
Differences between revisions 58 and 60 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 58 as of 2014-07-11 19:22:47
Size: 29299
Editor: adsl-74-179-96-83
Revision 60 as of 2014-07-15 17:07:49
Size: 3705
Editor: adsl-74-179-123-212
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See the [[|Reporting a Bug section below]] for details. See the [[QATeam/TouchTesting/BugReporting|Reporting a Bug page]] for details.
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Not finding any bugs yourself? Look at the [[|Triaging link below]] and confirm bugs others have found.

= Reporting a bug =
All bugs filed should use the '''avengers''' tag. '''Please ensure you add the 'avengers' tag when filing'''. If you think the bug you are reporting is a good candidate for an automated test to prevent future regressions, you may also add '''touch-needs-autopilot''' to the bug.

== What package should I file against? ==
File against the ubuntu source package for the failed component. [[|See this page]] for a full broken out list of components.

== Filing the Bug ==
To file a bug, it's easiest to connect your device to a pc.

Connect your device to the pc via a usb cable. Next, shell into the device by typing '''phablet-shell'''. If you need to, install the '''phablet-tools''' package so this command is availible to you.
$ phablet-shell

Check for the existence of a crash file in /var/crashes. If the crash file matches the date and time of the issue you experience, you can use the [[#Filing_with_a_crash_file_in_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-crash|crash file to file the bug]] as it contains information useful to a developer. If there is no crash file, continue to file the bug using [[#Using_ubuntu-bug|ubuntu-bug]].

$ ls -al /var/crash

=== Using ubuntu-bug ===
Since there is no crash file, you need to determine the package that is misbehaving. You will need the package name of the package in order to file. ''[[#What_package_should_I_file_against.3F|Unsure of which package?]]''

While still shelled into the device, run the ubuntu-bug command, specifying the package name as the argument.

$ ubuntu-bug PACKAGE_NAME

Now, continue [[#Filing_the_bug_via_launchpad|filing the bug via launchpad]].

=== Filing with a crash file in /var/crash ===

If the bug is a crash and there is a crash file in /var/crash, you can report it with apport.

From a shell on the device, run the follow apport command:

  $ apport-cli /var/crash/name_of_crash_file.crash

Apport will read the crash file and process it. Follow the instructions as prompted. When you are asked, "What would you like to do?", enter 's' to send the report.

Now, continue [[#Filing_the_bug_via_launchpad|filing the bug via launchpad]].

=== Finishing the bug report ===
Apport will upload the report, and display a URL, looking similar to this

*** To continue, you must visit the following URL:<UUID>

If prompted, you may safely enter 'c' to cancel launching a browser on the device.

Instead, copy and paste the link from the terminal into a browser window on your pc for easier report entry. The browser will launch and display a ready to file bug report. Finish filling in the description of the issue. When filing, make sure you include the steps needed for others to reproduce the issue, and what the result was versus what you expected the result to be. If you are reporting a crash, mention what you were doing on the device when the crash occurred. This is important to ensure the bug is able to be reproduced, and ultimately fixed.

That's it, thanks for helping make ubuntu better! For reference, here are a couple examples showing reporting a bug and a crash.

==== Example output for bug report ====
Here's an example showing reporting a bug for the dialer-app from the phablet device.

$ ubuntu-bug dialer-app

*** Collecting problem information

The collected information can be sent to the developers to improve the
application. This might take a few minutes.
182 KB/s (14785 bytes in 0.078s)

*** Send problem report to the developers?

After the problem report has been sent, please fill out the form in the
automatically opened web browser.

What would you like to do? Your options are:
  S: Send report (14.1 KB)
  V: View report
  K: Keep report file for sending later or copying to somewhere else
  I: Cancel and ignore future crashes of this program version
  C: Cancel
Please choose (S/V/K/I/C): s

*** Uploading problem information

The collected information is being sent to the bug tracking system.
This might take a few minutes.


*** To continue, you must visit the following URL:

You can launch a browser now, or copy this URL into a browser on another computer.

