
Topic: review previous action items (all)
No previous items

Topic: SRU Report -- jibel

Here is the list of SRUs for the previous week:

  • A total of 31 packages have been published to maverick
  • 15 packages published to maverick-updates: banshee, banshee-community-extensions, deluge, gexiv2, gwibber, ibus, kexec-tools, linaro-image-tools, msttcorefonts, pianobar, rhythmbox-radio-browser, telepathy-haze, tomboy, vm-builder, xdg-utils
  • 8 packages published to maverick-security: bind9, chromium-browser, chromium-browser, imagemagick, linux-ports-meta, openssl, phpmyadmin, wireshark
  • 8 packages published to maverick-proposed: linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.35, linux-meta, linux-ports-meta, purple-plugin-pack, qemu-kvm, schroot, software-center
  • A total of 20 packages have been published to lucid
  • 6 packages published to lucid-updates: dnsmasq, etherboot, grub2, openjdk-6, qemu-kvm, rhythmbox-radio-browser
  • 8 packages published to lucid-security: bind9, chromium-browser, chromium-browser, imagemagick, linux-ports-meta, openssl, paste, quagga
  • 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apparmor, cloud-init, git-core, mysql-dfsg-5.1, testdrive, update-inetd
  • A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic
  • 1 package published to karmic-updates: openjdk-6
  • 4 packages published to karmic-security: bind9, imagemagick, openssl, quagga
  • 1 package published to karmic-proposed: nspluginwrapper
  • A total of 8 packages have been published to hardy
  • 2 packages published to hardy-updates: mailman, openjdk-6
  • 4 packages published to hardy-security: bind9, imagemagick, openssl, quagga
  • 2 packages published to hardy-proposed: apparmor, spamassassin
  • A total of 3 packages have been published to dapper-security: bind9, openssl, quagga

This makes a total of 68 SRUs this week. Thanks to all the testers !

Topic: Bugday -- pedro_

  • No bug day was organized for the previous week due to alpha1
  • This Thursday Dec 09, we're having a bug day based on Compiz

Topic: Any Other Business

Meeting Log

Meeting opened by charlie-tca at 18:06

the agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings

  • <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] review previous action items

review previous action items

  • <charlie-tca> I do not recall any previous actions

    <pedro_> nope, there's no actions from the previous meeting

    <charlie-tca> So, moving right along, especially since I was a bit late

    <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] SRU Report

SRU Report

  • <charlie-tca> jibel: all yours

    <jibel> \o/

    <jibel> Here is the list of SRUs for the previous week:

    <jibel> * A total of 31 packages have been published to maverick

    <jibel> * 15 packages published to maverick-updates: banshee, banshee-community-extensions, deluge, gexiv2, gwibber, ibus, kexec-tools, linaro-image-tools, msttcorefonts, pianobar, rhythmbox-radio-browser, telepathy-haze, tomboy, vm-builder, xdg-utils

    <jibel> * 8 packages published to maverick-security: bind9, chromium-browser, chromium-browser, imagemagick, linux-ports-meta, openssl, phpmyadmin, wireshark

    <jibel> * 8 packages published to maverick-proposed: linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.35, linux-meta, linux-ports-meta, purple-plugin-pack, qemu-kvm, schroot, software-center

    <jibel> * A total of 20 packages have been published to lucid

    <jibel> * 6 packages published to lucid-updates: dnsmasq, etherboot, grub2, openjdk-6, qemu-kvm, rhythmbox-radio-browser

    <jibel> * 8 packages published to lucid-security: bind9, chromium-browser, chromium-browser, imagemagick, linux-ports-meta, openssl, paste, quagga

    <jibel> * 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apparmor, cloud-init, git-core, mysql-dfsg-5.1, testdrive, update-inetd

    <jibel> * A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic

    <jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-updates: openjdk-6

    <jibel> * 4 packages published to karmic-security: bind9, imagemagick, openssl, quagga

    <jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-proposed: nspluginwrapper

    <jibel> * A total of 8 packages have been published to hardy

    <jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-updates: mailman, openjdk-6

    <jibel> * 4 packages published to hardy-security: bind9, imagemagick, openssl, quagga

    <jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-proposed: apparmor, spamassassin

    <jibel> * A total of 3 packages have been published to dapper-security: bind9, openssl, quagga

    <jibel> This makes a total of 68 SRUs this week.

