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I work as a Laboratory technitian in LGAI in Cerdanyola del Vallès, near Barcelona. I do tests on fire detectors, heat radiators and thermal conductivity of construction materials. In my payed work, there is not much related to computers.

I began using GNU/Linux with a Mandrake in 1999 and I remained quite attached to it until Ubuntu Warty came. I have been running the GLUG Caliu (CAtalan GNU/LInux Users) since 2001 as its Secretary. I organize the Software Freedom Day in Barcelona every year since 2005.
I translated KOffice and kdenetwork GUI and documentation packages, web pages and press releases of Free Software Foundation Europe into Catalan, among other Catalan translations.

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~rafael-carreras

IRC(freenode): rafael_carreras

Jabber: rcarreras [at] caliu [dot] cat

Email: rcarreras [at] ubuntu [dot] cat

Blogs: Catalan English


Ubuntu Involvement

I tried to launch a Catalan Ubuntu mailing list in May 2006 but failed to achieve an ubuntu.com one and I did not found so much support in other Catalan lists. But in December 2006 I tried again, and convinced a friend to start a list on a University.

I help on an Ubuntu and Xubuntu guide project in Catalan. The Xubuntu Guide should be translated into English in version 9.10.

I participated on last UDS in Barcelona, specially in LoCo Teams and Kubuntu tracks.

To Do

  • Involving in LoCo Teams management.

  • Start doing something for Kubuntu, starting with translating documentation into Catalan.


  • OrestesMas I know Rafael for a long time (about 8 years, wow!). We have been involved in many Free Software promoting activities trough a local LUG (Caliu) and, more recently, also through Ubuntu's catalan LoCo Team. So I can undoubtely say that Rafael is someone in whom you can trust, a very serious worker, and his leadership has contributed decisevely to the success of our LoCo team. I enthusiastically support Rafael's application to be an Ubuntu Member.