  1: Launch a browser now
  C: Cancel
Please choose (1/C): C

==== Example output for crash report ====
Here's an example showing reporting a crash from the phablet device.

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ apport-cli /var/crash/_sbin_init.32011.crash

*** Send problem report to the developers?

After the problem report has been sent, please fill out the form in the
automatically opened web browser.

What would you like to do? Your options are:
  S: Send report (7.8 KB)
  V: View report
  K: Keep report file for sending later or copying to somewhere else
  I: Cancel and ignore future crashes of this program version
  C: Cancel
Please choose (S/V/K/I/C): s

*** Collecting problem information

The collected information can be sent to the developers to improve the
application. This might take a few minutes.
........................................==== AUTHENTICATING FOR com.ubuntu.apport.root-info ===
Authentication is required to collect system information for this problem report
Authenticating as: phablet,,, (phablet)
Password: ....................................................................................

*** Uploading problem information

The collected information is being sent to the bug tracking system.
This might take a few minutes.


*** To continue, you must visit the following URL:

You can launch a browser now, or copy this URL into a browser on another computer.

  1: Launch a browser now
  C: Cancel
Please choose (1/C): C


= Triaging =
Once bugs have been filed they need to be confirmed, and ideally, have a defined scenario for recreating in order for developers to fix them. To help with triaging, simply read a bug report from the list below and try it on the latest build for your device. If you can recreate it, mark the bug status as ''confirmed''.

== Quick links to buglists ==
=== Needs work ===
 * [[|Bugs needing triaged (tagged with 'avengers' and a new or incomplete with response status)]]
 * [[|Bugs that could be automated (tagged with 'touch-needs-autopilot']]
 * [[|Bugs in progress of being automated (tagged with 'qa-touch-automated' and a non-fix released status)]]

=== Completed work ===
 * [[|Bugs that have been fixed (tagged with 'avengers' and a fix released status)]]
 * [[|Bugs that have been automated (tagged with 'qa-touch-automated' and a fix released status)]]

=== List of all reported Bugs ===
 * [[|All 'avengers' bug reports]]

== Tags ==
Tags are used to keep handy lists of the work being done. It lets us see the status of bugs and testcase automation.

=== What does each tag mean? ===

|| Tag || Description ||
|| avengers || Used for filing bugs found during exploratory testing of ubuntu touch images ||
|| touch-needs-autopilot || Used to tag bugs that are candidates for automation to prevent recurrence once fixed ||
|| qa-touch-automated || Used to tag bugs that are being automated with autopilot ||
Not finding any bugs yourself? Look at [[QATeam/TouchTesting/BugReporting#Triaging|Triaging]] and confirm bugs others have found.
Line 247: Line 68:
Here are some helpful hints that will come in handy while testing; feel free to add more!

== Switch from RO to RW ==

 * Switch from RO to RW (to install additional packages for example):
    * Remount RW
    $ adb shell
    $ mount -o remount,rw /
    * or touch writable_image
    $ adb shell touch /userdata/.writable_image
    $ adb reboot

== Take a screenshot ==
This is helpful for bug reporting. If you are using a build post 90 you are running with MIR by default.

=== MIR ===
Install phablet-tools package and use the phablet-screenshot command. Ensure your device is connected to your pc before running, with the screen on and displaying the screenshot you wish to take.
   $ phablet-screenshot /tmp/dump.png

/!\ This does not work with maguro due to a bug in the gpu, capturing the frame buffer kills the device.

/!\ Because of how the script works (by dumping the framebuffer directly), you may potentially experience invalid images or otherwise fail to get a screenshot.

