Meeting started by balloons at 14:00:25 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-05-23-14.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
- Ubuntu Updates
- Ubuntu Flavor Updates
- Other topcis
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule (skaet, 14:47:00)
Meeting ended at 14:53:21 UTC.
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- balloons (82)
- gema (34)
- ScottK (20)
- tristenw (12)
- skaet (9)
- cesilko (6)
- meetingology` (3)
Full Log
14:00:25 <balloons> #startmeeting QA community
14:00:25 <meetingology`> Meeting started Wed May 23 14:00:25 2012 UTC. The chair is balloons. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
14:00:25 <meetingology`>
14:00:25 <meetingology`> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
14:00:45 <balloons> who all is about on this fine day?
14:00:52 <tristenw> YO
14:01:06 <skaet> o/ 14:02:04 * gema hides
14:02:45 <balloons> hehe
14:02:56 <balloons> alright, this meeting is mostly going to be about sharing plans and talking about goals for the cycle
14:03:17 <balloons> We have no previous actions, so let's start with ubuntu
14:03:27 <balloons> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Updates
14:04:17 <balloons> gema, would you care to start off and talk about your team's plans?
14:04:32 <balloons> you don't need to worry about being exhaustive :-0
14:04:41 <gema> hahaha, no worries
14:04:58 <gema> I can summarize it quite neatly: we are going to improve automated testing
14:05:01 <gema> how?
14:05:17 <gema> well, we keep working on UTAH and will start using it in the lab soon
14:05:35 <gema> we've improved the lab and installed a massive openstack, we are calling it QA Stack
14:05:59 <gema> and we will be trying to convey all the test results and new testing we start doing more effectively
14:06:05 <gema> by reporting results to the tracker as well
14:06:26 <gema> we are also going to start having the team meetings on youtube
14:06:32 <gema> just in case people are curious what we are up to
14:06:44 <gema> g+ streaming to youtube
14:07:07 <gema> and I have a suggestion to you nick, we could do the same with this meeting
14:07:13 <gema> EOM
14:07:52 <balloons> gema, thanks for the update.. So where might I get to see your meetings on youtube?
14:08:02 <balloons> will you send a link out to the mailing list?
14:08:12 <gema> balloons: I am talking to IS at the moment to get the whole thing set up
14:08:27 <gema> balloons: I will let you know once it is up, I am not sure how it will look like
14:08:52 <balloons> gotcha. Once you've trialed it out I'm open to ideas on doing the same on this meeting
14:09:00 <gema> ack, will keep you posted
14:09:09 <balloons> right now you would be seeing me and a puppy
14:09:22 <balloons> everyone loves puppies right?
14:09:26 <gema> yes
14:09:29 <tristenw>
14:09:35 <balloons>
14:09:52 <gema> the nice thing about it is that people can join the hangout and drop when they finish talking
14:09:57 <gema> and then the 10 people limit doesn't matter
14:10:07 <gema> cos many can watch and whoever needs to talk can join
14:10:09 <balloons> Ok, I guess I will also update before moving onto flavors. Does anyone have questions for gema before I give my speil?
14:10:09 <gema> it's very cool 14:11:22 * gema goes to hide again
14:11:28 <balloons> no questions? awesome. So on my end, I am still finalizing the last of the blueprints and decisions we made at UDS. I plan to blog once everything is complete. Should be sometime this week
14:11:42 <balloons> However, here's a quick summary, of which I'm happy to take questions
14:13:26 <balloons> I am remaining focused on manual testing this cycle -- and that is going to include iso, sru and application testing.
14:14:09 <balloons> the feedback from UDS was to: improve the process, recognize contributors, avoid burnout
14:15:08 <balloons> The biggest change is that we are going to use the isotracker software to handle running application testcases, sru's and do our testcase management
14:16:17 <balloons> that should make everything easier. I'm going to continue and expand the adopt an iso program to ensure people are not getting burned out by having to do everything by themselves; especially at the increased cadence we would like to see. Also, we're focusing on ensuring our tests our meaningful and avoiding re-work
14:18:03 <balloons> on the community front, I'm organizing a roundtable that we'll plan on doing once (perhaps twice?) a cycle to ensure we as a community (flavors teams, testing teams, etc) are all communicating and participating and helping each other as needed. As we learn best practices and create new tools, this will be an oppurtunity to share
14:19:01 <balloons> we'll also be cleaning up and revitalizing a couple current launchpad teams to ensure membership is current and the folks are active.
