and a sru verification would do that
<jibel> bdmurray, harvest is more to find bugs to fix ?
<jibel> and low hanging fruits
<bdmurray> jibel: well, dholbach and I were discussing putting triaging opportunities in there and I think this qualifies. Isn't SRU verfication "low hanging"?
<marjo> jibel: i think what bdmurray is suggesting is to investigate how harvest can be used to organize SRU package testing
<marjo> activities
<jibel> marjo, right, but I was more thinking about putting it together with other testing activities.
<marjo> jibel: ack
<bdmurray> It could go in both places...
<charlie-tca> +1
<jibel> like iso testing, laptop testing, app testing, and ... updates testing
<jibel> bdmurray, sure. I'll investigate. I don't know much about harvest.
<bdmurray> jibel: oh, I'm happy to do the work
<jibel> bdmurray, I'm happy that you're happy to do the work then
<hggdh> should I be happy due to jibel being happy about bdmurray being happy?
<charlie-tca> yes
<marjo> hggdh: yes
<hggdh> I am getting dizzy
<charlie-tca> hggdh: it's that cold
<ara> OK; I think we can (and should) move on
<ara> [TOPIC] UDS Feedback -- all
UDS Feedback -- all
<hggdh> \o
<ara> hggdh, go ahead!
marjo was confused with "Other" track
<hggdh> I wuld like to have the QA-related sessions spread across the week, and with a clear indication
<hggdh> marjo: +1
<hggdh> and... the round table every morning
hggdh is done
<ara> yes, I missed the roundtable as well
<marjo> hggdh: i like the idea of "tagging sessions" w/ things like quality, testing and people can go to sessions tagged with their area of interest
<hggdh> yes, with the new taxomony it got difficult
ara cannot believes that marjo is actually recommending using tags
<marjo> ara: i just realized that; oops
<hggdh> ara: please. When I laugh it hurts...
<marjo> what if we brought back the QA track? what a concept!
<charlie-tca> Can we do that?
<ara> revolutionary
<marjo> w/ no tags! it'll be clear
<marjo> duh!
<charlie-tca> I like that even better than tags
<ara> OK, any other comments?
<marjo> thx for all the feedback; i will bring back to the planners
<ara> OK, moving on then
<ara> [TOPIC] AOB?
<marjo> Reminder: Review and update blueprints
hggdh needs to get it done
ara has to do that as well
<ara> OK, last topic
<ara> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- ara
Selection of new chair -- ara
<ara> anyone willing to chair next meeting next week?
<marjo> ara: should be pedro, with thanks to you
<hggdh> I second
<ara> OK
<ara> [TOPIC] pedro to chair next meeting
pedro to chair next meeting
<ara> sorry
<ara> [ACTION] pedro to chair next meeting
pedro to chair next meeting |
<ara> that's more like it
<ara> Next meeting will be Wed 10th, at 19:00UTC
<ara> and with this mistake that will mess a bit the meeting logs, we can finish the meeting
<ara> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 17:30
People Present
- ara
- marjo
- jibel
- bdmurray
- charlie-tca
- hggdh
Actions Recorded
- pedro_ to reset Google calendar for QA meetings
- pedro to chair next meeting
QATeam/Meetings/20101103 (last edited 2010-11-10 12:38:25 by i59F7B502)