=== SurfaceFlinger ===

   $ adb shell /system/bin/screencap /data/screenshot.png
   $ adb pull /data/screenshot.png ~/screenshot.png

You can resize with `convert` from package imagemagick:

   $ convert screenshot.png -resize 50% screenshot.png

== Which build am I running? ==
 * Find out what build you are running
   $ adb shell cat /etc/media-info

Or for the details of the build (version of android part/version of ubuntu part)

root@ubuntu-phablet:/# system-image-cli -i
current build number: 80
device name: mako
channel: devel-proposed
last update: 2013-10-04 09:59:14
version version: 80
version ubuntu: 20131003.2
version device: 20131003.2

=== Enable MIR by default ===
 * Switch to Mir enabled, SurfaceFlinger disabled
   $ adb shell touch /home/phablet/.display-mir
   $ adb reboot

   to switch back:

   $ adb shell rm /home/phablet/.display-mir
   $ adb reboot
 * MIR is running if no surfaceflinger process is running and the socket /tmp/mir_socket is present
 * Tag bugs that exist only in MIR with mir-only
 * MIR is running as default as of build 90. All versions released after 1.0 including 1.0 use MIR by default

== Enable gprs if it doesn't come up automatically ==
 * GPRS A simple work around while this is not working is to do:
   $ adb shell restart network-manager

== Turn back on intro ==
 * Turn back on the initial demo that instructs how to use the phone via swiping
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:com.canonical.unity.AccountsService string:demo-edges variant:boolean:true

== Retracing a crash on phone ==

In case you don't want to submit a crash to Launchpad to let them be handled by Ubuntu retracers, a way to generate nice stack trace from crash files in /var/crash/ and usable by developers is to use apport retrace directly on the phone.

  1. Switch the device to RW mode

  2. Install apport-retrace: {{{ apt-get install apport-retrace }}}

  3. Enable ddebs repository [[|to install debug symbol packages]]

  4. Run apport-cli on a crash files in /var/crash, for example:

  $ apport-cli /var/crash/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_upstart-app-launch_zg-report-app.32011.crash

    4.1. To the question '''Send problem report to the developers?''' answer '''E: Examine locally'''

    4.2. To the question '''This will launch apport-retrace in a terminal window to examine the crash.''' answer '''3: Update /var/crash/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_upstart-app-launch_zg-report-app.32011.crash with fully symbolic stack trace'''. Alternatively you can also get into an interactive gdb shell with all symbols loaded for in-depth debugging.

  5. Let apport proceed ...

Note: Make sure the phone is not blacked because in suspend mode, it will takes an infinite amount of time to do anything.

== Retracing a phone crash on desktop ==

You'll first need some apt sources for apport to download -dbg and -dbgsym packages from. The configurations we use for the production retracers can be found in the Daisy project, so grab those:

   bzr branch lp:daisy

You'll need the following packages on your desktop:
 * apport-retrace
 * gdb-multiarch

Next, on the phone, tell apport to collect some additional information for the crash. This adds the packaging information and runs any hooks:

   $ apport-cli /var/crash/your_crash_file.crash

Hit view '''(V)''', then hit keep '''(K)'''.

Finally, on your desktop, pull the crash from your phone and retrace your crash:

   $ apport-retrace -S ~/bzr/daisy/retracer/config -o updated_crash_file.crash /var/crash/your_crash_file.crash

updated_crash_file.crash should now have full Stacktrace and ThreadStacktrace fields.

If you do this more than once it's helpful to use a permanent cache directory with e. g. -C ~/.cache/apport/ or something similar. The next time you retrace a crash it can then re-use the already downloaded debs, ddebs, and indexes.

You can throw that at Launchpad by running '''apport-cli updated_crash_file.crash''', then hitting '''S''' to send the report.

== Disable Screen Timeout ==


  $ powerd-cli display on bright

== Add APN Settings ==
''''Note you'll need to be [[|in r/w mode]] for this to work''''

If you need to edit your APN settings for some reason, currently you have to manually edit the ofono config files. Perform the following:

 * Shell into your phone or open a terminal
 * Stop network manager and ofono
stop network-manager
stop ofono
 * Find your proper APN settings from your provider
 * Use the APN name as the AccessPointName in your gprs config file. The file is found at /var/lib/ofono/''<Identity>''/gprs
  * ''For example, for an ATT straight talk sim, this is a copy of the file that will work. Notice AccessPointName=tfdata matches the APN value given by straighttalk (att) below.''