14:20:18 <balloons> I think that's hitting most of the high points.. There are other things we will look to accomplish, and I'm always open to ideas, so as ever feel free to contact me
14:20:26 <balloons> any questions for me?
14:21:39 <cesilko> has this membership confirmation been done in the past too?
14:21:57 <balloons> cesilko, what do you mean membership confirmation?
14:22:12 <balloons> you mean with the launchpad team cleanup?
14:22:21 <cesilko> you said that you want to assure that folks are active
14:22:45 <balloons> yes. Many launchpad teams have an expiration policy to ensure teams stay current and relevant
14:22:45 <cesilko> I apologize if this is a dumb question, I am kind of a newbie here
14:22:52 <balloons> no no -- great question
14:23:14 <cesilko> okay, thanks for the answer
14:23:20 <tristenw> I am curious as well, I know there was a drawn out discussion in the mail list
14:23:21 <balloons> the idea is once a cycle (or whenever we wish), folks would be asked to click a link to renew membership in the team
14:24:01 <cesilko> makes sense, great
14:24:02 <balloons> people will come and go, and we want to make sure people on the team want to be on the team and are actively participating
14:24:26 <cesilko> exactly, we do it too @ NetBeans
14:24:32 <gema> balloons: just expire us all and wait until we come to you begging
14:26:13 <balloons> Ohh, I should also mention on the recognition front. I want to do a few things. First off, I want to make sure we as a community recognize each other's work. I think we are fairly successful at this. Secondly, I want to provide some swag, enhanced responsibility/opportunity for folks who demonstrate good work. This could mean getting some hardware to help test (if they don't have access to it), etc. Also, I want to clarify and help anyone who is
14:26:14 <balloons> contributing but is not a ubuntu member know that there QA contributions can be reognized towards membership
14:27:18 <balloons> I myself am applying for membership, so if there are any ubuntu members who can speak for me, I would appreciate comments on my wiki page
14:28:45 <balloons> so yea.. LOTS of opportunities this cycle.. I could type and type, but I will move on to flavor updates
14:29:16 <balloons> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Flavor Updates
14:29:30 <balloons> ok, I know several flavors couldn't make it today
14:29:41 <balloons> so I'll just call each one and see who is here
14:29:50 <balloons> Xubuntu?
14:30:23 <balloons> Kubuntu?
14:30:56 <balloons> Lubuntu?
14:31:08 <ScottK> Hello
14:31:14 <balloons> Hi ScottK
14:31:21 <ScottK> Yesterday we uploaded KDE SC 4.8.3 to precise-proposed.
14:31:35 <ScottK> That'll be a QA focus for us and we'd love to have more testers.
14:31:38 <ScottK> ..
14:32:10 <balloons> ScottK, the best way to get involved with kubuntu qa is to vist the #kubuntu channel yes?
14:32:21 <ScottK> balloons: #kubuntu-devel.
14:32:29 <ScottK> #kubuntu is user support.
14:32:36 <balloons> ahh yes, sorry :-0
14:32:39 <ScottK> We handle QA on the dev channel.
14:32:42 <ScottK> No problem.
14:32:58 <ScottK> It's still building, so don't go try to install it this very minute.
14:33:00 <balloons> Any plans for the cycle surrounding QA? Any changes to testing ideas, iso testing, etc?
14:33:15 <ScottK> I wasn't at UDS, so I'm not sure.
14:33:24 <balloons> one of the things discussed at UDS was testcases for flavors
14:33:51 <balloons> meaning writing the tests with the flavors in mind, and not using the generic ubuntu testcases.. not sure if kubuntu was going to pursue that or not
14:33:53 <ScottK> I've found when doing ISO testing that I can figure out what I should test for Kubuntu based on the Ubuntu test case.
14:34:15 <ScottK> Personally I'd expect it to be more work than it was worth.
14:34:24 <ScottK> (I didn't discuss it with anyone thoug)
14:34:29 <balloons> ScottK, gotcha. Thanks for the update
14:34:31 <ScottK> h
14:34:45 <balloons> don't worry we're not holding you to speaking for all of kubuntu :-0
14:35:05 <balloons> ok, how's about edubuntu?
14:36:15 <ScottK> Maybe adding a footnote or two to the existing Ubuntu test cases would do it.
14:36:15 <ScottK> That'd be a lot less maintenance work, but still help out where people might be confused.
14:36:15 <ScottK> Just a thought.
