
Differences between revisions 9 and 10
Revision 9 as of 2014-05-24 16:52:30
Size: 3304
Editor: es20490446e
Revision 10 as of 2014-08-13 15:55:14
Size: 3297
Editor: es20490446e
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[[|Papercuts]] are easily fixable but very annoying bugs. [[One Hundred Papercuts/Work-flow|Papercuts]] are easily fixable but very annoying bugs.


Thank you for your interest in helping ubuntu quality! This page will cover the basic setup and workflow for the developer role within the ubuntu quality team.

Getting stuck

Should you get stuck at any point, don't be afraid to ask for help. We are available to contact in many different ways. Get in touch and we'll be glad to help!


Before undertaking any of the work below you must first ensure you have installed the version of ubuntu that is currently in development. To install the development version of ubuntu on your machine, checkout this guide.

In addition, make sure you are setup to use bzr and launchpad as you will be branching and committing code via bzr to launchpad. Check out this guide to get setup.


After you have installed the development version of ubuntu and setup your machine for bzr and launchpad, the following activities are available to you to help ubuntu. You can do any or all of the activities listed below at any time. Pick one and help us today! We appreciate your contributions!

To get started hacking, check out the project links on launchpad and peruse the open bug list for something to implement. Submit a merge proposal and help fix the bug or land the patch. Once you've started contributing help drive new features by participating via the mailing list and vUDS to plan work and take new work items.


Want to help make an awesome testing tool we use everyday? Autopilot is a functional testing tool written in python. Checkout the project here.

Autopilot GTK Emulator

The gtk emulator for autopilot helps make writing gtk autopilot tests easy! Check out the merge proposal which represents the current state and start hacking! With your help the emulator can land upstream in autopilot for all to benefit.

Autopilot Ubuntu SDK Emulator

The core apps make heavy use of this sdk emulator to make test writing easier. It lives in the ubuntu ui toolkit project on launchpad. Check it out.


Testdrive lets you easily grab a daily image of ubuntu and load up a VM to install or test with. It's written in Python and PyGObject as well. Currently it needs help upgrading to python3 and PyGI. Check it out.


The qatracker is our master repository for manual test results. It's written in django. Click here to go to the project page.

Fixing papercuts

Papercuts are easily fixable but very annoying bugs.

QATeam/Roles/Developer (last edited 2016-10-17 13:10:00 by nskaggs)