 * Reboot your phone
 * Enjoy working mobile data

=== MVNO ===
In general, check your MVNO's website for the settings information. You can use the required settings for any device, such as an android. Ignore the instructions and copy the information. It will look similar to the following:

NAME net10
APN tfdata

You only need the 'APN' field data to replace the AccessPointName= value in the gprs file.

=== Straight Talk Sim (Walmart) ===
The straight talk card might be using tmobile or att network. Here's the full APN details from for each.

Straight Talk (ATT)
APN tfdata
MMS_APN tfdata

Straight Talk (Tmobile)
APN wap.tracfone
MMS_APN wap.tracfone

== Debugging ==
=== Running autopilot tests ===
==== CMAKE enabled source ====
Use the click-buddy tool from phablet-tools (apt-get install phablet-tools) to build a click package and provision your device. For example for calendar app,

bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app
cd ubuntu-clock-app
click-buddy --dir .
click-buddy --dir . --provision
The --provision will push the click package to the device and ready it to run tests. Both will build a click package in the base directory.

==== From a source branch ====
Save this bash script.


Execute it passing the source branch as the only argument. Ensure you have bzr and phablet-tools installed.

bash lp:calendar-app

==== Via installed click package ====
If the autopilot test suite is already on the device, you can run it like so. Connect the phone to your PC and run:

phablet-test-run -v TEST_NAME

The -v option gives more verbose output about failures and what is going on while testing, but isn't required for running. Replace TEST_NAME with the application test suite name you want to test. For example,

phablet-test-run -v calendar_app

or even something specific like

phablet-test-run -v calendar_app.tests.test_weekview.TestWeekView

=== Install a Package from Source ===

Sometimes we need to test the behavior of the bleeding-edge code that the developers are actively working on. To do this we take advantage of the Debian packaging system by building a package from source on the device and installing it there. Here we'll run through an example of installing {{{lp:ubuntu-system-settings}}} from source on a device. You'll need to [[|set up for a writeable image]]. Do this as the phablet user and make a workspace for your codez:

  $ adb shell
  $ su phablet
  $ mkdir ~/workspace

We'll need a few packages to begin:
  $ sudo apt-get install -y bzr devscripts equivs

Now get trunk as if you were on your local machine.

  $ cd ~/workspace
  $ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-system-settings

This installs all the packages necessary to build/run, should take a while for packages with lots of dependencies.

  $ cd ~/workspace/ubuntu-system-settings
  $ sudo mk-build-deps -i debian/control

Modify the changelog to ensure that our built package will take priority over any installed version of the package.

  $ dch -R

This opens an editor on the debian/changelog in the project directory (note that I had some trouble saving this file under nano, so vi is recommended):

  ubuntu-system-settings (0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   -- phablet <phablet@ubuntu-phablet> Wed, 02 Oct 2013 12:52:50 +0000
  ubuntu-system-settings (0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
    [ Sebastien Bacher ]
    * click: the installed-size info is in kib, not in bytes.

Note that our new changelog entry bears an incremented version number. Fill in something like "Test build." for a changelog entry (behind the asterisk), then exit and save the changelog.

Now build the package (live the life of a dev for a few mins ;) ).

  $ debuild -us -uc

The .deb has been deposited in the parent directory. Install it like you'd install any deb :) . Note that we may have built multiple deb files--if you find that you're not able to install a .deb due to a dependency issue, look for that dependency here first. In this case we'll discover that we need to install the 'libsystemsettings1' .deb before installing 'ubuntu-system-settings'.

  phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/workspace/ubuntu-system-settings$ ls ..
  phablet:~/workspace/ubuntu-system-settings$ sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-system-settings_0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu2_armhf.deb

Lastly verify that we're using the right package--the highlighted version should match the version of the new changelog entry we noted above.

  phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/workspace/ubuntu-system-settings$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-system-settings
    Installed: 0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu2
    Candidate: 0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu2
    Version table:
   *** 0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu2 0
          100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
       0.1+13.10.20131002-0ubuntu1 0
          500 saucy/universe armhf Packages

NOTE: do consult with your developers about additional steps necessary to see the behavior of your built package on a device--if it's a system service, e.g., it may need to be killed and restarted, or you may need a new session to see changes in unity itself. Every package is different!