14:37:04 <balloons> ScottK, well you would be able to clone the existing tests.. Something to talk about and think about over the cycle
14:37:45 <ScottK> Right, but once it's cloned, then if the Ubuntu test gets updated, someone has to import the change into the Kubuntu test case.
14:37:52 <balloons> yep,
14:38:02 <ScottK> That's the maintenance burden that worries me.
14:38:15 <ScottK> It'd be way smoother if we could do it without having to fork the test case.
14:38:37 <gema> balloons: maybe we could tag test cases as to which flavours they apply
14:38:53 <balloons> yes, it's something you will have to maintain
14:39:00 <gema> balloons: that way the flavors that can actually use the test cases as is do not need to worry about the maintenance burden
14:39:11 <gema> not me, the community
14:39:16 <gema> we are talking manual testing, right?
14:39:25 <balloons> gema, I'm not sure what you mean persay.. as of right now you get a link
14:39:42 <balloons> you mean the testcase can apply to multiple flavors?
14:39:47 <balloons> it's that way now
14:39:58 <gema> now it is like that because it happens to be
14:40:05 <gema> we could make it explicit, and therefore manageable
14:40:31 <gema> we could tag the test cases as applicable to ubuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu studio , for instance
14:40:50 <gema> and that test case will be one to take into account for those flavors in particular
14:41:10 <gema> balloons: this is a burden on stgraber, because it is more implementation
14:41:13 <gema> that's all
14:41:17 <balloons> can you remember and bring it up next week when meeting with stgraber ?
14:41:20 <gema> yes
14:41:24 <balloons> thanks
14:41:49 <balloons> ok, finally let's try and see if ubuntu studio has anyone about?
14:41:55 <balloons> and then we can close out this topic
14:43:16 <balloons> ok, great.
14:43:18 <balloons> moving on
14:43:23 <balloons> [TOPIC] Other topcis
14:43:30 <balloons> my fat fingers..
14:44:00 <balloons> basically, this is open to anything anyone wishes to discuss.. let me know and the floor is yours.
14:44:11 <tristenw> !
14:44:20 <balloons> yes tristenw go ahead
14:44:36 <tristenw> I'm looking to switch from a testing perspective to coding, I just need someone to mentor me a little
14:44:48 <tristenw> have python background already
14:45:08 <balloons> tristenw, hehe.. do you like web programming and/or have messed with django?
14:45:22 <tristenw> haven't no
14:45:32 <skaet> o/
14:45:32 <balloons> If so, there's oppurtunities to help develop tools we as a QA community use
14:45:44 <tristenw> could learn I guess though
14:45:58 <balloons> If your focusing on wanting to learn desktop apps, I can put you in touch with some folks on that end as well
14:46:19 <tristenw> that would be superb, and I'll start working on django too
14:46:45 <balloons> tristenw, send me an email afterwards and I'll get you hooked up
14:46:49 <tristenw> k
14:46:56 <balloons> yes skaet , go ahead
14:47:00 <skaet> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule
14:47:03 <balloons> and thank you tristenw
14:47:10 <tristenw> yw
14:47:16 <skaet> draft is getting pretty close to finalized now.
14:47:22 <balloons> skaet, ahh yes.. good point to mention
14:47:41 <skaet> if anyone has concerns about it, email to ubuntu-release maillist.
14:48:02 <balloons> So if everyone has a look, you'll notice we have a column on that schedule
14:48:34 <skaet> balloons, actually thats: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseInterlock
14:48:44 <balloons> ohh.. you didn't send the big sheet link
14:48:59 <skaet> I just pasted the master schedule first. Now you've got the link to the "big one"
14:49:09 <balloons> skaet, thanks
14:49:32 <balloons> so yes, please have a look. As a community, we're looking to perform the tasks and work in that community testing column 14:50:34 * skaet nods
14:50:45 <balloons> basically we want to help ensure things are smooth before milestones, and before isotesting events. We want a lighter workload, with more people testing.. but there is more being asked of us this cycle
14:52:21 <balloons> ok, anything else?
14:52:46 <balloons> any questions or comments on the schedule? I'll open a thread on the ml about it also so everyone gets a chance to see it
14:53:06 <balloons> if not, thanks for coming out everyone and we're done!
14:53:06 <skaet> thanks!
14:53:17 <tristenw> bye
14:53:21 <balloons> #endmeeting
QATeam/Meetings/QA/20120523 (last edited 2012-05-23 19:06:34 by cpe-76-189-91-226)