Meeting started by nuclearbob at 17:05:01 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-05-17.05.log.html .
Meeting summary
- Previous Actions
- Community Efforts/Testing
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/OneiricBeta2TestReport (nuclearbob, 17:10:59)
- Automated/Systems Testing
- Engineering Team Bug Status
- Other Topics
- Chair Selection
ACTION: pedto_ to chair next meeting (nuclearbob, 17:25:20) ACTION: pedr\o_ to chair next meeting (nuclearbob, 17:25:26) ACTION: pedro_ to chair next meeting (nuclearbob, 17:25:31)
Meeting ended at 17:26:12 UTC.
Action items
- pedto_ to chair next meeting
- pedr\o_ to chair next meeting
- pedro_ to chair next meeting
Action items, by person
- pedro_
- * pedro_ to chair next meeting
- * pedto_ to chair next meeting
- * pedr\o_ to chair next meeting
People present (lines said)
- nuclearbob (38)
- Ursinha (9)
- pedro_ (8)
- meetingology` (6)
Full Log
17:05:01 <nuclearbob> #startmeeting
17:05:01 <meetingology`> Meeting started Wed Oct 5 17:05:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nuclearbob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
17:05:01 <meetingology`>
17:05:01 <meetingology`> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
17:05:14 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Previous Actions
17:05:29 <nuclearbob> only previous action I have is nuclearbob chairing the next meeting, so I think we can check that off
17:05:57 <nuclearbob> if there's nothing else, we'll proceed to the next topic
17:07:08 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Community Efforts/Testing
17:08:01 <nuclearbob> jibel, anything on this?
17:08:24 <Ursinha> nuclearbob, I'm here!
17:08:38 <nuclearbob> groovy
17:09:03 <nuclearbob> got anything on community efforts/testing?
17:09:32 <Ursinha> not me
17:09:40 <nuclearbob> all right
17:10:04 <nuclearbob> I guess we're counting down to the Oneiric release at this point
17:10:58 <nuclearbob> the last report on that seems to be the same one we had last week:
17:10:59 <nuclearbob> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/OneiricBeta2TestReport
17:11:22 <nuclearbob> If nobody else has anything on that, we can move to the next topic
17:12:17 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing
17:12:58 <nuclearbob> still doing qrt over here, I'll try to get that blueprint registered this week
17:13:29 <nuclearbob> I'll bring some proposals for dependency specification on different releases to UDS so we can determine the best way to move forward
17:14:04 <nuclearbob> jibel had a pretty boot speed chart for us last week, anything new this week on the automation front?
17:16:45 <nuclearbob> sounds like not, so we'll move on
17:16:52 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Engineering Team Bug Status 17:17:34 * Ursinha has nothing to report, was on holidays
17:17:39 <nuclearbob> hggdh, Ursinha, pedro_, or bdummary, do any of you have anything here?
17:17:43 <Ursinha> ..
17:18:24 <pedro_> nope nothing from here
17:18:25 <pedro_> ..
17:18:57 <Ursinha> bdmurray, ^
17:19:15 <nuclearbob> derp
17:19:32 <Ursinha> :P
17:21:03 <nuclearbob> sounds like nothing earthshaking to report
17:21:22 <nuclearbob> so let's move on
17:21:29 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Other Topics
17:23:36 <nuclearbob> doesn't seem like we have any other topics
17:23:59 <Ursinha> the quietest meeting ever
17:24:26 <nuclearbob> I guess we can move to the next topic
17:24:32 <nuclearbob> [TOPIC] Chair Selection
17:24:38 <pedro_> I can do that
17:24:48 <nuclearbob> select the chair, or chair?
17:24:58 <pedro_> chair the next meeting
17:25:00 <Ursinha> :P
17:25:01 <nuclearbob> all right
17:25:06 <pedro_> is about time i guess
17:25:20 <nuclearbob> #action pedto_ to chair next meeting 17:25:20 * meetingology` pedto_ to chair next meeting
17:25:22 <nuclearbob> er
17:25:26 <nuclearbob> #action pedr\o_ to chair next meeting 17:25:26 * meetingology` pedr\o_ to chair next meeting
17:25:28 <nuclearbob> dangit
17:25:28 <pedro_> cool so not me
17:25:31 <nuclearbob> #action pedro_ to chair next meeting 17:25:31 * meetingology` pedro_ to chair next meeting
17:25:34 <pedro_> darn
17:25:37 <nuclearbob> I need a smaller enter key
17:25:42 <pedro_> lol
17:25:58 <nuclearbob> anyway, I think that wraps it up for this week
17:26:00 <nuclearbob> thanks everybody
17:26:07 <Ursinha> thanks nuclearbob for chairing
17:26:12 <nuclearbob> #endmeeting
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot)
QATeam/Meetings/20111005 (last edited 2011-10-05 17:27:40 by c-98-223-36-80)