=== Get a list of installed click packages ===
  click list
Typing in just click will show you other commands you might be interested in for click packages

=== Debug an application via command line ===
To debug an application on the device, start it using the start application command. Application is an upstart user session and you need to be phablet user in order for this to work properly. From your pc, shell in, become phablet user, and run the start application command. Shown below is an example running the filemanager.

   adb shell
   sudo -i -u phablet
   start application APP_ID=com.ubuntu.filemanager_filemanager_${version}

To run other applications, change the APP_ID to the application name. [[|Using click list]] is helpful for finding the proper name.

The console output will be logged in ''/home/phablet/.cache/upstart/''. For example, for filemanager as shown above the log exists in ''/home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-click-com.ubuntu.filemanager_filemanager_0.1.1.80.log''.

==== Play a video from the command line ====

The general scheme for starting the media player from the command line via upstart is:
  start application APP_ID=mediaplayer-app APP_URIS="file_name"

This can be used for other apps by changing the APP_ID.
Check out these [[QATeam/TouchTesting/Tips|handy tips]] to help you while testing.

Touch Test SWAT

Welcome to the testing page of the Touch Testing SWAT. These pages provide up to date information of current testing activities for Touch.

Test coordination

  • Mailing List - The quality mailing list is used to coordinate testing activities with all participants.

  • IRC - join the Ubuntu QA in #ubuntu-quality and and Ubuntu Touch #ubuntu-touch IRC channels on freenode.

Test process

This describes the daily process of testing. We will flash our devices, look for bugs, then look to write autopilot tests for any fixed bugs to prevent that bug from re-occurring.

Daily Image Testing

Install the current stable image

Flash your phone to the latest stable image (note: we want the "current" image of touch_ro). If you have not yet bootstrapped or unlocked your phone's bootloader, see the install page for more information.

  $ ubuntu-device-flash

In order to wipe clean and start fresh with the latest current image:

  $ ubuntu-device-flash  --no-backup

To test with the proposed image:

  $ ubuntu-device-flash  --channel=devel-proposed

Perform a system update

Alternatively, once you are running the ubuntu image you may perform a system update from the device itself. To do this, select 'system-settings' application, then click update. Press the download button, and once the download is completed, the install button.

Visual Walkthrough of updating

Example of no updates found

Check to see what's changed

A list of changes between stable images can be found here. The list contains the list of changing packages.

Use these changes to drive exploratory testing below.


* Run through the list of new features and changed areas of the phone, paying specific attention to spot regressions and verify the features are working.

* Perform smoke testing on a specific packageset of the phone.

* File bugs against any issues encountered

* Remember this is exploratory testing, so try and break things!

Report Bugs

See the Reporting a Bug page for details.

Add a testcase for reported bugs

Once testing is completed, review the list of reported bugs with the touch-needs-autopilot tag. Pick a testcase to automate using autopilot that tests the bug to ensure the same bug doesn't reappear. So we can track work happening on these bugs, follow this process while writing the test;

  1. Remove the touch-needs-autopilot tag from the original bug

  2. Open a new bug against the same project, tagged with qa-touch-automated

  3. Assign yourself to the bug and update progress as usual. When you release the test, close the bug with fix released.

Confirm an existing bug

Not finding any bugs yourself? Look at Triaging and confirm bugs others have found.

Tips and Tricks

Check out these handy tips to help you while testing.

QATeam/TouchTesting (last edited 2015-01-22 17:18:23 by xdsl-83-150-81-40)