    <jibel> Thanks to all the testers !

    <jibel> any question/comment ?

    <jibel> nothing, moving on then.

    <jibel> Thank you all

    <charlie-tca> thank you, jibel

    <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bugday


  • <charlie-tca> pedro_: floor's yours

    <pedro_> thank you charlie-tca

    <pedro_> no bug day was organized for the previous week due to alpha1

    <pedro_> so for this Thursday Dec 09, we're having a bug day based on Compiz https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20101209

    <charlie-tca> And it is going to be great!

    <pedro_> the main focus is to catch bugs on Natty, so if you use Compiz on Natty please help us Smile :-)

    <pedro_> and enable the Unity plugin as well and start reporting bugs about it so we can escalate those to the developers

    <charlie-tca> Let's try to make that a real good bug day, then.

    <pedro_> as always, we'll be at #ubuntu-bugs , so if you have a question/comment don't hesitate on asking there, the bugsquad will be glad to help you

    <pedro_> indeed Smile :-)

    <pedro_> charlie-tca, that's all from here unless there's a question/comment

    <charlie-tca> Thank you very much, pedro_

    <pedro_> thanks!

    <charlie-tca> We need to make Natty everything we can

    <charlie-tca> Any Other Business

    <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business

Any Other Business

  • <marjo_> charlie-tca: yes

    <charlie-tca> Go ahead, marjo

  • <marjo_> http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qadashboard/qadashboard.html

    <marjo_> please note: software-centre and compiz on top 5 list

    <marjo_> charlie-tca: thx

    <charlie-tca> You are welcome

    <jibel> o/

    <charlie-tca> Good point on this stuff. If we don't catch it early, with holidays and all, we will be in trouble

    <pedro_> and we're having a bug day for compiz, what a good timing :-P

    <charlie-tca> Go ahead, jibel

    <jibel> Last week was Natty Alpha 1 ISO Testing, the results are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha1TestReport

    <jibel> Thanks to all the ISO Testers.

    <charlie-tca> Nice report

    <jibel> The Italian team did a great work as well as charlie-tca and the target is high to beat them during A2 iso testing.

    <ara> yes, charlie-tca is the rock star: http://hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com/

    <charlie-tca> In line with that, we broke Xubuntu while merging the xfce4.8 panel and plugins. It is not working at this time

  • jibel hugs charlie-tca

    <charlie-tca> but, at least we waited until after alpha1.

    <charlie-tca> thanks jibel

    <pedro_> charlie-tca, you rock!

    <charlie-tca> thanks to all of you! I only try to help when I can

    <charlie-tca> anything else to discuss?

    <charlie-tca> They say practice makes perfect, but it seems it is not working for me here. Based on that,

    <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair

Selection of new chair

  • <charlie-tca> Do we have any volunteers to chair the next meeting?

    <jibel> hggdh, where are you hiding this time ?

    <charlie-tca> silence is deafening...

  • charlie-tca hears a pin drop

    <marjo_> bdmurray?

    <hggdh> I am b ack in, sorry, got distracted

  • bdmurray is here

    <charlie-tca> looking for the next chair...

    <bdmurray> \o/

  • hggdh volunteers, if bdmurray does not do so first

    <charlie-tca> thank you, bdmurray

    <hggdh> too late...

    <charlie-tca> Chairing the next meeting, Dec 15, will be bdmurray

    <charlie-tca> And, that ends the meeting. Thank you all for attending

    <charlie-tca> #endmeeting

Meeting closed at 18:27

People Present

  • charlie-tca
  • pedro_
  • jibel
  • marjo_
  • ara
  • hggdh
  • bdmurray

Actions Recorded

QATeam/Meetings/20101208 (last edited 2010-12-08 20:26:33 by 71-209-13-130)